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© as Yehia in « Messages from the Sea », dir:D. Abdel Sayed, 2010, courtesy of Al Arabia Production & Distribution
Asser Yassin

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Parfois crédité sous le nom de
Asser Yaseen
Asser Yaseen
Young Egyptian Film actor who won several awards, notably « Best Actor » at the Carthage Film Festival, in 2010. His credits include the successful hit « Al Jazeera », as well as the critically acclaimed « Rasael Bahr » (letters from the sea).
With a Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the American University in Cairo Asser chose to follow his true calling and passion and pursue a career in acting. Mere serendipity revealed his talent and infatuation for acting when he was casted for a university play to replace an actor and so it all began and destiny took its course.
Throughout his acting marathon Asser has been part of many reputable plays at his university and starred in many short films such as the controversial and highly praised « Beit Men Lahm » directed by Ramy Abdel Jabar.
Addicted to acting Asser was drawn to experience show business beyond the university stage. Director Khairy Bishara entrusted him with a role in « Qalb Habiba » (Habiba’s Heart), the TV series that celebrated screen legend Suheir El Bably’s comeback and that marked a beginning in Asser’s serious acting career. Shortly, his cinema debut followed with small roles in box office hit « Omaret Yacoubian » (The Yacoubian Building) and the acclaimed « Haleem ».
With increasing exposure and continuous hard work Asser landed some highly applauded supporting roles such as Marei, the villain brother to Ashraf Abdel Baki, in « Ala Ganb Yasta » (Pull up Driver) and as Mo, the drug addict, in « Zay El Naharda » (On a Day Like Today), which unmistakably drew the attention on him as a versatile acting talent predestined for more to come. His first leading role alongside the great Mahmoud Yassin in the action film « Al Waad » (The Promise) written by none other than Waheed Hamid and directed by Mohamed Yassin gave Asser the chance to prove his skill and establish himself as a serious actor in the Egyptian film industry.
With his latest release « Rasayel El Bahr » (Messages from the Sea) written and directed by Daoud Abdel Sayed, one of Egypt’s most acclaimed filmmakers, Asser catapulted himself into totally new spheres in the film scene. In addition to being Dawood Abdel Sayed’s comeback after almost a decade since his last film it has been praised as one of the best motion pictures.
Currently, Asser is shooting « Aswar El Qamar » alongside Mona Zaki and directed by Tarek El Erian.
Carthage Film Festival (JCC) – Best Actor (2010)
« Messages from the Sea », (Feature)
Arabian Media Festival – Best Actor (2007)
« Yaqoubian Building », (TV)
With a Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the American University in Cairo Asser chose to follow his true calling and passion and pursue a career in acting. Mere serendipity revealed his talent and infatuation for acting when he was casted for a university play to replace an actor and so it all began and destiny took its course.
Throughout his acting marathon Asser has been part of many reputable plays at his university and starred in many short films such as the controversial and highly praised « Beit Men Lahm » directed by Ramy Abdel Jabar.
Addicted to acting Asser was drawn to experience show business beyond the university stage. Director Khairy Bishara entrusted him with a role in « Qalb Habiba » (Habiba’s Heart), the TV series that celebrated screen legend Suheir El Bably’s comeback and that marked a beginning in Asser’s serious acting career. Shortly, his cinema debut followed with small roles in box office hit « Omaret Yacoubian » (The Yacoubian Building) and the acclaimed « Haleem ».
With increasing exposure and continuous hard work Asser landed some highly applauded supporting roles such as Marei, the villain brother to Ashraf Abdel Baki, in « Ala Ganb Yasta » (Pull up Driver) and as Mo, the drug addict, in « Zay El Naharda » (On a Day Like Today), which unmistakably drew the attention on him as a versatile acting talent predestined for more to come. His first leading role alongside the great Mahmoud Yassin in the action film « Al Waad » (The Promise) written by none other than Waheed Hamid and directed by Mohamed Yassin gave Asser the chance to prove his skill and establish himself as a serious actor in the Egyptian film industry.
With his latest release « Rasayel El Bahr » (Messages from the Sea) written and directed by Daoud Abdel Sayed, one of Egypt’s most acclaimed filmmakers, Asser catapulted himself into totally new spheres in the film scene. In addition to being Dawood Abdel Sayed’s comeback after almost a decade since his last film it has been praised as one of the best motion pictures.
Currently, Asser is shooting « Aswar El Qamar » alongside Mona Zaki and directed by Tarek El Erian.
Carthage Film Festival (JCC) – Best Actor (2010)
« Messages from the Sea », (Feature)
Arabian Media Festival – Best Actor (2007)
« Yaqoubian Building », (TV)
Rags and Tatters – فرش وغطاLong-métrage – 2013Ce drame suit le parcours d’un prisonnier libéré lors de l’ouverture des prisons après la révolution égyptienne. L’homme se retrouve à errer dans un pays en plein bouleversement… Après s’être échappé d’une prison, u…Asser Yassin est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Messages de la mer (Messages from the sea) – رسائل البحرLong-métrage – 2010Yahia, un jeune homme fraichement diplômé de la faculté de médecine souffre de problèmes d’élocution.. Le mépris que lui réservent ses camarades médecins le pousse à abandonner son ancien métier pour devenir pêcheur et d…Asser Yassin est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
On A Day Like Today – زي النهاردة– 2008Réal & scénariste : Amr SalamaAsser Yassin est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Aquarium (L’) | Genenet al asmakLong-métrage – 2007Le Caire en hiver. Laïla est l’animatrice d’une émission de nuit, à la radio, qui s’intitule « Secrets nocturnes ». Des auditeurs lui téléphonent pour lui demander conseil ou faire des confidences. L’émission est surtout a…Asser Yassin est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
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