Fiche Personne
Réalisateur/trice, Peintre, Scénariste
© DR
Réalisatrice et scénariste marocaine.
Zineb TAMOURT (Maroc) est titulaire d’un DEA-Sorbonne Paris III où elle obtient un DEA/Orient-Monde arabe et une maîtrise, études dans le cadre desquelles elle a suivi des cours de critique de cinéma et analyse filmique, diplômée de l’école des Beaux-Arts de Casablanca (Section Peinture), a reçu plusieurs formations en écriture scénaristique (fiction et documentaire) notamment auprès du script doctor Mohamed ARIOUS et du scénariste-réalisateur Reza SERKANIAN. Riad de mes rêves est son premier court-métrage qui a reçu en 2017 le Prix Spécial du Festival Africlap (Toulouse, France) et le Prix Jeune Public du Court-Métrage du Festival International de Films de Femmes de Salé (FIFFS- Maroc), et figure en sélection officielle de plusieurs festivals (France, Sénégal, Suisse, Canada, Cameroun,…).
Source :
Zineb TAMOURT (Maroc) est titulaire d’un DEA-Sorbonne Paris III où elle obtient un DEA/Orient-Monde arabe et une maîtrise, études dans le cadre desquelles elle a suivi des cours de critique de cinéma et analyse filmique, diplômée de l’école des Beaux-Arts de Casablanca (Section Peinture), a reçu plusieurs formations en écriture scénaristique (fiction et documentaire) notamment auprès du script doctor Mohamed ARIOUS et du scénariste-réalisateur Reza SERKANIAN. Riad de mes rêves est son premier court-métrage qui a reçu en 2017 le Prix Spécial du Festival Africlap (Toulouse, France) et le Prix Jeune Public du Court-Métrage du Festival International de Films de Femmes de Salé (FIFFS- Maroc), et figure en sélection officielle de plusieurs festivals (France, Sénégal, Suisse, Canada, Cameroun,…).
Source :
Moroccan Filmmaker, Screenwriter and Visual Artist.
– Holds a University Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS/Orient & Arab World – Sorbonne-Paris III) with Mention ;
– Holder of a Master’s degree following the License (Sorbonne-Paris III) with Mention ;
– Diploma of the School of Fine Arts of Casablanca, Marocco, (Painting Section) with Mention.
– Writing (from 2014) of several scenarios (including a feature film) awaiting production ;
– Writing of love song lyrics including a poem that can be filmed in the Indian way ;
– Directing of my first short film »Riad of my dreams » – January 2017 ;
– Assistant-director during the shooting of a documentary film project pilot (of which I am the author-designer) on »Rock Art in Morocco » (in the post-production phase) ;
– Member of the team Direction of a short documentary « A wheel of life » produced during the 2016 AFIFDOK training workshops, and projected at the closing ceremony of this session ;
– Training in »Writing and production of the documentary film » at the workshops organized by the Association of the International Documentary Film Festival of Khoribga – Morocco 2016 ;
– Laureate of the festival’s writing residency of the Salé International Women’s Film Festival (FIFFS), 2015 Morocco ;
– Script writing training in the writing residency of the Salé International Women’s Film Festival (FIFFS), 2014 Morocco ;
– Contribution to the edition (definition of the common thread, writing and follow-up of all the related steps) of a book entitled : »Rabat, Capital in motion » dealing with the urban development of this city from its genesis to These days ;
– Publication of two articles on town planning in an institutional review ;
– Training in Art History (one year) at the School of Louvre, Paris ;
– Training in film criticism and analysis (at the Arab world institute, Paris) as part of my university training (License) ;
– Training in musicology (Music-history), as a free auditor with Jean-Claude CHABRIER, musicologist, writer, orientalist and connoisseur of the Middle East countries.
– Holds a University Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS/Orient & Arab World – Sorbonne-Paris III) with Mention ;
– Holder of a Master’s degree following the License (Sorbonne-Paris III) with Mention ;
– Diploma of the School of Fine Arts of Casablanca, Marocco, (Painting Section) with Mention.
– Writing (from 2014) of several scenarios (including a feature film) awaiting production ;
– Writing of love song lyrics including a poem that can be filmed in the Indian way ;
– Directing of my first short film »Riad of my dreams » – January 2017 ;
– Assistant-director during the shooting of a documentary film project pilot (of which I am the author-designer) on »Rock Art in Morocco » (in the post-production phase) ;
– Member of the team Direction of a short documentary « A wheel of life » produced during the 2016 AFIFDOK training workshops, and projected at the closing ceremony of this session ;
– Training in »Writing and production of the documentary film » at the workshops organized by the Association of the International Documentary Film Festival of Khoribga – Morocco 2016 ;
– Laureate of the festival’s writing residency of the Salé International Women’s Film Festival (FIFFS), 2015 Morocco ;
– Script writing training in the writing residency of the Salé International Women’s Film Festival (FIFFS), 2014 Morocco ;
– Contribution to the edition (definition of the common thread, writing and follow-up of all the related steps) of a book entitled : »Rabat, Capital in motion » dealing with the urban development of this city from its genesis to These days ;
– Publication of two articles on town planning in an institutional review ;
– Training in Art History (one year) at the School of Louvre, Paris ;
– Training in film criticism and analysis (at the Arab world institute, Paris) as part of my university training (License) ;
– Training in musicology (Music-history), as a free auditor with Jean-Claude CHABRIER, musicologist, writer, orientalist and connoisseur of the Middle East countries.
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