Fiche Personne
Théâtre Cinéma/TV Littérature / édition Média

Farai Sevenzo

Réalisateur/trice, Acteur/trice, Critique de cinéma, Journaliste, Scénariste


Né en 1964 à Harare (Zimbabwe).
Il fait des études de cinéma en Grande-Bretagne. Journaliste. Critique. Scénariste. Acteur.


I’m an African writer and filmmaker. I was born in Harare Hospital and have been keeping both feet travelling for most of my life. My world evolves around Africa, where she’s come from and where she’s going. If History is written by the victors, we have a lot of catching up to do. The hunters, it is said, write the story of the hunt. But the lion knows what really happened before the bullet ended his life. I write and work for lost Lions.
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