Fiche Personne
Jamal Bahmad
Critique de cinéma, Universitaire, Chercheur/se
Maroc, Royaume-Uni
Jamal BAHMAD est professeur de cinéma et Cultural Studies à l'Université Mohammed V de Rabat. Il a récemment publie Moroccan Cinema Uncut: Decentred Voices, Global Perspectives (Edinburgh University Press, 2020) avec Will Higbee et Florence Martin. Google Scholar:
Jamal Bahmad is an Associate Professor of Literature and Cultural Studies in the Department of English at Mohammed V University. He earned his PhD degree from the University of Stirling (UK, 2014) with a dissertation on contemporary Moroccan urban cinema. The dissertation won the Best PhD Thesis Prize of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies in 2015. He has held a British Academy postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Leeds and, prior to that, was a research fellow at Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany). Bahmad was most recently a research fellow at the University of Exeter on the AHRC-funded project: “Transnational Moroccan Cinema.” He specialises and has published widely in the field of North African cultural studies with a focus on cinema, youth cultures, cities, literature, and memory. He co-edited a special issue of French Cultural Studies (SAGE, August 2017) on trash cultures in the Francophone world. Bahmad is also the co-editor of a special issue of The Moroccan Cultural Studies Journal on Moroccan cinema (November 2017). In addition to working on his first monograph on Moroccan cinema and globalization, Bahmad has recently finished a book (co-authored with Will Higbee and Florence Martin) on Moroccan transnational cinema to be published by Edinburgh University Press in 2020.
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