Fiche Film
© Ali n’ Productions. 2014
COURT Métrage | 0
Sous Ma Vieille Peau (Much Loved)
© Ali n’ Productions. 2014
Date de sortie en France : 00/00/0000
Pays concerné : Maroc
Durée : 80 minutes
Genre : portrait
Type : documentaire
Un projet documentaire marocain de Maryam Touzani.
Résumé pour les catalogues officiels : Four old Moroccan prostitutes recount their lives through crossed portraits. Some still practice, occasionally, bartering their worn out bodies for derisory sums. Their pasts are different, their lives, their personalities. But they all share an accomplished desire of freedom, in the midst of the conservative muslim evironment in which they live.
Four old Moroccan prostitutes recount their lives through crossed portraits. Some still practice, occasionally, bartering their worn out bodies for derisory sums. Their pasts are different, their lives, their personalities. But they all share an accomplished desire of freedom, in the midst of the conservative muslim evironment in which they live. Feature documentary, Morocco Directed by Maryam Touzani, co-produced by Nabil Ayouch (Ali n' Productions) & Sarah Lamrini.
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