Fiche Groupe

Genre : Compagnie de danse
Membres(s) : Panaibra Gabriel Canda
Téléphone(s) : (+258) 21 40 50 06
Culturarte est une compagnie de danse contemporaine mozambicaine, créée en 1996 (reconnaissance légale en 1998) par le danseur et chorégraphe mozambicain Panaibra Gabriel Canda.
CulturArte, more than Dance Company, is a centre for the development of contemporary performing art in Maputo, particularly dance, created in 1998 by the Mozambican choreographer Panaibra Gabriel Canda, actually performer, choreographer and artistic director of CulturArte.
Is recognised by Mozambican low as independent structure or organization for choreographers, dancers, independent dance companies and other artists who dedicate themselves to the creation of new artistic languages, rooted in the rich traditions of Mozambique and Africa and open to the current artistic tendencies on a global scale. To realize its objectives, CulturArte with his partner, working in the regional level in southern Africa region, organizes a wide scope of activities, in various art forms, but mainly concentrated on choreography and dance, by artistic creation, production, management, training, and lobby for cultural policy’s in Africa, particularly in Mozambique.
Is recognised by Mozambican low as independent structure or organization for choreographers, dancers, independent dance companies and other artists who dedicate themselves to the creation of new artistic languages, rooted in the rich traditions of Mozambique and Africa and open to the current artistic tendencies on a global scale. To realize its objectives, CulturArte with his partner, working in the regional level in southern Africa region, organizes a wide scope of activities, in various art forms, but mainly concentrated on choreography and dance, by artistic creation, production, management, training, and lobby for cultural policy’s in Africa, particularly in Mozambique.
Culturarte é uma companhia da dança contemporânea criada em 1996 (legalizada em 1998) pelo bailarino e coreografo moçambicano Panaibra Gabriel Canda.
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