Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 2021
Tuk-Tuk [Dir. Mohamed Kheidir] (DOUBLON)
Pays concerné : Égypte
Durée : 25 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction


En Égypte, plus de 30 000 femmes sont liées par des dettes. Abandonnée par son mari, Walaa doit conduire un tuk-tuk, dans un environnement dominé par les hommes. Ridiculisée, harcelée et rejetée alors qu’elle croule sous les dettes, elle va devoir se battre pour survivre.

starring / avec
Elham Wagdi, Ashraf Mahdy, Mohamed Khamis

a film by / un film de
Mohamed KHEIDR

Egypte, 2021, Short Fiction, 25 minutes, drama, in Arabic

Based on a True Story/ D’après une histoire vraie

2021 Paulin Vieyra Award by African Critics / Prix Paulin Vieyra de la Critique Africaine (Rencontres du Film Court, Madagascar, 2021)


In Egypt, more than 30,000 women are bound by debt. Abandoned by her husband, Walaa must drive a tuk-tuk in a male-dominated environment. Ridiculed, harassed and rejected as she is burdened with debt, she will have to fight to survive.

After her husband abandoned her and illegally fled the country, Walaa’s only way to secure income for her family was to drive a Tuk-tuk in a male dominated environment where women struggle. At the risk of being ridiculed, harassed and unaccepted while drowning in debt she embarks on a journey to fight for her livelihood.

starring / avec
Elham Wagdi, Ashraf Mahdy, Mohamed Khamis

a film by / un film de
Mohamed KHEIDR

Egypte, 2021, Short Fiction, 25 minutes, drama, in Arabic

Based on a True Story/ D’après une histoire vraie

2021 Paulin Vieyra Award by African Critics / Prix Paulin Vieyra de la Critique Africaine (Rencontres du Film Court, Madagascar, 2021)

A film by Mohamed Kheidir selected for the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival 2021 in the category « African Regqrds ».

Production: Mohamed Kheidir, Ramy Yaacoub, Sherine Alaa
Screenplay: Mohamed Kheidir and Sheriff Abdel Hady
Director of Photography: Mohamed Kheidir
Artistic direction of the sound: Hosni Aly
Original music: Saïfeddine Hélal
Editing :Mohamed Kheidir
Interpretation: Mohamed Khamis, Omer Rashad, Elham Wagdi, Ashraf Mahdi, Marie Guegess
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