Fiche Personne
Musique Théâtre Cinéma/TV Arts plastiques Danse

Dahna Abourahme

Ingénieur du son, Vidéaste
Territoire palestinien


Dahna Abou Rahme est une artiste et militante. Elle enseigne la vidéo aux enfants à New York et en Palestine. Elle a signé le son de plusieurs documentaires ou courts métrages de fiction.


Dahna Abou Rahme is a media artist and activist. She teaches video to youth in New York City and Palestine. She was recently involved in a community based arts project through the Kitchen, working with adults and seniors at the Robert Fulton Houses. She has done sound recording for several documentaries and short films which include 500 Dunam on the Moon and Like Twenty Impossibles. Her own works include: A Palestinian from Brooklyn; Water, Sand and Burning Wood; and Blue Flickers. She is presently working on a documentary about the Palestinian right of return..
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