Fiche Personne
Théâtre Cinéma/TV Arts plastiques Mode Design

Javier Mariscal

Réalisateur/trice, Designer, Scénariste


Javier Mariscal est né à Valence, Espagne. Il a étudié le design au Elisava School (Barcelone). Il est l’auteur de Cobi, la mascoote des Jeux Olympiques de Barcelone 1992. Il a coréalisé « Chico & Rita » (2010).


Javier Mariscal was born in Valencia, Spain and studied design at the Elisava School in Barcelona. He is amulti-platform artist, designer and filmmaker. His design, Cobi, became the mascot for the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. He wrote and directed the animated television series The Cobi Troup (1992) and co-directed Chico & Rita (2010).
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