Fiche Structure
Stray Dogs

Statut : Société de droit privé
Adresse : 6 rue du 8 mai 1945 75010 PARIS
Pays concerné : France
Téléphone(s) : +33 7 71883964, mobile | +33 1 42 41 31 80, fixe
Site web :
Lancé en 2015, Stray Dogs est une agence de ventes internationales. En 2018, l’activité s’est élargie en ouvrant un département faisant de la distribution nationale en France et offrant des services de presse.
Launched in 2015, Stray Dogs is a sales agency dedicated to bringing edgy, international, director driven films with cult potential to worldwide audiences.
We aim to provide our distributors and programmers friends with fresh, interesting, special content, which will appeal to younger audiences and gain value over time.
In 2018, we expanded our activities by opening a French distribution department and press services.
We aim to provide our distributors and programmers friends with fresh, interesting, special content, which will appeal to younger audiences and gain value over time.
In 2018, we expanded our activities by opening a French distribution department and press services.
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