Fiche Structure
AFAC (Arab Fund for Arts and Culture)

Adresse : Sursock Street, Charles Aoun Building
Saint Nicolas Stairs below É-Cafe
P.O.Box Beirut 13-5290 13-5290 Beirut
Pays concerné : Liban
Téléphone(s) : 00961-1-218901
Site web :
Créé en 2007, l’AFAC (Fonds arabe pour la culture et les arts) est une initiative indépendante accordant des subventions aux artistes et organisations du monde arabe qui s’illustrent par leur créativité. L’AFAC intervient dans les domaines du cinéma, arts vivants (théâtre), littérature, musique et arts visuels (photo,…), tout en facilitant les échanges culturels, la recherche et la coopération à travers le monde arabe et à l’international.
Vision & Objectives
AFAC envisions a thriving Arab art and cultural scene, one that is confident in its expression, open to dialogue, accessible to all and sustained locally by committed patrons. Two fundamental principles guide AFAC’s mode of work: transparency in the grant giving process and independence through a diversity of funding sources.
In Brief
The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) was established in 2007 by local cultural lobbyists as an independent initiative that funds individuals and organizations in the fields of cinema, performing arts, literature, music and visual arts while facilitating cultural exchange, research and cooperation across the Arab world and globally.
The measurable impact of AFAC’s work ranges from Arab filmmakers screening their films at international film festivals; to translations of foreign contemporary literature into Arabic, distributed for free on the Internet; to archives that collect, document and preserve images of daily life during better times, in conflict-torn countries like Lebanon and Iraq; to workshops that teach children to weave stories through puppetry and animation; to sharing contemporary narratives from the region with the global public.
Our grantees’ work has been reviewed in the local and international press; they have been invited to participate in high-profile festivals, artist exchanges and residencies, and have, in turn, inspired hundreds of others to pursue artistic endeavors through workshops and trainings. Despite these successes and a measure of international recognition, AFAC awardees have overwhelmingly continued to work within the region and focus their cultural production on a local context.
الرؤية والأهداف
تتطلّع « آفاق » إلى ساحة عربية ثقافية وفنية مزدهرة، واثقة بقدرتها على التعبير، منفتحة على الحوار، متاحة للجميع، يدعمها رعاة محليون ملتزمون. تعتمد « آفاق » على مبدأين رئيسيين في عملها هما: الشفافية في تقديم المنح والاستقلالية عبر تأمين مصادر تمويل متعددة
AFAC envisions a thriving Arab art and cultural scene, one that is confident in its expression, open to dialogue, accessible to all and sustained locally by committed patrons. Two fundamental principles guide AFAC’s mode of work: transparency in the grant giving process and independence through a diversity of funding sources.
In Brief
The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) was established in 2007 by local cultural lobbyists as an independent initiative that funds individuals and organizations in the fields of cinema, performing arts, literature, music and visual arts while facilitating cultural exchange, research and cooperation across the Arab world and globally.
The measurable impact of AFAC’s work ranges from Arab filmmakers screening their films at international film festivals; to translations of foreign contemporary literature into Arabic, distributed for free on the Internet; to archives that collect, document and preserve images of daily life during better times, in conflict-torn countries like Lebanon and Iraq; to workshops that teach children to weave stories through puppetry and animation; to sharing contemporary narratives from the region with the global public.
Our grantees’ work has been reviewed in the local and international press; they have been invited to participate in high-profile festivals, artist exchanges and residencies, and have, in turn, inspired hundreds of others to pursue artistic endeavors through workshops and trainings. Despite these successes and a measure of international recognition, AFAC awardees have overwhelmingly continued to work within the region and focus their cultural production on a local context.
الرؤية والأهداف
تتطلّع « آفاق » إلى ساحة عربية ثقافية وفنية مزدهرة، واثقة بقدرتها على التعبير، منفتحة على الحوار، متاحة للجميع، يدعمها رعاة محليون ملتزمون. تعتمد « آفاق » على مبدأين رئيسيين في عملها هما: الشفافية في تقديم المنح والاستقلالية عبر تأمين مصادر تمويل متعددة
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