Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2023
Banel et Adama

Titre original : بانيل وآداما
Date de sortie en France : 30/08/2023
Pays concerné : Sénégal
Durée : 87 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
Site web :
Banel et Adama vivent dans un village reculé du Nord du Sénégal. Ils sont destinés à s’aimer avec un amour absolu. Mais là où ils vivent, il n’y a pas de place pour la passion, encore moins pour le chaos.
Banel (19 ans) et Adama (17 ans) vivent au Fouta, une région isolée du Nord du Sénégal. C’est le seul monde qu’ils connaissent : le soleil étouffant, la chaleur étouffante, le sable brûlant sous leurs pieds, mais aussi leur famille – avec ses traditions et coutumes. Dehors, il n’y a rien. Aimer, vivre, vouloir : ces sentiments ne comptent pas d’où ils viennent. Tombés du ciel au mauvais endroit, ces deux êtres exceptionnels sont cependant destinés à s’aimer l’un l’autre avec un amour absolu.
Ils ont un rêve : quitter la maison familiale et vivre dans des maisons abandonnées situées en périphérie du village. Mais les anciens ne sont pas d’accord : Adama doit devenir le chef du village et rester avec sa famille. Donc ce rêve devient leur combat. Le combat d’une vie.
estrelado / starring / avec :
Khady Mané, Mamadou Diallo, Binta Racine Sy, Moussa Sow
a film by / un film de
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Sénégal, France, Mali | 2023 | Long métrage Fiction, 1h27 | Drame
First Feature Narrative / 1er Long métrage Fiction
My stories often revolve around the same theme: heroines in search of a world where it would be possible to be themselves. But how to assert one’s individuality in a society that never stops crushing us?
With Banel e Adama, I wish to stimulate the imagination and offer another view of Africa. I want to stage a passionate and tragic love story full of references to African legends, to the apocalypse, to religions… While writing, I understood that this story had to unravel in a mystical chaos provoked by the resistance of the young couple. This is how the codes of magic realism imposed themselves on me.
I imagine a rather short film, carried by a mise en scène that evolves with the characters. In the first part, longshots constructed like paintings that underline the languor of the bodies and the ambient harmony. But the more Banel’s madness grows, the more nature is disrupted, the more we evolve towards sharp shots.
If I want Banel e Adama to be a timeless tale, it is also a tragedy anchored in a real society: its two heroes will try to live the way they want to… until their loss.
– Ramata-Toulaye SY
Título / Original title / Titre Original : BANEL E ADAMA
Título Internacional (en Inglês) / International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : BANEL & ADAMA
Título (França / Bélgica) / Title (France / Belgium) / Titre (France, Belgique) : BANEL ET ADAMA
Outro título (em árabe) / Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) : بانيل وآداما
Outro título (em francês) / Other Title (in French) / Autre Titre (en français) :
Duração / Duración / Runtime / Durée : 87′ (1h 27 minutes, 01:27:00)
Tipo / Type / Type : Longa-metragem de ficção / Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Gênero / Genre : Thriller, Drama / Thriller, Drame
Idioma / Languages / Langues de tournage : Fulani, Francês / French, Arabic, Berber / Français, Arabe, Berbère
Subtítulos / Subtitles / Sous-titres :
País de Produção / Country of Production / Pays de Production : França, Senegal, Mali / France, Senegal, Mali / France, Sénégal, Mali
País do Diretora / Filmmaker’s Country / Pays de la réalisatrice : França, Senegal / France, Senegal / France, Sénégal
País de filmagem / Country of Filming / Pays de tournage : Marrocos / Morocco / Maroc
Ano de Produção / Year of production / Année de production : 2022
Ano de lançamento / Year of Release / Année de Sortie :
Visa Number / Numéro de visa (France) : 156.887
Cores / Colors / Couleurs : Cor / Color / Couleur
Suporte de difusão / Media / Support de diffusion :
Formato / Aspect Ratio / Format Image :
Formato de som / Sound Mix / Format Son :
Orçamento estimado / Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel : ,948,514
TAGS : Amore, Família, Mulheres, Love, Family, Women, Amour, Famille, Femmes
Khady Mané……………………………………………… Banel
Mamadou Diallo…………………………………………. Adama
Binta Racine SY………………………………………….
Moussa SOW…………………………………………….
Ndiabel DIALLO………………………………………….
Oumar Samba DIA……………………………………….
Amadou NDIAYE………………………………………….
Margaux JUVÉNAL (Take Shelter)
Maud LECLAIR-NÉVÉ (La Chauve-Souris)
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Guionista / Screenplay / Scénariste :
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :
Public Relations / Attachées de presse :
Alexis Delage-Toriel
Clarisse ANDRÉ
Director de Som / Sound Recordist (Sound Engineer) / Ingénieur du son :
Música / Composer (Original Music) / Musique :
Montagem / Editing / Montage :
Sound Editor / Monteur son :
Direcção de Arte / Production design / Décors :
Costumes design / Costumes :
Sound Mixing / Mixage :
Gerente de Produção / Unit production manager / Directeur de production :
Assistente Realização / Assistant Director / Assistante Réalisatrice :
Makeup artist / Maquillage :
Special makeup effects artist / Maquillage Effets Spéciaux :
Boom operator / Perchiste :
Stunts Coordinator / Cascadeur :
Assistant camera / Assistants cadreurs :
Assistant editor / Assistant monteur :
Location Manager / Régisseur :
Script supervisor / Script-Girl :
Transportation Captain / Responsable Transports :
Set photography / Photographe de plateau :
Behind the scenes footage / Tournage Making-of :
Creative director / Creative director :
Illustration / Illustrations (Générique) :
La Chauve-Souris (France)
Take Shelter (France)
Astou Production (Senegal)
Astou Films (Senegal)
DS Productions (Mali)
FOPICA (Sénégal)
CNC (France)
Jeune Création Francophone (Burkina Faso)
OIF (France)
Red Sea Fund (Saudi Arabia)
ARTE France Cinéma (France)
Canal + (France);
Ciné + (France)
Canal+ International (France)
TV5 Monde (France)
Cinémage (France)
Tandem (France)
BFF (Belgium)
France : Tandem
Best Friend Forever (BFF) (Belgium)
Public Relations Agency (France) / Agence de presse France :
Le Public Système Cinéma
CONTACTS (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)
– LA CHAUVE-SOURIS | 32 rue Washington – 75008 PARIS, France | info(@) | +33 1 44 83 02 27
– TAKE SHELTER | 1 boulevard de Châteaudun – 45000 ORLÉANS, France | margaux(@) | +33 6 20 25 04 67
*Festival International du Film de Durban 2023 /// SELECTION
* World Premiere / Première Mondiale //// Festival de Cannes 2023 (France)
* Leyth Production Award for a work – in progress film consisting of sound mixing worth 20,000 USD (in-kind award) | Selection : RED SEA SOUK WORK-IN-PROGRESS SHOWCASE //// Red Sea International Film Festival – RSIFF 2022, Saudi Arabia | Financing already acquired / Financement déjà acquis : ,572,600 |
Fontes / Our Source / Nos Sources (READ MORE / PLUS D’INFOS) :
mise à jour par Thierno DIA, 20 Avril 2023
Banel (19 ans) et Adama (17 ans) vivent au Fouta, une région isolée du Nord du Sénégal. C’est le seul monde qu’ils connaissent : le soleil étouffant, la chaleur étouffante, le sable brûlant sous leurs pieds, mais aussi leur famille – avec ses traditions et coutumes. Dehors, il n’y a rien. Aimer, vivre, vouloir : ces sentiments ne comptent pas d’où ils viennent. Tombés du ciel au mauvais endroit, ces deux êtres exceptionnels sont cependant destinés à s’aimer l’un l’autre avec un amour absolu.
Ils ont un rêve : quitter la maison familiale et vivre dans des maisons abandonnées situées en périphérie du village. Mais les anciens ne sont pas d’accord : Adama doit devenir le chef du village et rester avec sa famille. Donc ce rêve devient leur combat. Le combat d’une vie.
estrelado / starring / avec :
Khady Mané, Mamadou Diallo, Binta Racine Sy, Moussa Sow
a film by / un film de
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Sénégal, France, Mali | 2023 | Long métrage Fiction, 1h27 | Drame
First Feature Narrative / 1er Long métrage Fiction
My stories often revolve around the same theme: heroines in search of a world where it would be possible to be themselves. But how to assert one’s individuality in a society that never stops crushing us?
With Banel e Adama, I wish to stimulate the imagination and offer another view of Africa. I want to stage a passionate and tragic love story full of references to African legends, to the apocalypse, to religions… While writing, I understood that this story had to unravel in a mystical chaos provoked by the resistance of the young couple. This is how the codes of magic realism imposed themselves on me.
I imagine a rather short film, carried by a mise en scène that evolves with the characters. In the first part, longshots constructed like paintings that underline the languor of the bodies and the ambient harmony. But the more Banel’s madness grows, the more nature is disrupted, the more we evolve towards sharp shots.
If I want Banel e Adama to be a timeless tale, it is also a tragedy anchored in a real society: its two heroes will try to live the way they want to… until their loss.
– Ramata-Toulaye SY
Título / Original title / Titre Original : BANEL E ADAMA
Título Internacional (en Inglês) / International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : BANEL & ADAMA
Título (França / Bélgica) / Title (France / Belgium) / Titre (France, Belgique) : BANEL ET ADAMA
Outro título (em árabe) / Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) : بانيل وآداما
Outro título (em francês) / Other Title (in French) / Autre Titre (en français) :
Duração / Duración / Runtime / Durée : 87′ (1h 27 minutes, 01:27:00)
Tipo / Type / Type : Longa-metragem de ficção / Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Gênero / Genre : Thriller, Drama / Thriller, Drame
Idioma / Languages / Langues de tournage : Fulani, Francês / French, Arabic, Berber / Français, Arabe, Berbère
Subtítulos / Subtitles / Sous-titres :
País de Produção / Country of Production / Pays de Production : França, Senegal, Mali / France, Senegal, Mali / France, Sénégal, Mali
País do Diretora / Filmmaker’s Country / Pays de la réalisatrice : França, Senegal / France, Senegal / France, Sénégal
País de filmagem / Country of Filming / Pays de tournage : Marrocos / Morocco / Maroc
Ano de Produção / Year of production / Année de production : 2022
Ano de lançamento / Year of Release / Année de Sortie :
Visa Number / Numéro de visa (France) : 156.887
Cores / Colors / Couleurs : Cor / Color / Couleur
Suporte de difusão / Media / Support de diffusion :
Formato / Aspect Ratio / Format Image :
Formato de som / Sound Mix / Format Son :
Orçamento estimado / Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel : ,948,514
TAGS : Amore, Família, Mulheres, Love, Family, Women, Amour, Famille, Femmes
Khady Mané……………………………………………… Banel
Mamadou Diallo…………………………………………. Adama
Binta Racine SY………………………………………….
Moussa SOW…………………………………………….
Ndiabel DIALLO………………………………………….
Oumar Samba DIA……………………………………….
Amadou NDIAYE………………………………………….
Margaux JUVÉNAL (Take Shelter)
Maud LECLAIR-NÉVÉ (La Chauve-Souris)
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Guionista / Screenplay / Scénariste :
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :
Public Relations / Attachées de presse :
Alexis Delage-Toriel
Clarisse ANDRÉ
Director de Som / Sound Recordist (Sound Engineer) / Ingénieur du son :
Música / Composer (Original Music) / Musique :
Montagem / Editing / Montage :
Sound Editor / Monteur son :
Direcção de Arte / Production design / Décors :
Costumes design / Costumes :
Sound Mixing / Mixage :
Gerente de Produção / Unit production manager / Directeur de production :
Assistente Realização / Assistant Director / Assistante Réalisatrice :
Makeup artist / Maquillage :
Special makeup effects artist / Maquillage Effets Spéciaux :
Boom operator / Perchiste :
Stunts Coordinator / Cascadeur :
Assistant camera / Assistants cadreurs :
Assistant editor / Assistant monteur :
Location Manager / Régisseur :
Script supervisor / Script-Girl :
Transportation Captain / Responsable Transports :
Set photography / Photographe de plateau :
Behind the scenes footage / Tournage Making-of :
Creative director / Creative director :
Illustration / Illustrations (Générique) :
La Chauve-Souris (France)
Take Shelter (France)
Astou Production (Senegal)
Astou Films (Senegal)
DS Productions (Mali)
FOPICA (Sénégal)
CNC (France)
Jeune Création Francophone (Burkina Faso)
OIF (France)
Red Sea Fund (Saudi Arabia)
ARTE France Cinéma (France)
Canal + (France);
Ciné + (France)
Canal+ International (France)
TV5 Monde (France)
Cinémage (France)
Tandem (France)
BFF (Belgium)
France : Tandem
Best Friend Forever (BFF) (Belgium)
Public Relations Agency (France) / Agence de presse France :
Le Public Système Cinéma
CONTACTS (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)
– LA CHAUVE-SOURIS | 32 rue Washington – 75008 PARIS, France | info(@) | +33 1 44 83 02 27
– TAKE SHELTER | 1 boulevard de Châteaudun – 45000 ORLÉANS, France | margaux(@) | +33 6 20 25 04 67
*Festival International du Film de Durban 2023 /// SELECTION
* World Premiere / Première Mondiale //// Festival de Cannes 2023 (France)
* Leyth Production Award for a work – in progress film consisting of sound mixing worth 20,000 USD (in-kind award) | Selection : RED SEA SOUK WORK-IN-PROGRESS SHOWCASE //// Red Sea International Film Festival – RSIFF 2022, Saudi Arabia | Financing already acquired / Financement déjà acquis : ,572,600 |
Fontes / Our Source / Nos Sources (READ MORE / PLUS D’INFOS) :
mise à jour par Thierno DIA, 20 Avril 2023
Banel and Adama
Banel and Adama live in a remote village in northern Senegal, and they are destined to love each other with an absolute love. But where they live, there is no room for passion, even less for chaos.
Banel (19) and Adama (17) live in Fouta, an isolated region in the north of Senegal. This is the only world they know: the sweltering sun, the stifling heat, the burning sand beneath their feet, but also their family – with its traditions and customs. Outside, nothing exists. To love, to live, to want: these feelings don’t count where they’re from. Fallen from the sky in the wrong place, these two exceptional beings are, however, destined to love each other with an absolute love.
They have a dream: to leave the family home and live in abandoned houses located on the outskirts of the village. But the elders don’t agree: Adama must become the village chief and stay with his family. So this dream becomes their fight. The fight of a lifetime.
estrelado / starring / avec :
Khady Mané, Mamadou Diallo, Binta Racine Sy, Moussa Sow
a film by / un film de
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Senegal, France, Mali | 2023 | Feature Fiction, 1h27 | Drama
First Feature Narrative / 1er Long métrage Fiction
My stories often revolve around the same theme: heroines in search of a world where it would be possible to be themselves. But how to assert one’s individuality in a society that never stops crushing us?
With Banel e Adama, I wish to stimulate the imagination and offer another view of Africa. I want to stage a passionate and tragic love story full of references to African legends, to the apocalypse, to religions… While writing, I understood that this story had to unravel in a mystical chaos provoked by the resistance of the young couple. This is how the codes of magic realism imposed themselves on me.
I imagine a rather short film, carried by a mise en scène that evolves with the characters. In the first part, longshots constructed like paintings that underline the languor of the bodies and the ambient harmony. But the more Banel’s madness grows, the more nature is disrupted, the more we evolve towards sharp shots.
If I want Banel e Adama to be a timeless tale, it is also a tragedy anchored in a real society: its two heroes will try to live the way they want to… until their loss.
– Ramata-Toulaye SY
Título / Original title / Titre Original : BANEL E ADAMA
Título Internacional (en Inglês) / International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : BANEL & ADAMA
Título (França / Bélgica) / Title (France / Belgium) / Titre (France, Belgique) : BANEL ET ADAMA
Outro título (em árabe) / Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) :
Outro título (em francês) / Other Title (in French) / Autre Titre (en français) :
Duração / Duración / Runtime / Durée : 87′ (1h 27 minutes, 01:27:00)
Tipo / Type / Type : Longa-metragem de ficção / Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Gênero / Genre : Thriller, Drama / Thriller, Drame
Idioma / Languages / Langues de tournage : Fulani, Francês / French, Arabic, Berber / Français, Arabe, Berbère
Subtítulos / Subtitles / Sous-titres :
País de Produção / Country of Production / Pays de Production : França, Marrocos / France, Morocco / France, Maroc
País do Diretora / Filmmaker’s Country / Pays du réalisateur : Marrocos / Morocco / Maroc
País de filmagem / Country of Filming / Pays de tournage : Marrocos / Morocco / Maroc
Ano de Produção / Year of production / Année de production : 2022-
Ano de lançamento / Year of Release / Année de Sortie :
Cores / Colors / Couleurs : Cor / Color / Couleur
Suporte de difusão / Media / Support de diffusion :
Formato / Aspect Ratio / Format Image :
Formato de som / Sound Mix / Format Son :
Orçamento estimado / Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel : ,646,589
TAGS : Amizade, Estresse, Família, Mulheres, Friendship, Stress, Family, Women, Amitié, Stress, Famille
Khady Mané……………………………………………… Banel
Mamadou Diallo…………………………………………. Adama
Binta Racine SY………………………………………….
Moussa SOW…………………………………………….
Ndiabel DIALLO………………………………………….
Oumar Samba DIA……………………………………….
Amadou NDIAYE………………………………………….
Margaux JUVÉNAL (Take Shelter)
Maud LECLAIR-NÉVÉ (La Chauve-Souris)
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Guionista / Screenplay / Scénariste :
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :
Public Relations / Attachées de presse :
Alexis Delage-Toriel
Clarisse ANDRÉ
Director de Som / Sound Recordist (Sound Engineer) / Ingénieur du son :
Música / Composer (Original Music) / Musique :
Montagem / Editing / Montage :
Sound Editor / Monteur son :
Direcção de Arte / Production design / Décors :
Costumes design / Costumes :
Sound Mixing / Mixage :
Gerente de Produção / Unit production manager / Directeur de production :
Primeiro assistente de Realização / Assistant Director / Assistante Réalisatrice :
Makeup artist / Maquillage :
Special makeup effects artist / Maquillage Effets Spéciaux :
Boom operator / Perchiste :
Stunts Coordinator / Cascadeur :
Assistant camera / Assistants cadreurs :
Assistant editor / Assistant monteur :
Location Manager / Régisseur :
Script supervisor / Script-Girl :
Transportation Captain / Responsable Transports :
Set photography / Photographe de plateau :
Behind the scenes footage / Tournage Making-of :
Creative director / Creative director :
Illustration / Illustrations (Générique) :
La Chauve-Souris (France)
Take Shelter (France)
Astou Production (Senegal)
Astou Films (Senegal)
DS Productions (Mali)
FOPICA (Sénégal)
CNC (France)
Jeune Création Francophone (Burkina Faso)
OIF (France)
Red Sea Fund (Saudi Arabia)
ARTE France Cinéma (France)
Canal + (France);
Ciné + (France)
Canal+ International (France)
TV5 Monde (France)
Cinémage (France)
Tandem (France)
BFF (Belgium)
France : Tandem
Best Friend Forever (BFF) (Belgium)
Public Relations Agency (France) / Agence de presse France :
Le Public Système Cinéma
CONTACTS (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)
– LA CHAUVE-SOURIS | 32 rue Washington – 75008 PARIS, France | info(@) | +33 1 44 83 02 27
– TAKE SHELTER | 1 boulevard de Châteaudun – 45000 ORLÉANS, France | margaux(@) | +33 6 20 25 04 67
* Durban international Film Festival 2023 /// SELECTION
* World Premiere / Première Mondiale //// Festival de Cannes 2023 (France)
* Leyth Production Award for a work – in progress film consisting of sound mixing worth 20,000 USD (in-kind award) | Selection : RED SEA SOUK WORK-IN-PROGRESS SHOWCASE //// Red Sea International Film Festival – RSIFF 2022, Saudi Arabia | Financing already acquired / Financement déjà acquis : ,572,600 |
Fontes / Our Source / Nos Sources (READ MORE / PLUS D’INFOS) :
updated by Thierno DIA, 20 April 2023
AR – الإعتمادات
يعيش بانيل وأداما في قرية نائية شمال السنغال، وقد قُدّر لهما أن يحباّ بعضهما حبًا مطلقًا. لكن لا مساحة للعشق حيث يعيشان، ولا مكان للفوضى
تعيش بانيل، ابنة التاسعة عشرة، وأداما، ابن السبعة عشرة، في فوتا، وهي منطقة منعزلة شمال السنغال. هي في نظرهم عالمهم الوحيد: الشمس القائظة
والحر الخانق والرمل الحارق تحت أقدامهما، وكذلك عائلتيهما وعاداتهما وتقاليدهما. لا وجود لشيء في الخارج. أما الحب وحرية الحياة والرغبة فلا مكان لها
حيث هما. على الرغم من نشأتهما في المكان الخاطئ، إلا أن هذين الشخصين الاستثنائيين قد كُتب لهما أن يحبا بعضهما الآخر حبًا مطلقًا
لديهما حلم: أن يتركا منزل العائلة ويعيشا في البيوت المهجورة على مشارف القرية. لكن الكبار يرفضون ذلك، فعلى أداما أن يصبح زعيم القرية ويبقى بجوار
عائلته. يتحول الحلم إلى معركة العمر التي يخوضانها سويًا
التصنيف: دراما
البلد: فرنسا، السنغال، مالي
اللغة: بيول
تصريح المخرج:
تدور معظم حكاياتي عادة حول موضوع واحد: بطلات يبحثن عن عالم يمكنهن العيش فيه كما هن. ولكن كيف لهن أن يفرضن مكانتهن في مجتمع يحطمهن
على الدوام؟ أسعى في هذا الفيلم إلى تحفيز الخيال ورسم صورة مختلفة لإفريقيا. أردت أن أقدم قصة حب شغوفة ومأساوية، مليئة بالاستعارات والإشارات إلى
الأساطير الإفريقية ونهاية العالم والأديان. أدركت خلال كتابتي ضرورة أن تكشف أحداث القصة عن فوضى روحانية نابعة من مقاومة الثنائي اليافع. هكذا فرضَت
الواقعية السحرية قواعدها عليّ
أتخيل فيلمًا قصيرًا بإطار مسرحي يتطور مع تطور الشخصيات. في الجزء الأول من الفيلم، تُجسّد اللقطات الطويلة سكون الأجساد والانسجام العام. ولكن مع تفاقم
فورة بانيل، يزداد اضطراب المحيط، وننتقل إلى لقطات أكثر حدة.
أريد أن تصبح قصة الفيلم حكاية خالدة، ومأساة راسخة في مجتمع حقيقي، يحاول بطلاها العيش كما يريدان حتى النهاية
Fontes / Our Source / Nos Sources (READ MORE / PLUS D’INFOS) :
– 2022 (Book of Projects – Arabic)
updated by Thierno DIA, 20 April 2023
Banel (19) and Adama (17) live in Fouta, an isolated region in the north of Senegal. This is the only world they know: the sweltering sun, the stifling heat, the burning sand beneath their feet, but also their family – with its traditions and customs. Outside, nothing exists. To love, to live, to want: these feelings don’t count where they’re from. Fallen from the sky in the wrong place, these two exceptional beings are, however, destined to love each other with an absolute love.
They have a dream: to leave the family home and live in abandoned houses located on the outskirts of the village. But the elders don’t agree: Adama must become the village chief and stay with his family. So this dream becomes their fight. The fight of a lifetime.
estrelado / starring / avec :
Khady Mané, Mamadou Diallo, Binta Racine Sy, Moussa Sow
a film by / un film de
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Senegal, France, Mali | 2023 | Feature Fiction, 1h27 | Drama
First Feature Narrative / 1er Long métrage Fiction
My stories often revolve around the same theme: heroines in search of a world where it would be possible to be themselves. But how to assert one’s individuality in a society that never stops crushing us?
With Banel e Adama, I wish to stimulate the imagination and offer another view of Africa. I want to stage a passionate and tragic love story full of references to African legends, to the apocalypse, to religions… While writing, I understood that this story had to unravel in a mystical chaos provoked by the resistance of the young couple. This is how the codes of magic realism imposed themselves on me.
I imagine a rather short film, carried by a mise en scène that evolves with the characters. In the first part, longshots constructed like paintings that underline the languor of the bodies and the ambient harmony. But the more Banel’s madness grows, the more nature is disrupted, the more we evolve towards sharp shots.
If I want Banel e Adama to be a timeless tale, it is also a tragedy anchored in a real society: its two heroes will try to live the way they want to… until their loss.
– Ramata-Toulaye SY
Título / Original title / Titre Original : BANEL E ADAMA
Título Internacional (en Inglês) / International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : BANEL & ADAMA
Título (França / Bélgica) / Title (France / Belgium) / Titre (France, Belgique) : BANEL ET ADAMA
Outro título (em árabe) / Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) :
Outro título (em francês) / Other Title (in French) / Autre Titre (en français) :
Duração / Duración / Runtime / Durée : 87′ (1h 27 minutes, 01:27:00)
Tipo / Type / Type : Longa-metragem de ficção / Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Gênero / Genre : Thriller, Drama / Thriller, Drame
Idioma / Languages / Langues de tournage : Fulani, Francês / French, Arabic, Berber / Français, Arabe, Berbère
Subtítulos / Subtitles / Sous-titres :
País de Produção / Country of Production / Pays de Production : França, Marrocos / France, Morocco / France, Maroc
País do Diretora / Filmmaker’s Country / Pays du réalisateur : Marrocos / Morocco / Maroc
País de filmagem / Country of Filming / Pays de tournage : Marrocos / Morocco / Maroc
Ano de Produção / Year of production / Année de production : 2022-
Ano de lançamento / Year of Release / Année de Sortie :
Cores / Colors / Couleurs : Cor / Color / Couleur
Suporte de difusão / Media / Support de diffusion :
Formato / Aspect Ratio / Format Image :
Formato de som / Sound Mix / Format Son :
Orçamento estimado / Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel : ,646,589
TAGS : Amizade, Estresse, Família, Mulheres, Friendship, Stress, Family, Women, Amitié, Stress, Famille
Khady Mané……………………………………………… Banel
Mamadou Diallo…………………………………………. Adama
Binta Racine SY………………………………………….
Moussa SOW…………………………………………….
Ndiabel DIALLO………………………………………….
Oumar Samba DIA……………………………………….
Amadou NDIAYE………………………………………….
Margaux JUVÉNAL (Take Shelter)
Maud LECLAIR-NÉVÉ (La Chauve-Souris)
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Guionista / Screenplay / Scénariste :
Ramata-Toulaye SY
Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :
Public Relations / Attachées de presse :
Alexis Delage-Toriel
Clarisse ANDRÉ
Director de Som / Sound Recordist (Sound Engineer) / Ingénieur du son :
Música / Composer (Original Music) / Musique :
Montagem / Editing / Montage :
Sound Editor / Monteur son :
Direcção de Arte / Production design / Décors :
Costumes design / Costumes :
Sound Mixing / Mixage :
Gerente de Produção / Unit production manager / Directeur de production :
Primeiro assistente de Realização / Assistant Director / Assistante Réalisatrice :
Makeup artist / Maquillage :
Special makeup effects artist / Maquillage Effets Spéciaux :
Boom operator / Perchiste :
Stunts Coordinator / Cascadeur :
Assistant camera / Assistants cadreurs :
Assistant editor / Assistant monteur :
Location Manager / Régisseur :
Script supervisor / Script-Girl :
Transportation Captain / Responsable Transports :
Set photography / Photographe de plateau :
Behind the scenes footage / Tournage Making-of :
Creative director / Creative director :
Illustration / Illustrations (Générique) :
La Chauve-Souris (France)
Take Shelter (France)
Astou Production (Senegal)
Astou Films (Senegal)
DS Productions (Mali)
FOPICA (Sénégal)
CNC (France)
Jeune Création Francophone (Burkina Faso)
OIF (France)
Red Sea Fund (Saudi Arabia)
ARTE France Cinéma (France)
Canal + (France);
Ciné + (France)
Canal+ International (France)
TV5 Monde (France)
Cinémage (France)
Tandem (France)
BFF (Belgium)
France : Tandem
Best Friend Forever (BFF) (Belgium)
Public Relations Agency (France) / Agence de presse France :
Le Public Système Cinéma
CONTACTS (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)
– LA CHAUVE-SOURIS | 32 rue Washington – 75008 PARIS, France | info(@) | +33 1 44 83 02 27
– TAKE SHELTER | 1 boulevard de Châteaudun – 45000 ORLÉANS, France | margaux(@) | +33 6 20 25 04 67
* Durban international Film Festival 2023 /// SELECTION
* World Premiere / Première Mondiale //// Festival de Cannes 2023 (France)
* Leyth Production Award for a work – in progress film consisting of sound mixing worth 20,000 USD (in-kind award) | Selection : RED SEA SOUK WORK-IN-PROGRESS SHOWCASE //// Red Sea International Film Festival – RSIFF 2022, Saudi Arabia | Financing already acquired / Financement déjà acquis : ,572,600 |
Fontes / Our Source / Nos Sources (READ MORE / PLUS D’INFOS) :
updated by Thierno DIA, 20 April 2023
AR – الإعتمادات
يعيش بانيل وأداما في قرية نائية شمال السنغال، وقد قُدّر لهما أن يحباّ بعضهما حبًا مطلقًا. لكن لا مساحة للعشق حيث يعيشان، ولا مكان للفوضى
تعيش بانيل، ابنة التاسعة عشرة، وأداما، ابن السبعة عشرة، في فوتا، وهي منطقة منعزلة شمال السنغال. هي في نظرهم عالمهم الوحيد: الشمس القائظة
والحر الخانق والرمل الحارق تحت أقدامهما، وكذلك عائلتيهما وعاداتهما وتقاليدهما. لا وجود لشيء في الخارج. أما الحب وحرية الحياة والرغبة فلا مكان لها
حيث هما. على الرغم من نشأتهما في المكان الخاطئ، إلا أن هذين الشخصين الاستثنائيين قد كُتب لهما أن يحبا بعضهما الآخر حبًا مطلقًا
لديهما حلم: أن يتركا منزل العائلة ويعيشا في البيوت المهجورة على مشارف القرية. لكن الكبار يرفضون ذلك، فعلى أداما أن يصبح زعيم القرية ويبقى بجوار
عائلته. يتحول الحلم إلى معركة العمر التي يخوضانها سويًا
التصنيف: دراما
البلد: فرنسا، السنغال، مالي
اللغة: بيول
تصريح المخرج:
تدور معظم حكاياتي عادة حول موضوع واحد: بطلات يبحثن عن عالم يمكنهن العيش فيه كما هن. ولكن كيف لهن أن يفرضن مكانتهن في مجتمع يحطمهن
على الدوام؟ أسعى في هذا الفيلم إلى تحفيز الخيال ورسم صورة مختلفة لإفريقيا. أردت أن أقدم قصة حب شغوفة ومأساوية، مليئة بالاستعارات والإشارات إلى
الأساطير الإفريقية ونهاية العالم والأديان. أدركت خلال كتابتي ضرورة أن تكشف أحداث القصة عن فوضى روحانية نابعة من مقاومة الثنائي اليافع. هكذا فرضَت
الواقعية السحرية قواعدها عليّ
أتخيل فيلمًا قصيرًا بإطار مسرحي يتطور مع تطور الشخصيات. في الجزء الأول من الفيلم، تُجسّد اللقطات الطويلة سكون الأجساد والانسجام العام. ولكن مع تفاقم
فورة بانيل، يزداد اضطراب المحيط، وننتقل إلى لقطات أكثر حدة.
أريد أن تصبح قصة الفيلم حكاية خالدة، ومأساة راسخة في مجتمع حقيقي، يحاول بطلاها العيش كما يريدان حتى النهاية
Fontes / Our Source / Nos Sources (READ MORE / PLUS D’INFOS) :
– 2022 (Book of Projects – Arabic)
updated by Thierno DIA, 20 April 2023
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