Fiche Film
Cinéma/TV Histoire/société
LONG Métrage | 1993
Le Démon Au Féminin
Titre original : Ash-shaytan imra’
Date de sortie en France : 01/02/1994
Pays concerné : Algérie
Support : VHS
Durée : 125 minutes
Genre : société
Type : fiction


"Le Démon Au Féminin" est un film algérien réalisé par Hafsa Zinaï Koudil, sorti en 1994.

En Algérie, en 1991 en pleine montée de l'intégrisme, Ali père de famille, se laisse influencé par trois extrémistes et entraîne son épouse dans un cauchemar. Pour les intégristes, les "démons" peuvent bien se nicher dans la femme, alors il faut l'exorciser de cette présence "diabolique".






Editeur Vidéo : Enpa

1994 Durée : 125 minutes

Langues Audio : Arabe Sous-titres : Français

Distinctions & Nominations

1995 GENEVE – Black Movie

02/1995 FESPACO

01/1995 PARIS – Festival Rencontres des Premiers Films

11/1994 AMIENS – 14ième Festival International du Film (vainqueur Prix du Public)


Algiers at the end of the 1980’s. He is an architect, she is a teacher. The couple is united, they take care of their children, two teenage girls and an older son. It’s the life of modern managers, uneventful. They are a bit worried about their son because he keeps going to the mosque. His religious proselytism doesn’t affect the family until his father, suffering from mental disorder, is convinced, or rather his son easily convinces him that his wife is possessed by a demon. What was only a feeling of claustrophobia turns into a persecution syndrome. His son takes him to an imam. It’s apparently common in couples in which the woman has a job. She has to stay home to take care of the children and it will all be better very soon. Fundamentalists get involved and send an exorcist and his two assistants. These three “saints” look and act like hit men. They lock themselves in the “possessed” wife’s bedroom and beat her to knock the demons and other evil spirits out of her until she becomes unconscious. Her husband, alone, keeps fighting his hallucinations. She is hospitalized and will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.  

Directed by Hafsa Zinai Koudil Screenplay: Hafsa Zinai Koudil Cast (in alphabetical order) Doudja Achaichi (or Doudja Achachi) Said Amrane Ahmed Benaissa Fatiha Berber Djamila Haddadi Mustapha Kesdarli Original Music by Safy Boutella Cinematography by A. Messaad
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