Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 2017
When i grow up i want to be a Black Man
Pays concerné : Afrique du Sud
Durée : 10 minutes
Genre : expérimental
Type : essai
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Un dédoublement de l’écran pour un travail sur la violence et la liberté. Sur un écran l’alphabet de la violence, sur l’autre l’évocation du possible, des aspirations à la justice. La réalisatrice nous montre l’homme noir qui court pour échapper à la violence mais il court aussi vers la liberté…
Un travail en écran double sur la violence et la liberté. Sur l’un des écrans, un « abécédaire de la violence ». Le second écran a pour fonction d’évoquer le potentiel, les possibilités, les aspirations et l’ambition d’un avenir où les valeurs d’un homme noir dans la société seraient revitalisées à travers le lexique de la liberté ; cet homme noir court vers sa liberté.
Un film de Jyoti MISTRY
Afrique du Sud, Autriche | 2017 | fiction | 10‘ | VO ANGLAIS, Diptyche
avec Ben Tjibe, Kgafela Oa Magogodi
Titre original : When i grow up i want to be a Black Man
Traduction du titre (en espagnol) : De mayor quiero ser Negro
Traduction du titre (en français) : Quand je serai grand je voudrais être Noir
Genre : Expérimental
Pays : Afrique du Sud, Autriche
Année : 2018
Réalisatrice : Jyoti Mistry
Scénaristes : Jyoti Mistry, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Images : Craig Maarschalk
Son : Peter Cornell
Montage : Nikki Comninos
Ben Tjibe, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Contact :
Shadowy Meadows Productions
2018 | 13e Festival cinémas d’Afrique du 23 au 26 août 2018 – Lausanne, Suisse
* Projection : Paderewski | SA 25 | 12h00
* Projection : Paderewski | DI 26 | 14h00
Un travail en écran double sur la violence et la liberté. Sur l’un des écrans, un « abécédaire de la violence ». Le second écran a pour fonction d’évoquer le potentiel, les possibilités, les aspirations et l’ambition d’un avenir où les valeurs d’un homme noir dans la société seraient revitalisées à travers le lexique de la liberté ; cet homme noir court vers sa liberté.
Un film de Jyoti MISTRY
Afrique du Sud, Autriche | 2017 | fiction | 10‘ | VO ANGLAIS, Diptyche
avec Ben Tjibe, Kgafela Oa Magogodi
Titre original : When i grow up i want to be a Black Man
Traduction du titre (en espagnol) : De mayor quiero ser Negro
Traduction du titre (en français) : Quand je serai grand je voudrais être Noir
Genre : Expérimental
Pays : Afrique du Sud, Autriche
Année : 2018
Réalisatrice : Jyoti Mistry
Scénaristes : Jyoti Mistry, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Images : Craig Maarschalk
Son : Peter Cornell
Montage : Nikki Comninos
Ben Tjibe, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Contact :
Shadowy Meadows Productions
2018 | 13e Festival cinémas d’Afrique du 23 au 26 août 2018 – Lausanne, Suisse
* Projection : Paderewski | SA 25 | 12h00
* Projection : Paderewski | DI 26 | 14h00
A split screen film about violence and freedom. On one screen, we see the ‘alphabet of violence’. The second screen’s function is to evoke the potential, possibilities, aspirations and ambitions of a future where the value of the black man in society is revitalised through a lexicon of freedom; this black man runs towards his freedom.
A black man runs through a field.
A black man runs on the beach.
A black man runs through a city.
The black man is always running, he is always chased, he is always running…
Running to save his life
A black man runs towards freedom.
On screen one, the voiceover is constructed through the ‘alphabet of violence’. Instead of relying on subjective voice-over recounting experiences (testimony) or theoretical and historical references (perhaps Frantz Fanon, Steve Biko, Patrice Lumumba or Malcolm X to name a few possibilities), the voice-over functions as a lexicon of violence.
The second screen functions to evoke potential, possibility, aspirations and ambitions of a future where the value of the black man in society is revitalised through a lexicon of freedom; he runs towards his freedom.
The script for ‘alphabet of violence’ and ‘alphabet of freedom’ was developed in collaboration with Kgafela oa Magogodi, a spoken-word artist, musician and playwright-director. The approach was to capture a visceral vocabulary of violence that also embraced the street and/or colloquial and the corporeality of violence on black subjects. Words-spoken and expressed in rhythm and with repetition by Magogodi produces in the mind’s eye images of violence that is denied in the visual representation shown on the screens.
On the other hand, the language of freedom resists fortified terms; those proselytized by liberation movements. Instead Magogodi includes words that pulse with possibilities of freedoms imagined and enlivening. Freedom in this alphabet is not an abstract construct but made tactile; tangible and physical – embodied as a state of being: with the freedom to float and with the lightness for flight.
A film by Jyoti MISTRY
South Africa / Austria, 2017, Experimental, 10′, English, Diptych
starring: Ben Tjibe, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Country: South Africa, Austria
Year: 2017
Medium: File
Length: 10′
Language: English
Genre : Experimental
Producer: Florian Schattauer
Director: Jyoti Mistry
Writers: Jyoti Mistry, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Cinematography: Craig Maarschalk
Editor: Nikki Comninos
Sound Design: Peter Cornell
Ben Tjibe, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Production Company: Shadowy Meadows Productions
Sales: Shadowy Meadows Productions
BIO: Jyoti Mistry
Mistry’s artistic practice moves seamlessly between filmmaking and installation art practices. She has made critically acclaimed narrative, documentary and experimental films. Mistry’s installation work draws from cinematic traditions but is often re-contextualized for galleries and museums that are outside of the linear cinematic experience. Her previous film 09:21:25 was had its international premiere at Wintertur.
Un trabajo en dos pantallas sobre la violencia y la libertad. En una pantalla, un « alfabeto de la violencia ». La otra pantalla sirve para evocar el potencial, las posibilidades y ambiciones de un mañana donde los valores de un hombre negro en la sociedad se revalorizan mediante el léxico de la libertad. El hombre negro corre hacia su libertad.
Una película de Jyoti MISTRY
Género: Experimental
País: Austria, Sudáfrica
Año: 2018
Características: 10′ | Color | Inglés | Subt. español
Título: When i grow up i want to be a Black Man | De mayor quiero ser Negro | Quand je serai grand je voudrais être Noir
Director: Jyoti Mistry
Guion | Jyoti Mistry, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Fotografía | Craig Maarschalk
Sonido | Peter Cornell
Montaje | Nikki Comninos
Intérpretes | Ben Tjibe, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Producción | Shadowy Meadows Productions
Source: FCAT 2018
Geweld en vrijheid in double screen. Op de ene helft van het beeld ‘het alfabet van geweld’. De andere helft roept de mogelijkheden, verlangens en ambities op rond een toekomst waarin de waarde van de zwarte man in de samenleving versterkt wordt met een lexicon van vrijheid: hij rent zijn vrijheid tegemoet.
van Jyoti Mistry
Productieland(en): Zuid-Afrika, Oostenrijk
Productiejaar: 2017
Medium/Formaat: File
Lengte: 10′
Taal: Engels
Producent: Florian Schattauer
Filmmaker: Jyoti Mistry
Scenario: Jyoti Mistry, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Camera: Craig Maarschalk
Editor: Nikki Comninos
Sound Design: Peter Cornell
Ben Tjibe, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Productiebedrijf: Shadowy Meadows Productions
Sales: Shadowy Meadows Productions
A black man runs through a field.
A black man runs on the beach.
A black man runs through a city.
The black man is always running, he is always chased, he is always running…
Running to save his life
A black man runs towards freedom.
On screen one, the voiceover is constructed through the ‘alphabet of violence’. Instead of relying on subjective voice-over recounting experiences (testimony) or theoretical and historical references (perhaps Frantz Fanon, Steve Biko, Patrice Lumumba or Malcolm X to name a few possibilities), the voice-over functions as a lexicon of violence.
The second screen functions to evoke potential, possibility, aspirations and ambitions of a future where the value of the black man in society is revitalised through a lexicon of freedom; he runs towards his freedom.
The script for ‘alphabet of violence’ and ‘alphabet of freedom’ was developed in collaboration with Kgafela oa Magogodi, a spoken-word artist, musician and playwright-director. The approach was to capture a visceral vocabulary of violence that also embraced the street and/or colloquial and the corporeality of violence on black subjects. Words-spoken and expressed in rhythm and with repetition by Magogodi produces in the mind’s eye images of violence that is denied in the visual representation shown on the screens.
On the other hand, the language of freedom resists fortified terms; those proselytized by liberation movements. Instead Magogodi includes words that pulse with possibilities of freedoms imagined and enlivening. Freedom in this alphabet is not an abstract construct but made tactile; tangible and physical – embodied as a state of being: with the freedom to float and with the lightness for flight.
A film by Jyoti MISTRY
South Africa / Austria, 2017, Experimental, 10′, English, Diptych
starring: Ben Tjibe, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Country: South Africa, Austria
Year: 2017
Medium: File
Length: 10′
Language: English
Genre : Experimental
Producer: Florian Schattauer
Director: Jyoti Mistry
Writers: Jyoti Mistry, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Cinematography: Craig Maarschalk
Editor: Nikki Comninos
Sound Design: Peter Cornell
Ben Tjibe, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Production Company: Shadowy Meadows Productions
Sales: Shadowy Meadows Productions
BIO: Jyoti Mistry
Mistry’s artistic practice moves seamlessly between filmmaking and installation art practices. She has made critically acclaimed narrative, documentary and experimental films. Mistry’s installation work draws from cinematic traditions but is often re-contextualized for galleries and museums that are outside of the linear cinematic experience. Her previous film 09:21:25 was had its international premiere at Wintertur.
Un trabajo en dos pantallas sobre la violencia y la libertad. En una pantalla, un « alfabeto de la violencia ». La otra pantalla sirve para evocar el potencial, las posibilidades y ambiciones de un mañana donde los valores de un hombre negro en la sociedad se revalorizan mediante el léxico de la libertad. El hombre negro corre hacia su libertad.
Una película de Jyoti MISTRY
Género: Experimental
País: Austria, Sudáfrica
Año: 2018
Características: 10′ | Color | Inglés | Subt. español
Título: When i grow up i want to be a Black Man | De mayor quiero ser Negro | Quand je serai grand je voudrais être Noir
Director: Jyoti Mistry
Guion | Jyoti Mistry, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Fotografía | Craig Maarschalk
Sonido | Peter Cornell
Montaje | Nikki Comninos
Intérpretes | Ben Tjibe, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Producción | Shadowy Meadows Productions
Source: FCAT 2018
Geweld en vrijheid in double screen. Op de ene helft van het beeld ‘het alfabet van geweld’. De andere helft roept de mogelijkheden, verlangens en ambities op rond een toekomst waarin de waarde van de zwarte man in de samenleving versterkt wordt met een lexicon van vrijheid: hij rent zijn vrijheid tegemoet.
van Jyoti Mistry
Productieland(en): Zuid-Afrika, Oostenrijk
Productiejaar: 2017
Medium/Formaat: File
Lengte: 10′
Taal: Engels
Producent: Florian Schattauer
Filmmaker: Jyoti Mistry
Scenario: Jyoti Mistry, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Camera: Craig Maarschalk
Editor: Nikki Comninos
Sound Design: Peter Cornell
Ben Tjibe, Kgafela oa Magogodi
Productiebedrijf: Shadowy Meadows Productions
Sales: Shadowy Meadows Productions
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