Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 1996
Albert Samama Chikli

Pays concerné : Tunisie
Support : Bétacam SP
Durée : 29 minutes
Genre : portrait
Type : documentaire
Ce film met en lumière la vie et l’œuvre de l’un des pionniers du cinématographe: Albert Samama-Chikli, pratiquement oublié, alors qu’il fut l’un des tout premiers cinéastes, un grand photographe et un reporter aventureux. Sa personnalité haute en couleurs et sa fascination pour la modernité font de lui un sujet passionnant. Le témoignage de sa fille Haydée, qui fut aussi la vedette de ses films de fiction et sa scénariste, et vraisemblablement, la première actrice arabe de tous les temps, constitue la trame du film. Mais la matière du film est pour l’essentiel l’œuvre de ce « merveilleux fou »: ses photos et reportages (il filma sa terre natale, la Tunisie, avec beaucoup de sensibilité, il fut aussi reporter pour l’armée française pendant la grande guerre, ou encore rapporta des films et des photographies sur la Chine), ainsi que des extraits de ses deux longs métrages: Zohra et Ain El Ghazel.
1996 – 29 min | Réalisé par Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD | Produit par ALIF Productions
1996 – 29 min | Réalisé par Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD | Produit par ALIF Productions
Albert Samama Chikli
The purpose of this documentary film is to bring to light the life and achievements of one of the pioneers of the trade: Albert Samama Chikli, who has been almost completely forgotten although he was one of the very first cinematographers, an outstanding photographer and an adventurous reporter.
With his flamboyant personality and his fascination for modernity, he makes a captivating subject. His daughter Haydée, who also was the leading lady and scriptwriter of his feature films and, in all likelihood, the first Arab film actress of all times, is still alive and her testimony is the spine of the film.
But the substance is mostly the own work of this « fabulous madman », thanks to a wealth of original photographs and newsreels by Albert Samama Chikli (who filmed his native land, Tunisia with much sensitivity, but also covered the First World War from the French side and brought back films and photos from as far away as China), as well as excerpts from his two feature films Zohra and Ain El Ghazel.
Written and directed by: Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD
Length: 29′
Format: Beta SP and Digital Beta
Production year: 1996
Coproduction: Alif Productions / La Sept ARTE / Cinétélefilms and Canal + Horizons
Distribution: Alif Productions
Available in French and Arabic versions
With his flamboyant personality and his fascination for modernity, he makes a captivating subject. His daughter Haydée, who also was the leading lady and scriptwriter of his feature films and, in all likelihood, the first Arab film actress of all times, is still alive and her testimony is the spine of the film.
But the substance is mostly the own work of this « fabulous madman », thanks to a wealth of original photographs and newsreels by Albert Samama Chikli (who filmed his native land, Tunisia with much sensitivity, but also covered the First World War from the French side and brought back films and photos from as far away as China), as well as excerpts from his two feature films Zohra and Ain El Ghazel.
Written and directed by: Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD
Length: 29′
Format: Beta SP and Digital Beta
Production year: 1996
Coproduction: Alif Productions / La Sept ARTE / Cinétélefilms and Canal + Horizons
Distribution: Alif Productions
Available in French and Arabic versions
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