Fiche Personne
© courtesy Moonlighting Films
Genevieve Hofmeyr
Producteur/trice, Producteur/trice exécutif/ve
Afrique du Sud

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Productrice sud-africaine.
Elle a cofondé Moonlighting Films, avec Philip Key, en 1997.
Filmographie (extraits)
* The Endless river, Equation /Moonlighting Films/Swift Productions, Afrique du Sud / France
* 10,000 B.C., Warner Bros. Pictures, USA
* Blood Diamond, Warner Bros. Pictures, USA
* The Flood, Power/Moonlighting Films/Muse Entertainment, USA / Afrique du Sud /Canada
* Catch a fire, Working Title Films, GB
* The Interpreter (L’interprète), Working Title/ Universal Pictures, USA
* Flight of the Phoenix, Working Title/ Universal Pictures, USA
* Ask the Dust, Producer Cruise/Wagner & Jonas McCord USA.
* Racing Stripes, Alcon Entertainment, USA
* Beyond Borders, Mandalay Pictures, USA
* Ali, Columbia Tristar, USA
* 12 Days of Terror, Fox Television Studios, USA
* Red Water, Sony Pictures TV, USA Cape of Good Hope, Wonderview-Moonlighting co-production, Afrique du Sud
* Home Alone 4, Fox Television Studios, USA
* Young Black Stallion, Disney, USA
* I Dreamed of Africa (J’ai rêvé de l’Afrique), Columbia Tristar, USA
Moonlighting Commercials
Moonlighting Photographic
Moonlighting Chile
Moonlighting Romania
Alchemy Table Top Studios, Romania
Namib Films
Elle a cofondé Moonlighting Films, avec Philip Key, en 1997.
Filmographie (extraits)
* The Endless river, Equation /Moonlighting Films/Swift Productions, Afrique du Sud / France
* 10,000 B.C., Warner Bros. Pictures, USA
* Blood Diamond, Warner Bros. Pictures, USA
* The Flood, Power/Moonlighting Films/Muse Entertainment, USA / Afrique du Sud /Canada
* Catch a fire, Working Title Films, GB
* The Interpreter (L’interprète), Working Title/ Universal Pictures, USA
* Flight of the Phoenix, Working Title/ Universal Pictures, USA
* Ask the Dust, Producer Cruise/Wagner & Jonas McCord USA.
* Racing Stripes, Alcon Entertainment, USA
* Beyond Borders, Mandalay Pictures, USA
* Ali, Columbia Tristar, USA
* 12 Days of Terror, Fox Television Studios, USA
* Red Water, Sony Pictures TV, USA Cape of Good Hope, Wonderview-Moonlighting co-production, Afrique du Sud
* Home Alone 4, Fox Television Studios, USA
* Young Black Stallion, Disney, USA
* I Dreamed of Africa (J’ai rêvé de l’Afrique), Columbia Tristar, USA
Moonlighting Commercials
Moonlighting Photographic
Moonlighting Chile
Moonlighting Romania
Alchemy Table Top Studios, Romania
Namib Films
Genevieve Hofmeyr is the co-founder and Managing Director at Moonlighting Films where she is responsible for all the company’s motion picture and television production business. Her track record and reputation have inspired clients, from major US studios to independents and international networks, to entrust more than 50 productions to Moonlighting Films, establishing the company as a world player in co-production and facilitation of international productions in South Africa.
Genevieve’s credits include, in the role of supervising producer or line producer, « Safehouse » for Universal, « Invictus » for Warner Bros. / Malpaso/ Revelation, « Machine Gun Preacher » for Relativity and Kuashi, « Amelia » for Fox Searchlight Pictures and Avalon, « 10,000 BC » and « Blood Diamond » for Warner Bros., « Catch a Fire » for Working Title Films, « 24 – Redemption » for Fox Television, « Ask the Dust » for Cruise / Wagner and Paramount, « Racing Stripes » for Alcon Entertainment, « Ali » for Sony Pictures, « Beyond Borders » for Mandalay Pictures and « The Interpreter » for Working Title / Universal.
Projects that Genevieve has co-produced include « Death Race 2 » and « Blue Crush 2 » with Universal Germany; « Crusoe » with Power & Muse Entertainment; « Skin » with Bard Entertainment and Elysian and « Flood » with Muse.
Widely regarded as one of South Africa’s most skilled and accomplished producers, Genevieve has made a significant contribution to the growth of the entertainment industry in South Africa in a career that spans over 20 years. She is listed by The Hollywood Reporter as one of the three most influential women in the South African film industry today.
Short Filmography
* The Endless river, Equation /Moonlighting Films/Swift Productions, SA/France
* 10,000 B.C., Warner Bros. Pictures, USA
* Blood Diamond, Warner Bros. Pictures, USA
* The Flood, Power/Moonlighting Films/Muse Entertainment, USA/SA/Canada
* Catch a fire, Working Title Films, UK
* The Interpreter (L’interprète), Working Title/ Universal Pictures, USA
* Flight of the Phoenix, Working Title/ Universal Pictures, USA
* Ask the Dust, Producer Cruise/Wagner & Jonas McCord USA.
* Racing Stripes, Alcon Entertainment, USA
* Beyond Borders, Mandalay Pictures, USA
* Ali, Columbia Tristar, USA
* 12 Days of Terror, Fox Television Studios, USA
* Red Water, Sony Pictures TV, USA Cape of Good Hope, Wonderview-Moonlighting co-production, South Africa
* Home Alone 4, Fox Television Studios, USA
* Young Black Stallion, Disney, USA
* I Dreamed of Africa (J’ai rêvé de l’Afrique), Columbia Tristar, USA
Moonlighting Commercials
Moonlighting Photographic
Moonlighting Chile
Moonlighting Romania
Alchemy Table Top Studios, Romania
Namib Films
Genevieve’s credits include, in the role of supervising producer or line producer, « Safehouse » for Universal, « Invictus » for Warner Bros. / Malpaso/ Revelation, « Machine Gun Preacher » for Relativity and Kuashi, « Amelia » for Fox Searchlight Pictures and Avalon, « 10,000 BC » and « Blood Diamond » for Warner Bros., « Catch a Fire » for Working Title Films, « 24 – Redemption » for Fox Television, « Ask the Dust » for Cruise / Wagner and Paramount, « Racing Stripes » for Alcon Entertainment, « Ali » for Sony Pictures, « Beyond Borders » for Mandalay Pictures and « The Interpreter » for Working Title / Universal.
Projects that Genevieve has co-produced include « Death Race 2 » and « Blue Crush 2 » with Universal Germany; « Crusoe » with Power & Muse Entertainment; « Skin » with Bard Entertainment and Elysian and « Flood » with Muse.
Widely regarded as one of South Africa’s most skilled and accomplished producers, Genevieve has made a significant contribution to the growth of the entertainment industry in South Africa in a career that spans over 20 years. She is listed by The Hollywood Reporter as one of the three most influential women in the South African film industry today.
Short Filmography
* The Endless river, Equation /Moonlighting Films/Swift Productions, SA/France
* 10,000 B.C., Warner Bros. Pictures, USA
* Blood Diamond, Warner Bros. Pictures, USA
* The Flood, Power/Moonlighting Films/Muse Entertainment, USA/SA/Canada
* Catch a fire, Working Title Films, UK
* The Interpreter (L’interprète), Working Title/ Universal Pictures, USA
* Flight of the Phoenix, Working Title/ Universal Pictures, USA
* Ask the Dust, Producer Cruise/Wagner & Jonas McCord USA.
* Racing Stripes, Alcon Entertainment, USA
* Beyond Borders, Mandalay Pictures, USA
* Ali, Columbia Tristar, USA
* 12 Days of Terror, Fox Television Studios, USA
* Red Water, Sony Pictures TV, USA Cape of Good Hope, Wonderview-Moonlighting co-production, South Africa
* Home Alone 4, Fox Television Studios, USA
* Young Black Stallion, Disney, USA
* I Dreamed of Africa (J’ai rêvé de l’Afrique), Columbia Tristar, USA
Moonlighting Commercials
Moonlighting Photographic
Moonlighting Chile
Moonlighting Romania
Alchemy Table Top Studios, Romania
Namib Films
Rivière sans fin (La) | Endless river (The) – نهر بلا نهايةLong-métrage – 2015Gilles et Tiny sont tous les deux en deuil de morts récentes. Leur chagrin les unit mais derrière se cache un chagrin plus sombre que celui de leur perte. Un film d’Oliver Hermanus Afrique du Sud / France, 2015, Fi…Genevieve Hofmeyr est lié(e) à ce film en tant que producteur/trice
SkinLong-métrage – 2008D’après une histoire vraie. Sandra Laing est venue au monde toute belle mais personne, ni le personnel de l’hôpital, sa mère, son père ou les voisins n’auraient admis l’évidence. Abraham et Sannie Laing étaient Blanches…Genevieve Hofmeyr est lié(e) à ce film en tant que producteur/trice
Interprète (L’) [réal. Sidney Pollack]Long-métrage – 2004Synopsis Interprète à l’ONU, Silvia Broome surprend par hasard une conversation révélant un complot contre un chef d’État africain. Traquée par des tueurs, elle est placée sous la protection de l’agent fédéral Tobin Kel…Genevieve Hofmeyr est lié(e) à ce film en tant que producteur/trice exécutif/ve
AliLong-métrage – 2001Les exploits sur le ring et le combat militant de l’un des plus grands boxeurs de tous les temps : Muhammad Ali dit « Casius Clay ». Une réussite et une interprétation agrée par le champion lui-même.Genevieve Hofmeyr est lié(e) à ce film en tant que producteur/trice exécutif/ve
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