Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 1963
Lamb [real: Paulin Vieyra]

Pays concerné : Sénégal
Support : 16 mm
Durée : 18 minutes
Genre : société
Type : documentaire
La lutte traditionnelle qui se dénomme « Lamb » en ouolof et qui rappelle la lutte gréco-romaine, est un sport national très prisé au Sénégal. Elle a des règles particulières et très strictes.
Réal : Paulin Vieyra
Réal : Paulin Vieyra
This documentary captures the sport of traditional wrestling, called ‘lamb’ in Wolof, popular in Senegal. Vieyra presents the rigorous rules of the sport and training practices by the sea. The Dakar Arena serves as a showcase for the battles in the film, where every spectator can bet on his favorite wrestler in a festive atmosphere. Fifty years ago, Lamb was in the official selection of the Cannes Film Festival, a first for a film from sub-Saharan Africa.
Production Company: Ministry of Information (Senegal)
Production country: Senegal
Production Company: Ministry of Information (Senegal)
Production country: Senegal
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