Fiche Structure
British Film Institute

Statut : Société de droit privé
Adresse : 21 Stephen Street W1T 1LN LONDON
Pays concerné : Royaume-Uni
Téléphone(s) : +44 207 957 8951 | +44 207 957 8938
Fax : +44 207 580 5830
Site web :
A propos du BFI
Le BFI est l’Institut Britannique du Cinéma. Nos archives, cinémas, festivals, films, publications et matériaux pédagogiques, tous mondialement connus, cont là pour vous inspirer.
Le BFI est l’Institut Britannique du Cinéma. Nos archives, cinémas, festivals, films, publications et matériaux pédagogiques, tous mondialement connus, cont là pour vous inspirer.
About the BFI
BFI is the British Film Institute. Our world-renowned archive, cinemas, festivals, films, publications and learning resources are here to inspire you.
What we do
Information and links to all the bfi’s activities from Film festivals and the IMAX cinema, to publications and education activities.
Information about our publishing activities including who to contact, how to order, FAQ and submitting a proposal.
The BFI welcomes partnerships with companies, individuals and charitable trusts on a wide portfolio of activities.
Corporate & private venue hire
We have a range of exclusive venues across central London to suit your corporate needs.
Policy & Strategy
Presentations and documents setting out initiatives, ideas and priorities for the future of the bfi and the bfi National Archive.
Bfi People
bfi Fellows
A British Film Institute Fellowship is awarded to individuals in recognition of their outstanding contribution to film or television culture.
The bfi is a registered charity, established by Royal Charter, governed by a Board of 15 Governors.
Senior Staff
The bfi Executive Team balances successful, leading figures from the world of film and moving image culture with senior private sector executives with considerable managerial and commercial experience.
The bfi Executive Board comprises:
Amanda Nevill
Director of the bfi
Francesca Vinti
bfi Development Director
Eddie Berg
Artistic Director, BFI Southbank
Sandra Hebron
Artistic Director bfi Film Festivals
Jill McLaughlin
Bfi Director of Resources and Planning
Heather Stewart
Cultural Programme Director, UK-Wide
BFI is the British Film Institute. Our world-renowned archive, cinemas, festivals, films, publications and learning resources are here to inspire you.
What we do
Information and links to all the bfi’s activities from Film festivals and the IMAX cinema, to publications and education activities.
Information about our publishing activities including who to contact, how to order, FAQ and submitting a proposal.
The BFI welcomes partnerships with companies, individuals and charitable trusts on a wide portfolio of activities.
Corporate & private venue hire
We have a range of exclusive venues across central London to suit your corporate needs.
Policy & Strategy
Presentations and documents setting out initiatives, ideas and priorities for the future of the bfi and the bfi National Archive.
Bfi People
bfi Fellows
A British Film Institute Fellowship is awarded to individuals in recognition of their outstanding contribution to film or television culture.
The bfi is a registered charity, established by Royal Charter, governed by a Board of 15 Governors.
Senior Staff
The bfi Executive Team balances successful, leading figures from the world of film and moving image culture with senior private sector executives with considerable managerial and commercial experience.
The bfi Executive Board comprises:
Amanda Nevill
Director of the bfi
Francesca Vinti
bfi Development Director
Eddie Berg
Artistic Director, BFI Southbank
Sandra Hebron
Artistic Director bfi Film Festivals
Jill McLaughlin
Bfi Director of Resources and Planning
Heather Stewart
Cultural Programme Director, UK-Wide
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