Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2014
Un pari pimenté
Pays concerné : Maroc
Durée : 93 minutes
Genre : comédie
Type : fiction


Un film de Mohamed Karrat

Maroc, 2014, fiction

avec Asmaâ Khamlichi, Mourad Zaoui, Iman Mechrafi

Producteur : Mohammed NADIF

Réalisateur : Mohamed Karrat


A Spicy bet
Flatmates Marouane and Fouad, two close friends in their early thirties, run a bakery selling a highly popular specialty. Marouane is a malicious man who lives life to its fullest and wastes time doing nothing. Fouad is his friend’s complete opposite. One day as they are surfing the web, they come across the page of an online celebrity, YasmineRizki. The two friends make a bet: Marouane will have to convince the star to have dinner with him…

A film by Mohamed Karrat

Morocco, 2014, fiction

starring Asmaâ Khamlichi, Mourad Zaoui, Iman Mechrafi

Producer: Mohammed NADIF

Director: Mohamed Karrat

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