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Doris Lessing

Grande-Bretagne, Iran (République islamique d’), Zimbabwe


Doris May Lessing est un écrivain britannique née le 22 octobre 1919 à Kermanshah en Perse (actuel Iran) de parents britanniques et morte le 17 novembre 2013 (à 94 ans) à Londres. Elle a passé son enfance en Rhodésie du Sud (actuel Zimbabwe), où était installée sa famille.

Le prix Nobel de littérature en 2007 a couronné « la conteuse épique de l’expérience féminine qui, avec scepticisme, ardeur et une force visionnaire, scrute une civilisation divisée. ».

Célèbre dès son premier livre, Vaincue par la brousse (1950), auteur d’une vingtaine de romans dont le best-seller international Le Carnet d’or (1962), elle est très vite apparue comme une femme de lettres engagée et militante, notamment pour les causes marxiste, anticolonialiste et anti-apartheid. Elle a aussi été associée au combat des féministes sans l’avoir revendiqué ou désiré.

L’œuvre de Doris Lessing est polymorphe. Profondément autobiographique, elle s’inspire notamment de son expérience africaine, de ses années de jeunesse et de ses engagements sociaux ou politiques. Son style romanesque, épique, réaliste et lyrique lui a permis d’aborder différents thèmes tels que les conflits de cultures, les injustices raciales et ethniques, la contradiction entre la conscience individuelle et le bien commun, la violence entre les êtres et les classes, le déracinement ou encore l’enfance. Très appréciée pour sa diversité et son éclectisme, l’auteur a signé des romans documentaires, des témoignages, des fictions visionnaires, des ouvrages de science-fiction (Shikasta en 1981) et des romans psychologiques (L’Été avant la nuit). Elle a même un temps évolué vers l’ésotérisme et la parapsychologie avec La Descente aux enfers (1971).

Œuvres parues en français:

– Le Carnet d’or (The Golden Notebook, 1962), ed. Albin Michel, 1976 pour la traduction française / Livre de poche, 1999. Prix Médicis étranger en 1976.
– Les Enfants de la violence (The Children of Violence, série de cinq romans écrits entre 1952 et 1969 et publiés en trois volumes en France)
– Les Enfants de la violence, Albin Michel, 1978/2000 pour la traduction française.
– L’Écho lointain de l’orage, Albin Michel, 1979.
– La Cité promise, Albin Michel, 20073.
– Canopus dans Argo : Archives (Canopus in Argos: Archive, série en cinq tomes)
– Shikasta (Shikasta, 1979), Seuil, 1981 pour la traduction française.
– Mariages entre les zones trois, quatre et cinq (The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five, 1980), Le Seuil, 1983, 290p. (ISBN 2-0200-6406-5)
– Nouvelles africaines, Albin Michel, 1980/2000 / Livre de Poche, 1990.
– L’Été avant la nuit (The Summer Before the Dark, 1973), Albin Michel, 1981 pour la traduction française / Livre de poche, 1992, ISBN 2-226-01275-3
– Mémoires d’une survivante (Memoirs of a Survivor, 1974), Albin Michel, 1982 / Livre de Poche, 1996.
– Les Chats en particulier (Particularly Cats, 1967), Albin Michel, 1984 / Livre de poche, 2000.
– Les Carnets de Jane Somers, tome 1 : Journal d’une voisine (The Diary of a Good Neighbour, 1983), Albin Michel, 1985 / Livre de poche, 1996.
– Les Carnets de Jane Somers, tome 2 : Si vieillesse pouvait (If the Old Could…, 1984), Albin Michel, 2007.
– La Terroriste (The Good Terrorist, 1985), Albin Michel, 1986 / Livre de Poche, 1997.
– Le Vent emporte nos paroles (The Wind Blows Away Our Words, 1987), Albin Michel, 1987/2000.
– La Descente aux enfers (Briefing for a Descent into Hell, 1971), Albin Michel, 1988.
– La Madone noire (The Black Madonna, 1966), Albin Michel, 1988.
– Le Cinquième Enfant (The Fifth Child, 1988), Albin Michel, 1990/2000 / Livre de Poche, 1993.
– L’Habitude d’aimer (The Habit of Loving, 1957), Albin Michel, 1992 / Livre de Poche, 1994.
– Notre amie Judith (The Temptation of Jack Orkney: Collected Stories, Vol. 2, 1978), Albin Michel, 1993/2000 / Livre de poche, 1995.
– Rire d’Afrique (African Laughter: Four Visits to Zimbabwe, 1992), Albin Michel, 1993/2000.
– Dans ma peau (Under My Skin: Volume I of my Autobiography, to 1949, 1994), Livre de Poche, 1997.
– L’Amour encore (Love, Again, 1996), Livre de Poche, 1998 / Albin Michel, 2000.
– Vaincue par la brousse (The Grass is Singing, 1950), 10/18, 1999.
L’Ecclésiaste, Mille et une nuits, 2000.
– Nouvelles de Londres (London Observed: Stories and Sketches, 1992), Albin Michel, 2000 / Livre de poche, 2002.
– La Marche dans l’ombre (Walking in the Shade: Volume Two of My Autobiography, 1949 to 1962, 1997), Albin Michel, 2000 / Livre de poche, 2001.
– Mara et Dann (Mara and Dann, 1999), Flammarion, 2001.
– Le Monde de Ben (Ben, in the World, 2000), Flammarion, 2001.
– Un homme et deux femmes (A Man and Two Women, 1963), 10/18, 1998.
– Le rêve le plus doux (The Sweetest Dream, 2001), Flammarion, 2004.
– Les Grand-mères (dans le recueil The Grandmothers: Four Short Novels, 2003), Flammarion, 2005
– Un enfant de l’amour (« A Love Child » dans le recueil The Grandmothers: Four Short Novels, 2003), Flammarion, 2007
– Alfred et Emily (Alfred and Emily, 2008), Flammarion, 2008
– Victoria et les Staveney (« Victoria and the Staveneys » dans le recueil The Grandmothers: Four Short Novels, 2003), Flammarion, 2010
– C’est ainsi qu’un jeune noir du Zimbabwe a volé un manuel de physique supérieure, L’escampette Éditions, 2010
– Le Temps mord (Time Bites, 2004), Flammarion, 2011
– L’Histoire du général Dann (The Story of General Dann and Mara’s Daughter, Griot and the Snow Dog, 2005), Flammarion, 2013

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Doris May Lessing CH (born Tayler; 22 October 1919 – 17 November 2013) was a British novelist, poet, playwright, librettist, biographer and short story writer. Her novels include The Grass is Singing (1950), the sequence of five novels collectively called Children of Violence (1952-69), The Golden Notebook (1962), The Good Terrorist (1985), and five novels collectively known as Canopus in Argos: Archives (1979-1983).

Lessing was awarded the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature. In awarding the prize, the Swedish Academy described her as « that epicist of the female experience, who with scepticism, fire and visionary power has subjected a divided civilisation to scrutiny ». Lessing was the eleventh woman and the oldest person ever to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In 2001, Lessing was awarded the David Cohen Prize for a lifetime’s achievement in British literature. In 2008, The Times ranked her fifth on a list of « The 50 greatest British writers since 1945 »



– The Grass Is Singing (1950) (filmed as Killing Heat (1981))
– Retreat to Innocence (1956)
– The Golden Notebook (1962)
– Briefing for a Descent into Hell (1971)
– The Summer Before the Dark (1973)
– Memoirs of a Survivor (1974)
– The Diary of a Good Neighbour (as Jane Somers, 1983)
– If the Old Could… (as Jane Somers, 1984)
– The Good Terrorist (1985)
– The Fifth Child (1988)
– Love, Again (1996)
– Mara and Dann (1999)
– Ben, in the World (2000) – sequel to The Fifth Child
– The Sweetest Dream (2001)
– The Story of General Dann and Mara’s Daughter, Griot and the Snow Dog (2005) – sequel to Mara and Dann
– The Cleft (2007)
– Alfred and Emily (2008)

The Children of Violence series

– Martha Quest (1952)
– A Proper Marriage (1954)
– A Ripple from the Storm (1958)
– Landlocked (1965)
– The Four-Gated City (1969)

The Canopus in Argos: Archives series

– Shikasta (1979)
– The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five (1980)
– The Sirian Experiments (1980)
– The Making of the Representative for Planet 8 (1982)
– The Sentimental Agents in the Volyen Empire (1983)

Opera libretti

– The Making of the Representative for Planet 8 (music by Philip Glass, 1986)
– The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five (music by Philip Glass, 1997)


– Playing the Game (graphic novel illustrated by Charlie Adlard, 1995)


– Each His Own Wilderness (three plays, 1959)
– Play with a Tiger (1962)

Poetry collections

– Fourteen Poems (1959)
– The Wolf People – INPOPA Anthology 2002 (poems by Lessing, Robert Twigger and T.H. Benson, 2002)

Short story collections

– Five Short Novels (1953)
– The Habit of Loving (1957)
– A Man and Two Women (1963)
– African Stories (1964)
– Winter in July (1966)
– The Black Madonna (1966)
– The Story of a Non-Marrying Man (1972)
– This Was the Old Chief’s Country: Collected African Stories, Vol. 1 (1973)
– The Sun Between Their Feet: Collected African Stories, Vol. 2 (1973)
– To Room Nineteen: Collected Stories, Vol. 1 (1978)
– The Temptation of Jack Orkney: Collected Stories, Vol. 2 (1978)
– Through the Tunnel (1990)
– London Observed: Stories and Sketches (1992)
– The Real Thing: Stories and Sketches (1992)
– Spies I Have Known (1995)
– The Pit (1996)
– The Grandmothers: Four Short Novels (2003) (filmed as Two Mothers)

Cat Tales

– Particularly Cats (stories and nonfiction, 1967)
– Particularly Cats and Rufus the Survivor (stories and nonfiction, 1993)
– The Old Age of El Magnifico (stories and nonfiction, 2000)
– On Cats (2002) – omnibus edition containing the above three books

Autobiography and memoirs

– Going Home (memoir, 1957)
– African Laughter: Four Visits to Zimbabwe (memoir, 1992)
– Under My Skin: Volume One of My Autobiography, to 1949 (1994)
– Walking in the Shade: Volume Two of My Autobiography, 1949 to 1962 (1997)

Other non-fiction

– In Pursuit of the English (1960)
– Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (essays, 1987)
– The Wind Blows Away Our Words (1987)
– A Small Personal Voice (essays, 1994)
– Conversations (interviews, edited by Earl G. Ingersoll, 1994)
– Putting the Questions Differently (interviews, edited by Earl G. Ingersoll, 1996)
– Time Bites (essays, 2004)
– On Not Winning the Nobel Prize (Nobel Lecture, 2007, published 2008)

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Doris Lessing CH, nascida Doris May Tayler (Kermanshah, 22 de outubro de 1919 – Londres, 17 de novembro de 2013), foi uma escritora britânica.

Autora de obra prolífica, que inclui trabalhos como as novelas The Grass is Singing e The Golden Notebook, sua obra cobre um vasto leque estilístico, indo da autobiografia à ficção científica, com claras influências do modernismo. Foi galardoada com o Nobel de Literatura de 2007, tendo a Academia Sueca apontado, como razão determinante, a existência na sua obra de características que fazem dela « a contadora épica da experiência feminina, que com cepticismo, ardor e uma força visionária escrutinou uma civilização dividida ». Doris Lessing é a 11.ª mulher a ganhar este galardão nos seus 89 anos de história e a pessoa mais idosa que jamais o recebeu.

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
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Doris Lessing, de soltera Doris May Tayler (Kermanshah, 22 de octubre de 1919 − Londres, 17 de noviembre de 2013), que publicó también bajo el pseudónimo de Jane Somers, fue una escritora británica, ganadora del Premio Nobel de Literatura en 2007.

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