Fiche Personne

Linton Kwesi Johnson

Chanteur/euse, Musicien/ne, Poète


Linton Kwesi Johnson (alias LKJ) est un Dub poet (poète Dub) britannique et musicien de reggae né le 24 août 1952 à Chapelton en Jamaïque. "Kwesi", prénom Ashanti réservé aux garçons né un dimanche, est le surnom qu'il prit au début de sa carrière poétique. En 1963, il part rejoindre sa famille à Londres. Bien qu'étant étudiant, il adhère au mouvement anglais des Black Panthers. Il organise par exemple un atelier poésie et participe au groupe de reggae Rasta Love (…) Lire l'intégralité de la présentation de l'artiste []


Linton Kwesi Johnson was born on 24 August 1952 in Chapelton, a small town in the rural parish of Clarendon, Jamaica. He came to London in 1963, went to Tulse Hill secondary school and later studied Sociology at Goldsmiths' College, University of London. Whilst still at school he joined the Black Panthers, helped to organise a poetry workshop within the movement and developed his work with Rasta Love, a group of poets and drummers. In 1977 he was awarded a C Day Lewis Fellowship, becoming the writer-in-residence for the London Borough of Lambeth for that year. He went on to work as the Library Resources and Education Officer at the Keskidee Centre, the first home of Black theatre and art (…) Read the whole biography on his official website []
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