Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2020
Ventura – Cavalo Dinheiro

Date de sortie en France : 15/06/2022
Pays concerné : Portugal
Durée : 104 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
Pendant que les jeunes capitaines mènent la révolution dans les rues, les habitants de Fontaines cherchent Ventura, perdu dans les bois. Pardo per la migliore regia au Festival du film de Locarno en 2014, le film de Pedro Costa fait partie de la série d’œuvres consacrées aux habitants de ce quartier de la périphérie de Lisbonne, entre les nuances de l’histoire et la beauté ascétique des vies qui l’ont façonné. Un point d’introduction essentiel pour la suite de Vitalina Varela (2019), Pardo d’oro à Locarno en 2019.
Sélectionné par WANG bing
Directeur de I Come From Ikotun
Les films de Pedro Costa explorent l’histoire coloniale et réfléchissent sur sa relation avec notre monde moderne. Il a développé son propre style narratif, pur et original, et y est resté fidèle, créant des films d’une profonde sincérité.
– WANG Bing
Director : Pedro Costa
Cast : Tito Furtado, António Santos, Vitalina Varela, Ventura
Producer : Abel Ribeiro Chaves
Cinematography : Pedro Costa, Leonardo Simões
Music : Os Tubarões
Sound : Olivier Blanc, Vasco Pedroso
Editing : João Dias
Production : OPTEC – Sociedade Óptica Técnica
[email protected]
World Sales : Vítor Carvalho
[email protected]
Pedro Costa
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Un film de Pedro Costa sélectionné pour le Lucarno film Festival 2020.
Sélectionné par WANG bing
Directeur de I Come From Ikotun
Les films de Pedro Costa explorent l’histoire coloniale et réfléchissent sur sa relation avec notre monde moderne. Il a développé son propre style narratif, pur et original, et y est resté fidèle, créant des films d’une profonde sincérité.
– WANG Bing
Director : Pedro Costa
Cast : Tito Furtado, António Santos, Vitalina Varela, Ventura
Producer : Abel Ribeiro Chaves
Cinematography : Pedro Costa, Leonardo Simões
Music : Os Tubarões
Sound : Olivier Blanc, Vasco Pedroso
Editing : João Dias
Production : OPTEC – Sociedade Óptica Técnica
[email protected]
World Sales : Vítor Carvalho
[email protected]
Pedro Costa
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Un film de Pedro Costa sélectionné pour le Lucarno film Festival 2020.
Horse money
While the young captains lead the revolution in the streets, the people of Fontainhas search for Ventura, lost in the woods. Pardo per la migliore regia at the Locarno Film Festival in 2014, Pedro Costa’s film is a landmark in his series of works dedicated to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood on the outskirts of Lisbon, between the shades of history and the ascetic beauty of the lives that have shaped it. A vital point of introduction for the subsequent Vitalina Varela (2019), Pardo d’oro at Locarno in 2019.
Selected by WANG bing
Director of I Come From Ikotun
Pedro Costa’s films explore colonial history and reflect on its relationship with our modern world. He has developed his own pure, original narrative style and has remained constant to it, creating films of profound sincerity.
– WANG Bing
Director : Pedro Costa
Cast : Tito Furtado, António Santos, Vitalina Varela, Ventura
Producer : Abel Ribeiro Chaves
Cinematography : Pedro Costa, Leonardo Simões
Music : Os Tubarões
Sound : Olivier Blanc, Vasco Pedroso
Editing : João Dias
Production : OPTEC – Sociedade Óptica Técnica
[email protected]
World Sales : Vítor Carvalho
[email protected]
Pedro Costa
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Selected by WANG bing
Director of I Come From Ikotun
Pedro Costa’s films explore colonial history and reflect on its relationship with our modern world. He has developed his own pure, original narrative style and has remained constant to it, creating films of profound sincerity.
– WANG Bing
Director : Pedro Costa
Cast : Tito Furtado, António Santos, Vitalina Varela, Ventura
Producer : Abel Ribeiro Chaves
Cinematography : Pedro Costa, Leonardo Simões
Music : Os Tubarões
Sound : Olivier Blanc, Vasco Pedroso
Editing : João Dias
Production : OPTEC – Sociedade Óptica Técnica
[email protected]
World Sales : Vítor Carvalho
[email protected]
Pedro Costa
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