Fiche Personne
© Courtesy of Focus Features, 2011
Adepero Oduye

Actrice africaine-américaine, originaire du Nigéria.
Son nom se prononce « Add-eh-pair-o Oh-due-yay ». Elle est diplômée de l’Université de Cornell (USA).
Son nom se prononce « Add-eh-pair-o Oh-due-yay ». Elle est diplômée de l’Université de Cornell (USA).
Adepero Oduye hails from Brooklyn, New York City by way of Nigeria. She is a graduate of Cornell University; and has studied acting with Wynn Handman, Austin Pendleton, and Susan Batson. Her name is pronounced « Add-eh-pair-o Oh-due-yay. »
Her theatre credits include Danai Gurira’s play Eclipsed, at the Yale Repertory Theatre; The Bluest Eye, at the Hartford Stage and Long Wharf Theatres; and Fela!, in the AEA workshop, directed and choreographed by Bill T. Jones.
Ms. Oduye first starred for writer/director Dee Rees as Alike in the award-winning short film Pariah [and then in the 2011 feature version]. Among the other shorts that she has starred in are Gabriele Zamparini’s Water; Russell Costanzo’s The Tested; and Nadiah Hamzah’s Sub Rosa.
She has made guest appearances on such television programs as Louie and two Law & Order series.
Ms. Oduye credits the Center for Family Life in Brooklyn (CFL) for helping her find her voice as an actor; in 2011, CFL honored her at its Celebrating Community event.
Her theatre credits include Danai Gurira’s play Eclipsed, at the Yale Repertory Theatre; The Bluest Eye, at the Hartford Stage and Long Wharf Theatres; and Fela!, in the AEA workshop, directed and choreographed by Bill T. Jones.
Ms. Oduye first starred for writer/director Dee Rees as Alike in the award-winning short film Pariah [and then in the 2011 feature version]. Among the other shorts that she has starred in are Gabriele Zamparini’s Water; Russell Costanzo’s The Tested; and Nadiah Hamzah’s Sub Rosa.
She has made guest appearances on such television programs as Louie and two Law & Order series.
Ms. Oduye credits the Center for Family Life in Brooklyn (CFL) for helping her find her voice as an actor; in 2011, CFL honored her at its Celebrating Community event.
12 Years a SlaveLong-métrage – 2013Une histoire vraie qui s’est passée au 19ème siècle. A Saratoga Springs, New York, 1841, Solomon Northup est un homme libre qui est musicien. il est kidnappé et vendu comme esclave dans le profond Sud américain. de S…Adepero Oduye est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Pariah [Feature]Long-métrage – 2011Adepero Oduye, qui a tenu le premier rôle du court métrage dont est tiré ce film interprète ici Alike (prononcez ah-lee-kay), une jeune femme Africaine-Américaine de 17 ans qui vit avec ses parents Audrey et Arthur (Kim …Adepero Oduye est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Pariah [Short version]– 2007Réalisatrice : Dee Rees ACTEURS Adepero Oduye, Pernell Walker, Kim Wayans, Charles Parnell, Aasha Davis. Le court métrage multiprimé Pariah (2007) de la réalisatrice et scénariste Dee Rees existe en version long m…Adepero Oduye est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
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