Fiche Structure
Cinéma/TV Arts plastiques Design
Haute école d’art et de design (HEAD – Genève)
Adresse : HEAD – Genève Département Cinéma Rue des Franchises 2 CH – 1203 Genève
Pays concerné : Suisse
Téléphone(s) : +41 22 558 57 90 | +41 22 388 58 00
Site web :


Qui sommes-nous?

La HEAD – Genève, Haute école d’art et de design, est née en 2006 de la fusion de deux écoles bicentenaires, l’Ecole supérieure des Beaux-arts et de la Haute école d’Arts appliqués. Elle propose des formations de niveau Bachelor et Master en Arts visuels, Cinéma, Design d’espace, Communication visuelle et Design mode, bijou et accessoires.

En dialogue permanent avec la scène artistique et le tissu économique local, la HEAD – Genève s’est imposée comme l’une des meilleures écoles d’art et de design en Europe. L’ouverture d’un prestigieux campus dans le quartier des Charmilles, rassemblant les filières Arts visuels, Cinéma, Communication visuelle et Design d’espace, permettra la création d’un pôle d’excellence en art et design. Le déménagement, étalé sur plusieurs phases jusqu’en 2020, a démarré à la rentrée 2017.

Les workshops animés par des intervenant-e-s de renommée internationale, concourent au dynamisme de sa pédagogie pensée comme un espace de liberté et de responsabilité personnelle et sociale. Ses enseignements théoriques, articulés à diverses pratiques esthétiques fondées sur la recherche et l’expérimentation, visent l’acquisition de connaissances et l’exercice d’une réflexion intellectuelle plurielle. Savoir-faire et savoir-penser sont les piliers d’une pédagogie qui refuse tout dogmatisme et qui apporte des outils critiques pour appréhender le monde contemporain.

L’enseignement dispensé à la HEAD – Genève privilégie un dialogue étroit entre enseignant-e-s et étudiant-e-s, acteurs de leur propre parcours de création. Ceux-ci / Celles-ci élaborent des projets lors d’ateliers, de cours, de séminaires et de workshops mais aussi à l’occasion de mandats extérieurs en lien avec les milieux professionnels privés ou publics de l’art, du cinéma et du design.

La HEAD – Genève fait partie de la HES-SO Genève (Haute Ecole spécialisée de Suisse occidentale), qui réunit six hautes écoles de niveau universitaire, proposant des formations axées sur la pratique professionnelle et reconnues sur le plan international.




Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD – Genève) was formed in 2006 from the merger of two art schools, the Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts and the Haute école d’arts appliqués, both over two hundred years old. Urban and international, it welcomes over 700 students from 40 different countries and offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in fine arts, cinema, spatial design, visual communication, fashion, jewellery and accessory design.

Engaged in an ongoing dialogue with the art scene and the regional economic fabric, HEAD – Genève is constantly evolving and has already established itself as one of the foremost art and design schools in Europe.

HEAD – Genève offers a wide range of Bachelor’s degree courses (fine arts, cinema, interior architecture, visual communication, fashion and accessory design) and Master’s programmes (fine arts, cinema, fashion and accessory design, spaces and communication and media design).

Workshops led by invited international designers, artists and filmmakers contribute to the dynamism of an educational space seen as an area of freedom and of individual and social responsibility. A range of aesthetic practices based on research and experimentation, combined with access to extensive traditional or innovative technical resources, are balanced by theoretical teaching that focuses both on knowledge acquisition and on multidimensional thinking.

Know-how and knowledge are the two cornerstones of our educational approach that rejects dogmatism in favour of a critical understanding of the contemporary world. Attuned to today’s cultural, social and professional environment, the teaching provided at HEAD – Genève fosters close dialogue between staff and students, seen as the real actors in their own creative journey. Students can express themselves during studio projects, classes, seminars and workshops and through commissioned work carried out in partnership with the public and private professional sectors in the fields of art, cinema and design.

HEAD – Genève is part of the HES-SO Geneva (University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Geneva), a key player in the economic, social and cultural fabric of the city. Its six schools offer university level courses focused on professional practice with a choice of 27 Bachelor’s and 16 Master’s degree programmes. Its 11 research institutes participate in numerous regional, national and international projects. With a total student population of 5000, it is a member of the HES-SO, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland.





Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD – Genève) was formed in 2006 from the merger of two art schools, the Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts and the Haute école d’arts appliqués, both over two hundred years old. Urban and international, it welcomes over 700 students from 40 different countries and offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in fine arts, cinema, spatial design, visual communication, fashion, jewellery and accessory design.

Engaged in an ongoing dialogue with the art scene and the regional economic fabric, HEAD – Genève is constantly evolving and has already established itself as one of the foremost art and design schools in Europe.

HEAD – Genève offers a wide range of Bachelor’s degree courses (fine arts, cinema, interior architecture, visual communication, fashion and accessory design) and Master’s programmes (fine arts, cinema, fashion and accessory design, spaces and communication and media design).

Workshops led by invited international designers, artists and filmmakers contribute to the dynamism of an educational space seen as an area of freedom and of individual and social responsibility. A range of aesthetic practices based on research and experimentation, combined with access to extensive traditional or innovative technical resources, are balanced by theoretical teaching that focuses both on knowledge acquisition and on multidimensional thinking.

Know-how and knowledge are the two cornerstones of our educational approach that rejects dogmatism in favour of a critical understanding of the contemporary world. Attuned to today’s cultural, social and professional environment, the teaching provided at HEAD – Genève fosters close dialogue between staff and students, seen as the real actors in their own creative journey. Students can express themselves during studio projects, classes, seminars and workshops and through commissioned work carried out in partnership with the public and private professional sectors in the fields of art, cinema and design.

HEAD – Genève is part of the HES-SO Geneva (University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Geneva), a key player in the economic, social and cultural fabric of the city. Its six schools offer university level courses focused on professional practice with a choice of 27 Bachelor’s and 16 Master’s degree programmes. Its 11 research institutes participate in numerous regional, national and international projects. With a total student population of 5000, it is a member of the HES-SO, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland.