Fiche Personne
Issa Michuzi

Site web :
Il est rédacteur au quotidienDaily News (Dar es Salaam) dont il est le photographe en chef.
Michuzi anime aussi le plus grand blogspot du pays ( Il est un journaliste expérimenté et un spécialiste des médias.
Michuzi anime aussi le plus grand blogspot du pays ( Il est un journaliste expérimenté et un spécialiste des médias.
Editor Daily News
Issa Michuzi works with the Daily News newspaper in Dar es Salaam, and is also the chief photographer for the paper.
Michuzi also runs the largest blogspot in the country (
He is an experienced journalist and media commentator.
Issa Michuzi works with the Daily News newspaper in Dar es Salaam, and is also the chief photographer for the paper.
Michuzi also runs the largest blogspot in the country (
He is an experienced journalist and media commentator.
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