Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2003
Voyage de James à Jérusalem (Le)

Titre original : Voyage de James à Jérusalem (Le)
Pays concerné : Israël
Support : 35 mm
Durée : 90 minutes
Genre : comédie dramatique
Type : fiction
A Entshongwen, petit village africain loin de la civilisation occidentale, on choisit le jeune James pour une mission : un pèlerinage à Jérusalem. Mais Israël n’est plus la terre promise rêvée par James et les siens. A l’aéroport, James est suspecté de venir chercher du travail illégalement. Il est emprisonné et destiné à être renvoyé dans son pays. Alors que, du fond de sa cellule, James demande à Dieu de lui permettre d’achever sa mission, un miracle arrive : un mystérieux inconnu paie sa caution. Mais il devient vite clair que cette caution est remboursable. Son sauveur est un pourvoyeur de main-d’oeuvre qui sauve les immigrants illégaux en échange des tâches les plus dures. A partir de ce moment, le voyage de James pour Jérusalem se transforme en une plongée cruelle dans notre dure réalité économique. Avec de bons professeurs, une petite dose de chance et des échanges philosophiques, James apprend les règles du jeu et devient un expert.
Un film de Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
Drame / Comédie, 87 min.
35 mm
Langues: Hébreu, anglais, Zoulou
Sous-titres: anglais, Français
James Siyabonga… Melongisi Shibe
Salah… Arie Elias
Shimi… Salim Daw
Rachel… Sandra Schonwald
Skomboze… Hugh Masebenza
Pasteur… David Nabegamabo
Re’uma… Florence Bloch
Job… Pascal I. Newton
Officier de Police… Ya’acov Ronen Morad
Feda… Gregory Tal
Officier d’Immigration… Yael Levental
réalisé par Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
Produit par Amir Harel
Ecrit par Ra’anan Alexandrowicz & Sammi Duenias
Directeur de la Photo : Shark (Sharon) De-Mayo
Monteur : Ron Goldman
Musique originale : Ehud Banay with Gil Smetana & Noam Halevi
Directeur de Casting : Orit Azoulay
Chef Décorateur : Amir Dov Pick
Chef Costumiière : Maya Barsky
Ingénieur du son : David Lis
Sound Design : Ronen Nagel
Lama Films, ID Distribution, Cinema Project-Rabinowitz Fund, Israeli Film Fund, Makor Foundation for Israeli Films
Un film de Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
Drame / Comédie, 87 min.
35 mm
Langues: Hébreu, anglais, Zoulou
Sous-titres: anglais, Français
James Siyabonga… Melongisi Shibe
Salah… Arie Elias
Shimi… Salim Daw
Rachel… Sandra Schonwald
Skomboze… Hugh Masebenza
Pasteur… David Nabegamabo
Re’uma… Florence Bloch
Job… Pascal I. Newton
Officier de Police… Ya’acov Ronen Morad
Feda… Gregory Tal
Officier d’Immigration… Yael Levental
réalisé par Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
Produit par Amir Harel
Ecrit par Ra’anan Alexandrowicz & Sammi Duenias
Directeur de la Photo : Shark (Sharon) De-Mayo
Monteur : Ron Goldman
Musique originale : Ehud Banay with Gil Smetana & Noam Halevi
Directeur de Casting : Orit Azoulay
Chef Décorateur : Amir Dov Pick
Chef Costumiière : Maya Barsky
Ingénieur du son : David Lis
Sound Design : Ronen Nagel
Lama Films, ID Distribution, Cinema Project-Rabinowitz Fund, Israeli Film Fund, Makor Foundation for Israeli Films
James’journey to Jerusalem
James is a man who has a dream, but who is led by reality to lose his way toward its fulfillment without realizing what is happening to him. In a way, there is a bit of « James » in each and every one of us.
A film by Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
Drama/ Comedy, 87 min.
35 mm
Language: Hebrew, English, Zulu
Subtitles: English, French
In the imaginary village of Entshongweni, very far from western civilization, the young James is chosen to undertake a mission – a pilgrimage to holy Jerusalem.
But Israel is no longer the Holy Land that James and his people imagined. At the airport, James is suspected of trying to infiltrate the country in order to work illegally. He is jailed and destined for deportation.
Inside the dark cell, as James prays to God to allow him to complete his mission, a miracle occurs. A mysterious stranger posts bail for him. But it soon becomes clear that James’ freedom has come at a price – his savior is a manpower agent, who rescues illegal migrant workers in exchange for employing them in hard labor jobs.
From then on, James’ journey to Jerusalem turns into an unpredictable journey through the cruel heart of our economic system. With good teachers, a bit of luck and some lateral thinking, James learns the tricks of the game and plays it towards an inevitable end.
Directed by Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
Produced by Amir Harel
Written by Ra’anan Alexandrowicz & Sammi Duenias
Director of Photography: Shark (Sharon) De-Mayo
Editor: Ron Goldman
Original Music: Ehud Banay with Gil Smetana & Noam Halevi
Casting Director: Orit Azoulay
Art Director: Amir Dov Pick
Costume Design: Maya Barsky
Sound Engineer: David Lis
Sound Design: Ronen Nagel
James Siyabonga… Melongisi Shibe
Salah… Arie Elias
Shimi… Salim Daw
Rachel… Sandra Schonwald
Skomboze… Hugh Masebenza
Pastor… David Nabegamabo
Re’uma… Florence Bloch
Job… Pascal I. Newton
Police Officer… Ya’acov Ronen Morad
Feda… Gregory Tal
Immigration Officer… Yael Levental
Lama Films, ID Distribution, Cinema Project-Rabinowitz Fund, Israeli Film Fund, Makor Foundation for Israeli Films
A film by Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
Drama/ Comedy, 87 min.
35 mm
Language: Hebrew, English, Zulu
Subtitles: English, French
In the imaginary village of Entshongweni, very far from western civilization, the young James is chosen to undertake a mission – a pilgrimage to holy Jerusalem.
But Israel is no longer the Holy Land that James and his people imagined. At the airport, James is suspected of trying to infiltrate the country in order to work illegally. He is jailed and destined for deportation.
Inside the dark cell, as James prays to God to allow him to complete his mission, a miracle occurs. A mysterious stranger posts bail for him. But it soon becomes clear that James’ freedom has come at a price – his savior is a manpower agent, who rescues illegal migrant workers in exchange for employing them in hard labor jobs.
From then on, James’ journey to Jerusalem turns into an unpredictable journey through the cruel heart of our economic system. With good teachers, a bit of luck and some lateral thinking, James learns the tricks of the game and plays it towards an inevitable end.
Directed by Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
Produced by Amir Harel
Written by Ra’anan Alexandrowicz & Sammi Duenias
Director of Photography: Shark (Sharon) De-Mayo
Editor: Ron Goldman
Original Music: Ehud Banay with Gil Smetana & Noam Halevi
Casting Director: Orit Azoulay
Art Director: Amir Dov Pick
Costume Design: Maya Barsky
Sound Engineer: David Lis
Sound Design: Ronen Nagel
James Siyabonga… Melongisi Shibe
Salah… Arie Elias
Shimi… Salim Daw
Rachel… Sandra Schonwald
Skomboze… Hugh Masebenza
Pastor… David Nabegamabo
Re’uma… Florence Bloch
Job… Pascal I. Newton
Police Officer… Ya’acov Ronen Morad
Feda… Gregory Tal
Immigration Officer… Yael Levental
Lama Films, ID Distribution, Cinema Project-Rabinowitz Fund, Israeli Film Fund, Makor Foundation for Israeli Films
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