Fiche Personne
Nicolaas Hofmeyer
Réalisateur/trice, Producteur/trice, Directeur/trice de la photo
Afrique du Sud

Nicolaas Hofmeyer has been working in the television industry for the past 15 years. He shot 13 episodes of the award winning documentary series Ordinary People and won an award for best investigative journalism for his story on illegal immigrants in South Africa.
Hofmeyer also produced and directed four stories for Channel Four¹s African Express. He was the director of photography for the acclaimed SABC series Africa Salutes Mandela by John Matshikiza. In addition, he has made award winning music videos for South African artists.
As a documentary photographer and photo-journalist his work has appeared in several exhibitions and journals. He recently photographed a 40 minute documentary for the German television network WDR. We are pleased to welcome Nicolaas Hofmeyer as a guest of Pro Helvetia and this Festival.
Hofmeyer also produced and directed four stories for Channel Four¹s African Express. He was the director of photography for the acclaimed SABC series Africa Salutes Mandela by John Matshikiza. In addition, he has made award winning music videos for South African artists.
As a documentary photographer and photo-journalist his work has appeared in several exhibitions and journals. He recently photographed a 40 minute documentary for the German television network WDR. We are pleased to welcome Nicolaas Hofmeyer as a guest of Pro Helvetia and this Festival.
Nicolaas Hofmeyer has been working in the television industry for the past 15 years. He shot 13 episodes of the award winning documentary series Ordinary People and won an award for best investigative journalism for his story on illegal immigrants in South Africa.
Hofmeyer also produced and directed four stories for Channel Four¹s African Express. He was the director of photography for the acclaimed SABC series Africa Salutes Mandela by John Matshikiza. In addition, he has made award winning music videos for South African artists.
As a documentary photographer and photo-journalist his work has appeared in several exhibitions and journals. He recently photographed a 40 minute documentary for the German television network WDR. We are pleased to welcome Nicolaas Hofmeyer as a guest of Pro Helvetia and this Festival.
Hofmeyer also produced and directed four stories for Channel Four¹s African Express. He was the director of photography for the acclaimed SABC series Africa Salutes Mandela by John Matshikiza. In addition, he has made award winning music videos for South African artists.
As a documentary photographer and photo-journalist his work has appeared in several exhibitions and journals. He recently photographed a 40 minute documentary for the German television network WDR. We are pleased to welcome Nicolaas Hofmeyer as a guest of Pro Helvetia and this Festival.
How to steal 2 millionLong-métrage – 2011Dans la jungle urbaine, Jack essaie de trouver ses marques. cela fait cinq ans qu’il n’a pas vu son partenaire et meilleur ami, Twala. Jack a passé cinq en prison pour un vol qui a mal tourné. Twala n’a jamais été pris e…Nicolaas Hofmeyer est lié(e) à ce film en tant que directeur/trice de la photo
JerusalemaLong-métrage – 2008L’histoire d’un jeune voyou, Lucky Kunene, Issu de la campagne d’Afrique du Sud et qui se fabrique un nom de défenseur des pauvres dans le quartier d’Hillbrow à Soweto, avec son meilleur ami Zakes. Ils sont tous deux co…Nicolaas Hofmeyer est lié(e) à ce film en tant que directeur/trice de la photo
Dames de fer du Libéria (Iron Ladies of Liberia)Long-métrage – 2007L’espoir renaît au Liberia depuis l’accession au pouvoir d’Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, première femme démocratiquement élue du continent africain. Mais elle doit affronter d’innombrables embûches. Présidente du Liberia dep…Nicolaas Hofmeyer est lié(e) à ce film en tant que directeur/trice de la photo
Taking Back the WavesLong-métrage – 2005Le Surf et l'apartheid actuellement et dans le passé, à travers un grand surfer Sud-Africain Noir et sa famille. 52 min/75 min DV Réalisateur: Nic Hofmeyer Producteur: Rehad Desai Pro…Nicolaas Hofmeyer est lié(e) à ce film en tant que réalisateur/trice
TatanaCourt-métrage – 2004Sabado, un garçon de 12 ans, assiste à d’étranges phénomènes dans son village. Il en arrive à découvrir qu’une vieille femme va invoquer les esprits de ses fils morts dans la forêt. Réal : João Ribeiro Scénario : Joã…Nicolaas Hofmeyer est lié(e) à ce film en tant que directeur/trice de la photo
Ordinary People – A Day with the PresidentMoyen-métrage – 1995Une journée entière – de 4h du matin à 11h du soir – dans la vie du Président Nelson Mandela.Nicolaas Hofmeyer est lié(e) à ce film en tant que réalisateur/trice
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