Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2004
Goût des jeunes filles (Le)
Pays concerné : Haïti
Support : 35 mm
Durée : 85 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction


Haiti, 1971. Surprotégé par sa mère, Fanfan, un jeune garçon de 15 ans, aimerait bien pouvoir profiter un peu de la vie. À l’insu de celle-ci, il décide d’aller se promener en ville avec son ami Gégé, un petit délinquant. À la suite d’un incident impliquant un Tonton-Macoute, Fanfan se réfugie chez sa belle voisine, Miki. Pendant tout un week-end, il se trouve déchiré entre sa peur de se faire arrêter, son désir de traverser la rue pour aller réconforter sa mère et le bonheur d’enfin découvrir l’univers de Miki et de ses belles amies. Avec comme toile de fonds la pauvreté et la peur infligées par un régime de dictature impitoyable, Fanfan nous raconte son histoire…

2004, long-métrage, drame, 1h25 min

Un film de John L’Écuyer

Écrit par Dany Laferrière, d’après le roman du même nom

Produit par Anne-Marie Gélinas

Uly Darly, Koumba Ball, Mireille Métellus, Dan Bigras, Luck Mervil


Ecrans d’Haïti octobre 2004
* Sélection – Le regard des autres…


On the Verge of a Fever
Haiti, 1971. Fanfan, a young fifteen-year-old boy who has been overprotected by his mother, would like to get out and experience a bit of the world. Unbeknownst to his mother, he decides to leave the house and go downtown with his friend, Gégé, a delinquent. After an incident involving a Tonton-Macoute, Fanfan seeks refuge at Miki’s house, his beautiful prostitute neighbour. All weekend long, Fanfan is torn between his fear of being arrested, the desire to cross the street and comfort his mother, and the joy of finally discovering the world of Miki and her beautiful friends. With poverty and the fear inflicted by a ruthless dictatorial regime as a backdrop, Fanfan tells us his story.

2004, feature film, drama

Running time: 85 min
A John L’Écuyer film

Written by Dany Laférriere,
based on the Book Le Gout des Jeunes Filles by famous Haitian novelist Dany Laferriere.

Produced by Anne-Marie Gélinas

Uly Darly, Koumba Ball, Mireille Métellus, Dan Bigras and Luck Mervil

For more info or to order this film, visit or contact [email protected].

Facets Multi-Media is a non-profit media arts organization founded in Chicago in 1975, and dedicated to making cinema accessible to all through film preservation, distribution, presentation, and education. For more information, visit


Against the backdrop of poverty, fear and the brutal dictatorship of Haiti in 1971, (Le goût des jeunes filles) is about Fanfan, a 15-year-old boy who just wants to experience life for himself with his streetwise friend Gégé. Having lived a somewhat sheltered life with his protective mother, Fanfan experiences a bizarrely terrifying incident involving a Tonton-Macoute. As a result, he decides to hide out at his beautiful neighbor’s house for the weekend. There, he is trapped between his fear of being caught and the fulfilling of his deepest fantasy.
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