Fiche Personne
© Courtesy IFFR 2013, Rotterdam
Omar Robert Hamilton
Réalisateur/trice, Producteur/trice, Scénariste, Directeur/trice de la photo, Monteur/se

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Né en 1984 au Royaume-Uni, Omar Robert Hamilton est un cinéaste indépendant égyptien et le producteur du Festival annuel de Littérature de Palestine. Son premier court métrage, « When I Stretch Forth Mine Hand », un film expérimental réalisé sur la poésie de Suheir Hammad a été sélectionné dans une quinzaine de festivals internationaux. Son second, « Maydoum » (2010), a fait sa première mondiale au Festival International du Cinéma de Dubaï 2010 Dubai Film Festival en compétition, avec en vedette l’acteur Khalid Abdalla.
Omar Robert Hamilton is an Egyptian independent filmmaker and the producer of the annual Palestine Festival of Literature. His first short, « When I Stretch Forth Mine Hand », an experimental film made in collaboration with Suheir Hammad’s poetry screened at fifteen international festivals. His second, « Maydoum » (2010), premiered in competition at the 2010 Dubai International Film Festival, and stars Khalid Abdalla.
Independent filmmaker, producer and photographer Omar Robert HAMILTON (b. 1984, UK) studied English Literature at Oxford and is based in Cairo. He is the founder of the Palestine Festival of Literature in Jerusalem and co-founder of the Mosireen Film collective, which arose from the Egyptian revolution. Though I Know The River Is Dry (2013) is the first independent, crowd-sourced film in the post-revolutionary Arab world. Hamilton’s photographs have been published by The Guardian, BBC News and The Economist.
FILMOGRAPHY (all short, selection)
The Night Bleeds Lust (2009),
Eyes on the Prize (2009),
When I Stretch Forth Mine Hand (2009),
Maydoum (2010),
The Camel Battle (2011, doc),
Bloody Wednesday: The Battle of Tahrir Sq (2011, doc),
The People Demand the Fall of the Regime (2012, doc),
Though I Know the River Is Dry (2013)
Omar Robert Hamilton bağımsız film ve her yıl düzenlenen Filistin Edebiyat Festivali’nin yapımcısı.
Suheir Hammad’ın şiiriyle ortak yapılmış deneysel bir film olan ilk kısa filmi « Elimi Uzatınca », 15 uluslararası festivalde gösterildi. Khalid Abdalla’nın (Uçuş 93, Uçurtma Avcısı) oynadığı, ikinci filmi « Maydoum » ilk kez 2010 Dubai Uluslararası Film Festivali’nde yarışma bölümünde yayınlandı.
Independent filmmaker, producer and photographer Omar Robert HAMILTON (b. 1984, UK) studied English Literature at Oxford and is based in Cairo. He is the founder of the Palestine Festival of Literature in Jerusalem and co-founder of the Mosireen Film collective, which arose from the Egyptian revolution. Though I Know The River Is Dry (2013) is the first independent, crowd-sourced film in the post-revolutionary Arab world. Hamilton’s photographs have been published by The Guardian, BBC News and The Economist.
FILMOGRAPHY (all short, selection)
The Night Bleeds Lust (2009),
Eyes on the Prize (2009),
When I Stretch Forth Mine Hand (2009),
Maydoum (2010),
The Camel Battle (2011, doc),
Bloody Wednesday: The Battle of Tahrir Sq (2011, doc),
The People Demand the Fall of the Regime (2012, doc),
Though I Know the River Is Dry (2013)
Omar Robert Hamilton bağımsız film ve her yıl düzenlenen Filistin Edebiyat Festivali’nin yapımcısı.
Suheir Hammad’ın şiiriyle ortak yapılmış deneysel bir film olan ilk kısa filmi « Elimi Uzatınca », 15 uluslararası festivalde gösterildi. Khalid Abdalla’nın (Uçuş 93, Uçurtma Avcısı) oynadığı, ikinci filmi « Maydoum » ilk kez 2010 Dubai Uluslararası Film Festivali’nde yarışma bölümünde yayınlandı.
Though I Know The River Is DryCourt-métrage – 2013Retour en Palestine. En voyageant dans le pays, il revit les blessures du passé et le choix qui l’a poussé à partir aux États-Unis – un choix entre un passeport pour son futur enfant et un lieu sûr pour son frère militan…Omar Robert Hamilton est lié(e) à ce film en tant que réalisateur/trice
MaydoumCourt-métrage – 2010Quand il entend que son cousin est en train de vendre la terre de leur grand-mère, Sharif saute dans le premier avion pour Le Caire. Sur place, il se retrouve à affronter de vieux arguments et de nouvelles décisions dans…Omar Robert Hamilton est lié(e) à ce film en tant que réalisateur/trice
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