Fiche Structure
IDFA Bertha Fund

Adresse : Rotterdam
Pays concerné : Pays-Bas
Téléphone(s) : +31 (0)20 2620768
Site web :
Le Fonds IDFA Bertha Fund (IDFA Bertha Fund / anciennement Fonds Jan Vrijman) soutient les réalisateurs et festivals de documentaires dans les pays en voie de développement (Afrique, Asie, Amérique Latine, Moyen Orient et Europe de l’Est).
The IDFA Bertha Fund (formerly known as the Jan Vrijman Fund) supports documentary filmmakers and festivals in developing countries.
IDFA Bertha Fund aims to stimulate the collaboration between independent European producers and producers from developing countries
The IDFA Bertha Fund is the only fund in the world dedicated solely to stimulating and empowering the creative documentary sector in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe.
The IDFA Bertha Fund aims to stimulate and empower the creative documentary sector in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe by supporting the development, production and/or post-production of documentary projects by filmmakers from developing countries. The Fund not only provides financial support to realize this endeavour, but plays a crucial advisory role as well.
In short, the IDFA Bertha Fund supports documentaries that make a difference. Documentaries that are both a creative form of artistic expression, but also an expression of a world-view and a lifestyle.
IDFA Bertha Fund / Stichting Jan Vrijman Fonds
RSIN: 807966642
IDFA Bertha Fund aims to stimulate the collaboration between independent European producers and producers from developing countries
The IDFA Bertha Fund is the only fund in the world dedicated solely to stimulating and empowering the creative documentary sector in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe.
The IDFA Bertha Fund aims to stimulate and empower the creative documentary sector in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe by supporting the development, production and/or post-production of documentary projects by filmmakers from developing countries. The Fund not only provides financial support to realize this endeavour, but plays a crucial advisory role as well.
In short, the IDFA Bertha Fund supports documentaries that make a difference. Documentaries that are both a creative form of artistic expression, but also an expression of a world-view and a lifestyle.
IDFA Bertha Fund / Stichting Jan Vrijman Fonds
RSIN: 807966642
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