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Littérature / édition
Goethe-Institut Johannesburg
Goethe Institute South Africa

Statut : Organisme d’état sous l’autorité d’une ambassade
Adresse : Goethe-Institut Südafrika
119 Jan Smuts Ave
Entrance on New Port Road
Parkwood 2193
Postal Adress:
Private Bag X18
Parkview 2122 JOHANNESBURG
Pays concerné : Afrique du Sud
Téléphone(s) : +27 11 4423232
Fax : +27 11 4423738
Site web :
About us
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach.
We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation. We convey a comprehensive picture of Germany by providing information on Germany’s cultural, social and political life.
Through our network of Goethe-Institutes, Goethe Centres, cultural societies and reading rooms, alongside our examination and language learning centres, we perform the principal tasks of cultural and educational policy abroad. We work in partnership with public and private cultural bodies, the German federal states and municipalities, and the corporate sector.
We draw on the rich variety of our many-faceted open society and Germany’s lively culture. We combine the experiences and conceptions of our partners in Germany and abroad with our professional skills and engage in a dialogue rooted in partnership. In doing so, we function as service providers and partners for everyone taking an active interest in Germany and the German language and culture, and act independently with no political affiliations.
We face the cultural policy challenges of globalisation and develop innovative concepts for a world made more human through mutual understanding, where cultural diversity is seen as an asset.
The Goethe Institute in Johannesburg regulates the work in the Sub-Saharan countries including 10 institutes and 5 Goethe reading/cultural centers. In addition we work together with German embassies in countries where Goethe is not represented.
Due to South Africa’s history of racial discrimination our focus is particularly on the development of and envolvement with previously disadvantaged groups of the population. Thus, seminars and work-shops are in the lime light of our program.
Our Language department offers German lessons in the Goethe-Institut and otherwise. It supports German teachers in the country and works closely together with the department of education.
Our department of « Library and Information » works in close relation with the Library and Information Association of South Africa and encourages information exchange with German Organisations. Our information Center has a braod variety of information on Germany available.
Our staff
Director of the Institute
Our staff
Director of the InstituteCultural programmesPublic RelationsInformation and LibraryGerman coursesService for teachers of GermanNetwork CoordinationAdministrationTraineePraktikum
Dr. Katharina von Ruckteschell-Katte
Institute Director
Regional director for Subsaharan Africa
Tel: +27 11 4423232
Fax: +27 11 4423738
Mitarbeiterinnen und MitarbeiterPraktikum
VoraussetzungenBereiche und TätigkeitenFreie Stellen, Dauer und TermineBewerbungsverfahrenVergütung und VersicherungVisa und VisabeschaffungAnreiseUnterkunftPraktikumsbestätigung und -bericht
zwei FreundinnenDas Goethe-Institut Johannesburg bietet für StudentInnen in höheren Semestern oder nach abgeschlossenem Studium die Möglichkeit eines Praktikums. Sie erhalten einen Einblick in die Arbeit eines Goethe-Instituts, beteiligen sich an Planung und Umsetzung von Kulturprogrammen, übernehmen Aufgaben in der Sprachkursarbeit, Bildungskooperation Deutsch oder in den Bereichen Bibliothek und Information.
Informieren Sie sich auf unseren Seiten über die Voraussetzungen, die verschiedenen Arbeitsbereiche und freie Stellen.
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach.
We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation. We convey a comprehensive picture of Germany by providing information on Germany’s cultural, social and political life.
Through our network of Goethe-Institutes, Goethe Centres, cultural societies and reading rooms, alongside our examination and language learning centres, we perform the principal tasks of cultural and educational policy abroad. We work in partnership with public and private cultural bodies, the German federal states and municipalities, and the corporate sector.
We draw on the rich variety of our many-faceted open society and Germany’s lively culture. We combine the experiences and conceptions of our partners in Germany and abroad with our professional skills and engage in a dialogue rooted in partnership. In doing so, we function as service providers and partners for everyone taking an active interest in Germany and the German language and culture, and act independently with no political affiliations.
We face the cultural policy challenges of globalisation and develop innovative concepts for a world made more human through mutual understanding, where cultural diversity is seen as an asset.
The Goethe Institute in Johannesburg regulates the work in the Sub-Saharan countries including 10 institutes and 5 Goethe reading/cultural centers. In addition we work together with German embassies in countries where Goethe is not represented.
Due to South Africa’s history of racial discrimination our focus is particularly on the development of and envolvement with previously disadvantaged groups of the population. Thus, seminars and work-shops are in the lime light of our program.
Our Language department offers German lessons in the Goethe-Institut and otherwise. It supports German teachers in the country and works closely together with the department of education.
Our department of « Library and Information » works in close relation with the Library and Information Association of South Africa and encourages information exchange with German Organisations. Our information Center has a braod variety of information on Germany available.
Our staff
Director of the Institute
Our staff
Director of the InstituteCultural programmesPublic RelationsInformation and LibraryGerman coursesService for teachers of GermanNetwork CoordinationAdministrationTraineePraktikum
Dr. Katharina von Ruckteschell-Katte
Institute Director
Regional director for Subsaharan Africa
Tel: +27 11 4423232
Fax: +27 11 4423738
Mitarbeiterinnen und MitarbeiterPraktikum
VoraussetzungenBereiche und TätigkeitenFreie Stellen, Dauer und TermineBewerbungsverfahrenVergütung und VersicherungVisa und VisabeschaffungAnreiseUnterkunftPraktikumsbestätigung und -bericht
zwei FreundinnenDas Goethe-Institut Johannesburg bietet für StudentInnen in höheren Semestern oder nach abgeschlossenem Studium die Möglichkeit eines Praktikums. Sie erhalten einen Einblick in die Arbeit eines Goethe-Instituts, beteiligen sich an Planung und Umsetzung von Kulturprogrammen, übernehmen Aufgaben in der Sprachkursarbeit, Bildungskooperation Deutsch oder in den Bereichen Bibliothek und Information.
Informieren Sie sich auf unseren Seiten über die Voraussetzungen, die verschiedenen Arbeitsbereiche und freie Stellen.
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