Fiche Personne
© Andrea Stultiens
Andrea Stultiens

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Somehow I am not completely at ease with calling myself a photographer. Instead I describe myself as someone doing things with photographs. I make them, collect them, look at them, think and write about them. Sometimes I make the results of this visible for the rest of the world online, in books or in exhibitions. All of this is aimed at telling relevant stories about the way we deal with the world, while it is also a continuïng research into how we represent ourselves and that same world in photographs.
When I realized that my photographs are only one take on the world, that is female, of a certain time and place, with eyes on about 1.6meters high, I started to work with archival material. Images that I found added other dimensions in time and perspective to the photographs I made. At the moment my work often starts with an existing collection of photographs, or at least an existing story that I try to tell by editing and adding to what is already there.
The work I do focusses at the moment on urban areas in transition (in the US and the Netherlands), and on the production of alternative versions of the representation of history and culture (in Uganda and Nigeria). Under the name History In Progrress Uganda, and in collaboration with several others, I started to digitize photography collections in Uganda and share them on facebook.
When I realized that my photographs are only one take on the world, that is female, of a certain time and place, with eyes on about 1.6meters high, I started to work with archival material. Images that I found added other dimensions in time and perspective to the photographs I made. At the moment my work often starts with an existing collection of photographs, or at least an existing story that I try to tell by editing and adding to what is already there.
The work I do focusses at the moment on urban areas in transition (in the US and the Netherlands), and on the production of alternative versions of the representation of history and culture (in Uganda and Nigeria). Under the name History In Progrress Uganda, and in collaboration with several others, I started to digitize photography collections in Uganda and share them on facebook.
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