Fiche Personne

Mickael Rose



Michael Rose (né le 11 juillet 1957 à Kingston) est un chanteur de reggae jamaïcain, il fut notamment le leader des Black Uhuru quand ils étaient encore au sommet de leur gloire. Il s’est par ailleurs produit en solo.
Michael Rose est né dans le ghetto de Waterhouse à Kingston. Il commence en chantant dans des concours de talents locaux dans son quartier et en faisant la tournée des hôtels touristiques de la côte Nord de l’île (…)

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For over 25 years, Michael Rose has been recording and performing his brand of militant, hardcore Jamaican music to the delight of reggae fans around the world. As a solo artist, with Black Uhuru, and back as a solo artist, the « Ruff » Rose has achieved great success throughout his career, even as different Jamaican musical styles have phased in and out of popularity.

michael rose Perhaps the highest profile recognition came in 1984, when Michael Rose and the other Black Uhuru members (Duckie Simpson, Puma Jones, Sly Dunbar, and Robbie Shakespeare) won reggae’s first Grammy award for the album, Anthem. But the story doesn’t begin with Black Uhuru. In 1976, Michael Rose was already a seasoned performer, having honed his skills by performing on Jamaica’s hotel circuit. When an early incarnation of Black Uhuru (Ducky Simpson and Errol Nelson) approached Michael to join the group, he already had several solo singles to his credit. These include the original « Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner » and « Clap the Barber, » both recorded for producer Niney The Observer, and « Running Around » for Winston Campbell (…)

Read the whole biography on his official website []
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