Fiche Film
© Andrew Mungai
COURT Métrage | 2013
Homecoming [réal: Jim Chuchu]
© Andrew Mungai
Titre original : A Sun Came [Working Title]
Pays concerné : Kenya
Durée : 10 minutes
Type : fiction
Le fantasme et la science-fiction s’entremêlent quand un homme obsédé par sa voisine se crée des scénarios pour attirer l’attention de la femme de ses rêves.
Réalisateur : Jim Chuchu (Nairobi)
Kenya, 2013, Fiction, Court métrage, 10 min30s
Langue : anglais / Kiswahili, sous-titré
Productrice : Wanuri Kahui
Productrice : Idil Ibrahim
Ce court métrage fait partie du African Metropolis Short Film Project, collection de 6 courts métrages dans 7 métropoles africaines produit par Steven Markovitz. Une initiative du Goethe Institut d’Afrique du Sud, avec le soutien du Guaranty Trust Bank et du Fonds Hubert Bals Fund (Rotterdam).
Les courts métrages sont tournés à Lagos (Réalisateur : Folasakin Iwajomo), Abidjan (Réalisateur : Philippe Lacôte), Dakar (Réalisatrice : Marie KÂ), Johannesburg (Réalisateur : Vincent Moloi), Cairo (Réalisateur : Ahmed Ghoneimy) et Nairobi (Réalisateur : Jim Chuchu).
Réalisateur : Jim Chuchu (Nairobi)
Kenya, 2013, Fiction, Court métrage, 10 min30s
Langue : anglais / Kiswahili, sous-titré
Productrice : Wanuri Kahui
Productrice : Idil Ibrahim
Ce court métrage fait partie du African Metropolis Short Film Project, collection de 6 courts métrages dans 7 métropoles africaines produit par Steven Markovitz. Une initiative du Goethe Institut d’Afrique du Sud, avec le soutien du Guaranty Trust Bank et du Fonds Hubert Bals Fund (Rotterdam).
Les courts métrages sont tournés à Lagos (Réalisateur : Folasakin Iwajomo), Abidjan (Réalisateur : Philippe Lacôte), Dakar (Réalisatrice : Marie KÂ), Johannesburg (Réalisateur : Vincent Moloi), Cairo (Réalisateur : Ahmed Ghoneimy) et Nairobi (Réalisateur : Jim Chuchu).
Fantasy, science fiction and infatuation fuse as an obsessed neighbour invents ever-stranger scenarios for wooing the girl of his dreams.
Nothing is quite what it seems as a nerdy voyeur turns fiction into truth and the mundane into the unexpected in his quest to get the proverbial girl next door. Earth is about to be pulverised by a
meteor – or is it? – and it is the ideal opportunity to finally make known his unspoken desires – and be a knight on the proverbial white steed. But a mysterious stranger stands in the way of his
happiness. Will he overcome mass extinction and his own timidity and get the girl? A fun, warm, light-hearted look at obsession and the desire to be seen.
Directed by Jim Chuchu (Nairobi)
Kenya, 2013, Short, Drama
Running Time: 10:30 min
Language: English / Kiswahili; Subtitles: English
Producer – Wanuri Kahui
Producer – Idil Ibrahim
This short is part of The African Metropolis Short Film Project, an initiative of the Goethe-Institut South Africa and South African executive producer Steven Markovitz, with support from Guaranty Trust Bank and the Hubert Bals Fund of International Film Festival Rotterdam.
The short films are set in Lagos (Director: Folasakin Iwajomo), Abidjan (Philippe Lacôte), Dakar (Marie KA), Johannesburg (Vincent Moloi), Cairo (Ahmed Ghoneimy) and Nairobi (Jim Chuchu).
2013 | 38th TIFF, Toronto
* Selection – Contemporary World Cinema
* International Premiere
* Screening: Thursday September 5 / Jackman Hall / 6:00 PM
* Screening: Saturday September 7 / Jackman Hall / 9:00 AM
2013 | 34th DIFF, Durban
* Selection – Section: Short Fiction
* World Premiere
* Screening, followed by Q&A: 20 JULY – 17:00 – MUSGRAVE B
* Panel discussion: 21 July – 09H00 – South Deck Room, 11th floor, Blue Waters Hotel
* Screening, followed by Q&A: 21 JULY – 16:00 – BLUE Waters Hotel
* Sundowner: 21 JULY – 18:00 – Tsogo Sun Elangeni Hotel, Pooldeck
* Screening, followed by Q&A: 23 JULY – 16:00 – Ohlange School Hall, Inanda
Nothing is quite what it seems as a nerdy voyeur turns fiction into truth and the mundane into the unexpected in his quest to get the proverbial girl next door. Earth is about to be pulverised by a
meteor – or is it? – and it is the ideal opportunity to finally make known his unspoken desires – and be a knight on the proverbial white steed. But a mysterious stranger stands in the way of his
happiness. Will he overcome mass extinction and his own timidity and get the girl? A fun, warm, light-hearted look at obsession and the desire to be seen.
Directed by Jim Chuchu (Nairobi)
Kenya, 2013, Short, Drama
Running Time: 10:30 min
Language: English / Kiswahili; Subtitles: English
Producer – Wanuri Kahui
Producer – Idil Ibrahim
This short is part of The African Metropolis Short Film Project, an initiative of the Goethe-Institut South Africa and South African executive producer Steven Markovitz, with support from Guaranty Trust Bank and the Hubert Bals Fund of International Film Festival Rotterdam.
The short films are set in Lagos (Director: Folasakin Iwajomo), Abidjan (Philippe Lacôte), Dakar (Marie KA), Johannesburg (Vincent Moloi), Cairo (Ahmed Ghoneimy) and Nairobi (Jim Chuchu).
2013 | 38th TIFF, Toronto
* Selection – Contemporary World Cinema
* International Premiere
* Screening: Thursday September 5 / Jackman Hall / 6:00 PM
* Screening: Saturday September 7 / Jackman Hall / 9:00 AM
2013 | 34th DIFF, Durban
* Selection – Section: Short Fiction
* World Premiere
* Screening, followed by Q&A: 20 JULY – 17:00 – MUSGRAVE B
* Panel discussion: 21 July – 09H00 – South Deck Room, 11th floor, Blue Waters Hotel
* Screening, followed by Q&A: 21 JULY – 16:00 – BLUE Waters Hotel
* Sundowner: 21 JULY – 18:00 – Tsogo Sun Elangeni Hotel, Pooldeck
* Screening, followed by Q&A: 23 JULY – 16:00 – Ohlange School Hall, Inanda
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