Fiche Personne

Tom Murray

Réalisateur/trice, Producteur/trice, Universitaire, Scénariste


Universitaire, réalisateur, scénariste et producteur australien.

Tom MURRAY est un réalisateur, scénariste et producteur. Il est connu pour « THE SKIN OF OTHERS » (2020).

Ses films précédents incluent DHAKIYARR VS THE KING (SFF 2004), lauréat de plusieurs prix et acclamé par la critique, qui a remporté le prix d’histoire du premier ministre NSW le Rouben Mamoulian Award à Sydney FF. Son premier roman Fishing Secrets a été sélectionné pour le Vogel-Australian Literary Award en 2005. Son long métrage documentaire IN MY FATHER’S COUNTRY (2008) a remporté le Australian Directors’Guild Award pour la meilleure réalisation dans un documentaire, et a été sélectionné pour de nombreux festivals internationaux, notamment IDFA. Son long métrage documentaire LOVE IN OUR OWN TIME (2013) a été projeté à l’international. Tom a également reçu des bourses universitaires pour ses recherches, dont deux bourses du Conseil australien de la recherche. En 2014, il a reçu la médaille Max Crawford de l’Australian Academy of Humanities, la plus haute distinction en Australie pour ses réalisations exceptionnelles et ses promesses dans la recherche en sciences humaines. Son documentaire THE SKIN OF OTHERS (2020) a eu sa première mondiale au Festival du Film de Sydney – SFF 2020.
Il est actuellement chercheur en arts de l’écran à l’Université Macquarie de Sydney.



Australian Academic, Film Director, Screenwriter and Producer.

Tom MURRAY is an academic, film Director, screenwriter and producer. He is known for « THE SKIN OF OTHERS » (2020).

Tom Murray has worked in documentary production for over 20 years as a writer, director, and producer.

Dr Tom Murray is an academic and media producer based at Macquarie University, whose screen production research has been supported since 2014 by a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA). A major outcome of the project is a feature-film documentary (« The Skin of Others« ), which will make its debut at the 2020 Sydney Film Festival. Due to the need for social distancing, the festival will this year be exhibiting its films entirely online.
« The Skin of Others » (2020) is Tom’s fourth feature-film documentary. His previous films include the multi-award winning and critically acclaimed « Dhakiyarr vs the King » (2004), which won the Rouben Mamoulian Award at the Sydney Film Festival, the NSW Premier’s History Award, and selection for many international festivals including the Sundance Film Festival. His 2008 feature documentary « In My Father’s Country » won the Australian Directors’ Guild Award for Best Direction in a Documentary Feature, and was selected for numerous international festivals including IDFA Amsterdam. His 2013 feature documentary « Love in Our Own Time » has screened internationally.

Tom’s 2017 audio feature « Douglas Grant: The Skin of Others » (for ABC Radio National) was shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s History Award. Tom has also been awarded academic fellowships for his research, including two Australian Research Council Fellowships. In 2014 he was awarded the Australian Academy of Humanities Max Crawford Medal, the highest award in Australia for outstanding achievement and promise in Humanities research.

His debut novel « Fishing Secrets » was shortlisted for the Vogel- Australian Literary Award in 2005.

He is currently a Research Fellow in screen arts at Macquarie University in Sydney.

Tom Murray is a writer, director and producer. His previous films include the multi-award winning and critically acclaimed  DHAKIYARR VS THE KING (SFF 2004), which won a NSW Premier’s History Award the Rouben Mamoulian Award at Sydney FF.  His debut novel Fishing Secrets was shortlisted for the Vogel- Australian Literary Award in 2005. His feature documentary IN MY FATHER’S COUNTRY (2008) won the Australian Directors’ Guild Award for Best Direction in a Documentary Feature, and was selected for numerous international festivals including IDFA. His feature documentary LOVE IN OUR OWN TIME (2013) was screened internationally. Tom has also been awarded academic fellowships for his research, including two Australian Research Council Fellowships. In 2014 he was awarded the Australian Academy of Humanities Max Crawford Medal, the highest award in Australia for outstanding achievement and promise in Humanities research. His documentary THE SKIN OF OTHERS (2020) had its world premiere at Sydney FF 2020.

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