Fiche Personne

Lentsoe Serote

Réalisateur/trice, Scénariste
Afrique du Sud


Réalisateur sud-africain, né le 25 octobre 1974.

K. Lentsoe Serote est diplômée en mathématiques et en informatique de l’université de Western Cape en Afrique du Sud. Plus tard elle abandonne sa carrière d’informaticien pour se lancer en free-lance dans le cinéma. Après la réalisation de courts métrages et de clips video, elle sort « Beyond the Picket » (2012) son premier long métrage.

Source :
Catalogue Fespaco 2013


K. Lentsoe Serote is graduated in mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Western Cape in South Africa. She later left her computer career to start as a freelance in filmmaking. After short films and video clips, she directed « Beyond the Picket » (2012) her first feature film.

I was born and lived most of my life in South Africa. I lived in Tanzania between 1985 and 1990. I was student at the Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO), where I did my higher primary education and most of my high school. I have completed a BSc majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science, in 1998, at the University of the Western Cape. But in 1999 I left my computer career for filmmaking.

It was as a result of being in SOMAFCO that I was exposed to not only hardship but other cultures and peoples. More so, I had the opportunity to visit several other counties (Zimbabwe, Sweden, Britain and Zambia). So, I can safely and confidently say that I am open-minded about other cultures and view points.

My hobbies are, swimming, playing chess, listening to music, drawing, writing poetry and prose, travelling, watching television and movies.
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