Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 1988
Citadelle, La (El kalaa)
Date de sortie en France : 00/00/0000
Pays concerné : Algérie
Support : 35 mm
Durée : 95 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
Une journée particulière dans la vie d'un village du Sud oranais, avec la solitude des uns, la polygamie des autres. La chronique de deux sociétés : celle des hommes et celle des femmes. Deux sociétés séparées par un mur. Réal et scénario : Mohammed Chouikh Image : Allel Yahiaoui Montage : Yamina Chouikh Musique : Jawad Fasha Interprètes : Khaled BARKAT (Kaddour), Djilali AIN TEDELES (Sidi), Fettouma OUSLIHA (Helima), Fatima BELHADJ (Nedjma), Momo (Aissa), Boumediene SIRAT, SISSANI, Mohamed HAIMOUR, Newel ZAATAR, Faouzi SAICHI, Mohamed BOUAMARI, Abdelhamid HABATI, Esmaa BOUBEKEUR, ASMAA, OURDIA
Distinctions : NANTES 88
GENEVE – Black Movie 95
FRIBOURG 1990 – Prix spécial du Jury
MILAN 1996
IMA 2000
Notes : INS 4 p.16 / INS 23 p.15 / INS 68 Z
Distinctions : NANTES 88
GENEVE – Black Movie 95
FRIBOURG 1990 – Prix spécial du Jury
MILAN 1996
IMA 2000
Notes : INS 4 p.16 / INS 23 p.15 / INS 68 Z
Kaddour, a simple-minded boy, adoptive son of a noteworthy polygamous man about to marry his fourth wife, finds himself torn between two worlds: that of the women who endure polygamy and that of men who are dead set on preserving their rights and upholding traditions. As he proclaims his love, the old men in the village are going to play a trick on him by finding an appropriate woman for him. Because he didn’t want to act like a man, the others are going to punish him and humiliate him by giving him a model for his wedding night. Laughed at and treated the same way as the women in his village, Kaddour will commit suicide.
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