Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2004
Attends la ville sera vide (Na Cidade Vazia)

Titre original : Na cidade vazia [original title]
Date de sortie en France : 18/01/2006
Pays concerné : Angola
Support : 35 mm
Durée : 90 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
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Un groupe d’enfants fuyant la guerre civile est accompagné par une Soeur à bord d’un avion. Dès leur arrivée à l’aeroport de Luanda l’un d’eux, N’dala s’échappe et part à la découverte de la ville. La Religieuse entreprend la recherche de l’enfant. N’dala orphelin de guerre chemine dans une ville à la dérive et imagine revenir sous les cieux de sa province d’origine pour y retrouver ses parents défunts… Dans le clair-obsur de la ville dégradée, les illusions révolutionnaires sont devenues poussière, les rencontres y sont troubles, voires fascinantes… Joka, un marginal dans une ville elle-même en marge, séduit N’dala et lui propose un peu d’argent en contrepartie de son aide dans un cambriolage.
A group of war refugee children accompanied by a Nun fly off to Luanda. Upon their arrival at the airport, one of the children, N’dala, escapes the group and runs off to discover the town. While the Nun begins a search for the child, N’dala – a war orphan, makes his way through the messed-up town imagining himself coming back home to find his deceased parents.
In the twilight of this degraded city, the revolutionary illusions have turned to dust, encounters are troubled even fascinating. Joka, a marginal in this already marginal city, lures N’dala, offering him a little money in exchange for his help in a robbery.
Maria João Ganga, Angola/Portugal, 2004, Couleurs / 35mm / 1h32
Réalisation : Maria João Ganga
Scénario : Maria João Ganga
Image : Jacques Besse
Montage : Pascale Chavance
Décor : Sao Amaro
Son: Gita Cerveira, Tiago Matos, Gérard Rousseau
Musique : Né Gonçalves
Acteurs : Roldan João, Domingos Fernades Fonseca, Raul Rosario, Julia Botelho, Ana Bustorff
Production : Integrada Producoes, François Gonot, Animatografo
Ventes internationals : Integrada Producoes
Droits : Integrada Producoes
Angola/Portugal, 2004 director: Maria Joao Ganga production: Integrada Producoes, François Gonot, Animatografo sales: Integrada Producoes print: Integrada Producoes scenario: Maria Joao Ganga cast: Roldan Joao, Domingos Fernandes Fonseca, Raúl Rosário, Júlia Botelho, Ana Bustorff camera: Jacques Besse editor: Pascale Chavance production design: Sao Amaro sound: Gita Cerveira, Tiago Matos, Gérard Rousseau music: Né Gonçalves running time: 1h32
2007 : Festival Miroirs d’Afriques | MARSEILLE, France | 26 juin – 1er juillet 2007 |
> Compétition officielle
2007 : Festival de Cannes | CANNES, France | 2007 |
> Projection : Pavillon des Suds
2004 : Cinemafrica Film Festival | STOCKHOLM, Suéde | 2004
> Sélection
2004 : Festival de Paris Ile de France | PARIS, France | 2004
> Prix spécial du Jury
Le film peut être vu intégralement en sous-titres anglais sur :
A group of war refugee children accompanied by a Nun fly off to Luanda. Upon their arrival at the airport, one of the children, N’dala, escapes the group and runs off to discover the town. While the Nun begins a search for the child, N’dala – a war orphan, makes his way through the messed-up town imagining himself coming back home to find his deceased parents.
In the twilight of this degraded city, the revolutionary illusions have turned to dust, encounters are troubled even fascinating. Joka, a marginal in this already marginal city, lures N’dala, offering him a little money in exchange for his help in a robbery.
Maria João Ganga, Angola/Portugal, 2004, Couleurs / 35mm / 1h32
Réalisation : Maria João Ganga
Scénario : Maria João Ganga
Image : Jacques Besse
Montage : Pascale Chavance
Décor : Sao Amaro
Son: Gita Cerveira, Tiago Matos, Gérard Rousseau
Musique : Né Gonçalves
Acteurs : Roldan João, Domingos Fernades Fonseca, Raul Rosario, Julia Botelho, Ana Bustorff
Production : Integrada Producoes, François Gonot, Animatografo
Ventes internationals : Integrada Producoes
Droits : Integrada Producoes
Angola/Portugal, 2004 director: Maria Joao Ganga production: Integrada Producoes, François Gonot, Animatografo sales: Integrada Producoes print: Integrada Producoes scenario: Maria Joao Ganga cast: Roldan Joao, Domingos Fernandes Fonseca, Raúl Rosário, Júlia Botelho, Ana Bustorff camera: Jacques Besse editor: Pascale Chavance production design: Sao Amaro sound: Gita Cerveira, Tiago Matos, Gérard Rousseau music: Né Gonçalves running time: 1h32
2007 : Festival Miroirs d’Afriques | MARSEILLE, France | 26 juin – 1er juillet 2007 |
> Compétition officielle
2007 : Festival de Cannes | CANNES, France | 2007 |
> Projection : Pavillon des Suds
2004 : Cinemafrica Film Festival | STOCKHOLM, Suéde | 2004
> Sélection
2004 : Festival de Paris Ile de France | PARIS, France | 2004
> Prix spécial du Jury
Le film peut être vu intégralement en sous-titres anglais sur :
Hollow City
A group of children, fleeing the war, is taken to Luanda accompanied by a nun. When they reach the aeroplane, 12-year-old N’Dala decides to leave the group and to reconnoitre the city. The nun then starts her unceasing quest for the missing boy. N’Dala, only carrying a textile bag and a doll made of wire, walks through the busy streets filled with people and traffic. Later he finds the tranquility of the island off the coast, where he meets the old fisherman Antonio, with whom he becomes friends. Not much later, he meets the lively, whimsical Zé, who is a little older than he is. N’Dala starts to experience the city and its inhabitants as increasingly forbidding and he would most like to return to the countryside from whence he came. Then he meets Joka, a fringe figure who persuades him to help with a robbery in exchange for money. With this film, Maria Joao Ganga wanted to provide a realistic sketch of the bitter political situation in Angola. One of her most important motivations for making In the Empty City was to provide a picture of an African city without awakening feelings of a patronising sympathy or associations with the sensationalism of war.
Principal Cast
N’dala___ Roldan Pinto João
Zé___ Domingos Fernandes
Joka___ Raúl Rosáro
Rosita___ Júlia Botelho
Nun___ Ana Bustorff
Writer / Director___ Maria João Ganga
Production Company___ Integrada prod.
Producer___ François Gonot
Cinematographer___ Jacques Besse
Production Designer___ Sao Amaro
Music___ Ne Goncalves
2004 : Cinemafrica Film Festival | STOCKHOLM, Suéde | 2004
> Sélection
2004: Cinemafrica Film Festival 2004 | STOCKHOLM, Sweden | 2004
> Selection
Principal Cast
N’dala___ Roldan Pinto João
Zé___ Domingos Fernandes
Joka___ Raúl Rosáro
Rosita___ Júlia Botelho
Nun___ Ana Bustorff
Writer / Director___ Maria João Ganga
Production Company___ Integrada prod.
Producer___ François Gonot
Cinematographer___ Jacques Besse
Production Designer___ Sao Amaro
Music___ Ne Goncalves
2004 : Cinemafrica Film Festival | STOCKHOLM, Suéde | 2004
> Sélection
2004: Cinemafrica Film Festival 2004 | STOCKHOLM, Sweden | 2004
> Selection
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