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Adresse : 541, rue de St-Vallier Est, 4e étage Québec, G1K 3P9 Québec,
Pays concerné : Canada
Téléphone(s) : +1 418 523-1275
Site web :
SPIRA est une coopérative vouée au cinéma indépendant issue de la fusion, en 2015, de Vidéo Femmes et Spirafilm, qui existaient tous deux depuis près de 40 ans. Son principal mandat est de soutenir la production et la distribution de films, qu’il s’agisse de courts ou de longs métrages. Une trentaine d’œuvres voient le jour chaque année grâce à ses programmes de soutien à la création, dont celui, très populaire, de location d’équipement. SPIRA distribue également des œuvres documentaires et de fiction sur les différents marchés au Canada et à l’étranger : festivals, salles de cinéma, télévision, Web, etc.
La coopérative a à cœur quatre valeurs principales et tient à ce que celles-ci soient mises de l’avant, que ce soit au quotidien, lors de l’accomplissement des diverses tâches par l’équipe, lors de l’élaboration des différents projets ou du choix des œuvres soutenues et surtout dans les relations avec les membres et le public.
Spira, c’est : l’équité, l’ouverture, la rigueur et la collaboration.
Fontes / Our Sources / Nos Sources :
La coopérative a à cœur quatre valeurs principales et tient à ce que celles-ci soient mises de l’avant, que ce soit au quotidien, lors de l’accomplissement des diverses tâches par l’équipe, lors de l’élaboration des différents projets ou du choix des œuvres soutenues et surtout dans les relations avec les membres et le public.
Spira, c’est : l’équité, l’ouverture, la rigueur et la collaboration.
Fontes / Our Sources / Nos Sources :
Arising from the merger of Spirafilm and Vidéo Femmes in 2015, Spira is a cooperative that supports and fosters creation and production in independent filmmaking, and distributes film works to ensure their promotion in Canada and abroad.
Four core values, dear to the coop, are put forward on a daily basis and through various actions, in the elaboration of projects, in the selection of supported productions, and most of all, in the relationship with members and the public.
Spira is about: equity, openness, rigour, and collaboration.
Spira is a cooperative devoted to independent filmmaking, born in 2015 from the merger of Spirafilm and Vidéo Femmes, which had both been around for nearly 40 years.
Spira’s core mission is to support the production and distribution of independent films, whether short or feature. Each year, about thirty works benefit from its various creation support programs, including its well-sought-after equipment rental program. Spira also distributes documentaries and fictions on various Canadian and foreign markets, including festivals, theatrical, television, the web, etc.
The coop contributes to the dynamism and development of the cinematographic community in Québec City by offering training activities, master classes, collective projects, and networking activities. Fostering the public’s interest in cinema is also part of the coop’s objectives.
Fontes / Our Sources / Nos Sources :
Arising from the merger of Spirafilm and Vidéo Femmes in 2015, Spira is a cooperative that supports and fosters creation and production in independent filmmaking, and distributes film works to ensure their promotion in Canada and abroad.
Four core values, dear to the coop, are put forward on a daily basis and through various actions, in the elaboration of projects, in the selection of supported productions, and most of all, in the relationship with members and the public.
Spira is about: equity, openness, rigour, and collaboration.
Spira is a cooperative devoted to independent filmmaking, born in 2015 from the merger of Spirafilm and Vidéo Femmes, which had both been around for nearly 40 years.
Spira’s core mission is to support the production and distribution of independent films, whether short or feature. Each year, about thirty works benefit from its various creation support programs, including its well-sought-after equipment rental program. Spira also distributes documentaries and fictions on various Canadian and foreign markets, including festivals, theatrical, television, the web, etc.
The coop contributes to the dynamism and development of the cinematographic community in Québec City by offering training activities, master classes, collective projects, and networking activities. Fostering the public’s interest in cinema is also part of the coop’s objectives.
Fontes / Our Sources / Nos Sources :
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