Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 2010
Zebu and the Photo Fish
Pays concerné : Ouganda
Support : DigiBeta
Durée : 12 minutes
Genre : portrait
Type : documentaire


Zebu, le fils du pécheur est très contrarié. Son père, fortement endetté auprès d’un commerçant véreux, lui rembourse avec le fruit de la pêche. Or la mère de Zebu est très souffrante. Déterminé d’en finir avec cette injustice, il trouve une idée géniale pour tenter de sauver et son père et sa mère.

Réalisatrice: Nyaruni Zipporah (Zipy Nyanuri), Ouganda,

Scénario/Script : Zipporah Nyaruri
Images/Pictures : Ingabire Jean
Décor/Set design: Josephine
Namuddu Patrick Mujuuka, James
King Bagyenzi
Durée/Lengh: 12 mn

Contact :
Tél.: +254 722 639095
Email : info(@)

2011 | 35ème Festival des Films du Monde de Montréal | du 18 au 28 août 2011
* Sélection

2011 | FESPACO
* Sélection


Zebu, the fisherman’s son is very upset. His father, greatly indebted to a corrupt merchant, pays him back with the fish catches. However Zebu’s mother is very ill. Determined to put an end to this injustice, he has found a great idea to try and save both his father and mother.

Ten-year-old Zebu is struggling to look up to his fisherman father as his hero, ever since he stopped bringing fish home. Zebu’s father is paying a big debt to a businessman in the village who bailed him from being locked up in jail. Every morning Zebu and his father go fishing but they have to give the fish to Mr Mapesa, the village businessman. To Zebu, ‘photo fish’ is what they catch. They see the fish, but they never get to eat it nor do they earn from the sales. One day, Zebu’s mother falls ill with malaria and Zebu comes up with a clever trick. The story is an allegory of the poor fishermen for whom fish is a luxury.

Zipporah Nyaruni (Zipy Nyanuri) – Uganda 2011 – 12min
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