Fiche Personne

Ala Younis

Réalisateur/trice, Scénariste, Commissaire d’exposition, Artiste multimédia, Programmateur/trice


Réalisatrice et scénariste jordanienne, Ala Younis est programmatrice, directrice d’exposition et artiste indépendante. Elle est née au Koweit en 1974 et vit à Amman (Jordanie).


Ala’ Younis is an artist, filmmaker and curator based in Amman (Jordan). Born in Kuwait in 1974, she graduated as an architect from the university of Jordan in 1997.
Through art, film, and publication projects, Younis investigates the position of individuals in a politically driven world, and the conditions in which historical and political failures of the collective become personal ones.
Younis has participated in international shows such as the Iran 3rd Biennale, Tehran (2005), the 12th Asian Art Biennale, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2006), Photocairo 4: The Long Shortcut, Cairo (2008) and Odense (2009), the Jerusalem Show, Jerusalem (2009), and Homeworks V, Beirut (2010). She has also participated in the Townhouse curatorial program (2008) and in the Young curators workshop organized by the Tate, ICF and the Sharjah Biennial. In 2005, she received the 2nd Prize for Non Egyptians at the 17th Youth Salon in Cairo and the 3rd Prize at the Annual Exhibition of the Jordanian Artists Association in Amman.
In 2011, Younis curated ?Maps, Timelines, Radio Programmes’ for La Galerie, Contemporary Art Center in Noisy-le-Sec (Paris), ?Out of Place’ with Kasia Redzisz for the Tate Modern (London) and Darat al Funun (Amman), ?Momentarily Learning from Mega-Events’ for Makan (Amman) and Arabs short Film Festival at Cairo.

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