Fiche Personne
Khaled Abol Naga
Acteur/trice, Producteur/trice, Producteur/trice délégué/e
© Still from « MICROPHONE » ©Film Clinic, Egypt, 2010
Né à Héliopolis (Egypte) le 02 novembre.
Mini biographie:
Khaled a etudié les télécommunications à l’Université de Ain Shams (mention : Excellent avec honneurs). Tout en étant joueur à l’Equipe Nationale Egyptienne de Water-Polo, il jouait aussi au Théâtre à l’Université Americaine du Caire où il a suivi des cours et a reçu plusieurs fois le prix du meilleur acteur universitaire.
Pour Khaled, l’echange de talents et de professions a eu lieu plusieurs fois. D’abord avec le Water Polo (1986-1989), puis avec les recherches de Satelittes et tele-communications a l’Universite de Surrey (Angleterre-1990-1992).
Mais il jouait toujours au Waterpolo et gardait toujours l’interet pour les Arts et le Theatre a Londres. Il a aussi commence une carriere de mannequin entre 1993 et 1996.
Khaled a decide d’ameliorer ses talents artistiques en consacrant l’annee 1997 pour etudier le cinema. Il avait eu le prix du meilleur court-metrage dans le Biennale du Caire pour son premier film comme metteur en scene : Sol Star (1996).
En 1999, Khaled a commence sa carriere de presentateur a la Television Egyptienne a la Chaine de Nile Variety, et MBC En tres peu de temps, il a attire l’attention a cause de son style frais et contraverse. Il a participe a plusieurs programmes comme Eshar Maana et MUZIKANA ( ou il a interviewe des stars Arabes et Internationales.
En 2000, apres avoir eu le prix du meilleur nouveau presentateur, Khaled a ete selectionne pour presenter le programme « Bonjour L’Egypte »un des programmes quotidiens les plus populaires.
En meme temps, un autre reve a ete realise en 2001 : Le metteur en scene renomme « Daoud Abdel Sayed » (IMDB) a choisi Khaled pour jouer le role principal avec Salah Abdallah et le chanteur controverse Shaaban Abdel Rehim dans Mowaten we Mokhber wa Haramy : « Le Citoyen, l’indic et le voleur » ( (IMDB)
Le style du film ainsi que ses comediens ont surpris ou meme choque le public et les critiques.Il leur a fallu trois semaines pour se relever du choc initial et admettre que le film n’est qu’un nouveau chef d oeuvre de « Daoud Abdel Sayed »(IMDB).
Le metteur en scene Egyptien Ali Abdel-Khalek (IMDB) qui avait choisi Khaled dans « Rendez-Vous (2000) » ( (IMDB) lui a offert un nouveau role dans son nouveau film « Yom EL Karama (2002) » : « Le jour de la dignite » (file data), Une histoire vraie d’action et de guerre entierement filmee cette annee a Alexandrie et
Khaled a aussi collabore avec le jeune cineaste Hany Khalifa et le Scenariste Tamer Habib dans « Sahar El Layali »(2003) :
« Les nuits Veillees » qui sortira cet ete.
Khaled a aussi collabore avec Scenariste Tamer Habib dans »Hob El Banat » (2004) avec le scene renomme Khaled El Hagar
From 2002 Khaled has established a proffessional star actor status which lead to his nomination to star many other projects, like the musical comedy « WEST EL BALAD » where He sang and performed a contemporary « Romeo » set in a Cairene downtown alley. and also as « Seif El Daly » in « EL BANAT » (2003) (IMDB) TV Series which won him BEST TV Award from Minister Safwat El-Sherif of Egypt.
He performed the role of « Kimo » a famous young actor / star who finds stardom a prison only when he falls in real love in « Girls’ Love » a.k.a. « Women’s love » a.k.a. « Hob El Banat » (2004) (IMDB) written once again by Tamer Habib and got Special mention awards in Cairo International Film Festival October 2003. It was shot March till August 2003. Directed by Khaled El Hagar (IMDB).
Khaled is now reported to be shooting the new film MALEK WE KETABA directed by Kamla Abu Zekry
Khaled a reçu plusieurs prix, distinctions dont :
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) at (Paris) Arab Cinema Biennale at the Institute du Monde Arabe IMA Int’l Film Festival 2003
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) at (Syria) Damascus Int’l Film Festival 2003
Egyptian Oscars ACTING AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) from Egyptian Film Society 2004
BEST ACTOR AWARD from ART for his achievement as a Young Actor from 1998-2003, 2003
BEST FILM AUDIENCE AWARD at (Tunisian) Sousse FIFEJ 2003 Film Festival.
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) from several Media & Magazine Polls, 2003
Nominated by Egypt for the Acadamy OSCARS Awards (LA, USA) for Best Foreign Film Competition 2003.
mini-biography by webmaster and:
« Material THINGS do NOT give us any extra Value, we are the ones who give material THINGS all its value. »
Where now:
Comme Acteur, Khaled vit au Caire, en Egypte. Mais il voyage constamment pour son travail d’acteur ou invité sur les plateaux de télé un peu partout.
Mini Filmography 2000-2005:
2005: Malek we Ketaba (2005) Feature – Main role: Tarek
2004: Hob El Banat (2004) Feature Film – Main role: Kimo
2003: Sahar El Layaly (2003) Feature Film – Lead role: Ali
2003: EL Banat (2003-2004) TV Series – Lead role: Seif El Daly
2003: Yom El Karama (2002) Feature Film – Lead role: Lt.Hasan Hosny
2002: WEST EL BALAD (2002) Play – Lead role: Romeo/Ramadan
2001: Mowaten we Mokhber we Haramy (2001) Feature Film – Lead role: Selim
2000: Rendez-Vous (2000) Feature Film – Lead role: Ashraf 2000: Leh Khaletny Ahebak (2000) Feature Film – role: as himself
Mini biographie:
Khaled a etudié les télécommunications à l’Université de Ain Shams (mention : Excellent avec honneurs). Tout en étant joueur à l’Equipe Nationale Egyptienne de Water-Polo, il jouait aussi au Théâtre à l’Université Americaine du Caire où il a suivi des cours et a reçu plusieurs fois le prix du meilleur acteur universitaire.
Pour Khaled, l’echange de talents et de professions a eu lieu plusieurs fois. D’abord avec le Water Polo (1986-1989), puis avec les recherches de Satelittes et tele-communications a l’Universite de Surrey (Angleterre-1990-1992).
Mais il jouait toujours au Waterpolo et gardait toujours l’interet pour les Arts et le Theatre a Londres. Il a aussi commence une carriere de mannequin entre 1993 et 1996.
Khaled a decide d’ameliorer ses talents artistiques en consacrant l’annee 1997 pour etudier le cinema. Il avait eu le prix du meilleur court-metrage dans le Biennale du Caire pour son premier film comme metteur en scene : Sol Star (1996).
En 1999, Khaled a commence sa carriere de presentateur a la Television Egyptienne a la Chaine de Nile Variety, et MBC En tres peu de temps, il a attire l’attention a cause de son style frais et contraverse. Il a participe a plusieurs programmes comme Eshar Maana et MUZIKANA ( ou il a interviewe des stars Arabes et Internationales.
En 2000, apres avoir eu le prix du meilleur nouveau presentateur, Khaled a ete selectionne pour presenter le programme « Bonjour L’Egypte »un des programmes quotidiens les plus populaires.
En meme temps, un autre reve a ete realise en 2001 : Le metteur en scene renomme « Daoud Abdel Sayed » (IMDB) a choisi Khaled pour jouer le role principal avec Salah Abdallah et le chanteur controverse Shaaban Abdel Rehim dans Mowaten we Mokhber wa Haramy : « Le Citoyen, l’indic et le voleur » ( (IMDB)
Le style du film ainsi que ses comediens ont surpris ou meme choque le public et les critiques.Il leur a fallu trois semaines pour se relever du choc initial et admettre que le film n’est qu’un nouveau chef d oeuvre de « Daoud Abdel Sayed »(IMDB).
Le metteur en scene Egyptien Ali Abdel-Khalek (IMDB) qui avait choisi Khaled dans « Rendez-Vous (2000) » ( (IMDB) lui a offert un nouveau role dans son nouveau film « Yom EL Karama (2002) » : « Le jour de la dignite » (file data), Une histoire vraie d’action et de guerre entierement filmee cette annee a Alexandrie et
Khaled a aussi collabore avec le jeune cineaste Hany Khalifa et le Scenariste Tamer Habib dans « Sahar El Layali »(2003) :
« Les nuits Veillees » qui sortira cet ete.
Khaled a aussi collabore avec Scenariste Tamer Habib dans »Hob El Banat » (2004) avec le scene renomme Khaled El Hagar
From 2002 Khaled has established a proffessional star actor status which lead to his nomination to star many other projects, like the musical comedy « WEST EL BALAD » where He sang and performed a contemporary « Romeo » set in a Cairene downtown alley. and also as « Seif El Daly » in « EL BANAT » (2003) (IMDB) TV Series which won him BEST TV Award from Minister Safwat El-Sherif of Egypt.
He performed the role of « Kimo » a famous young actor / star who finds stardom a prison only when he falls in real love in « Girls’ Love » a.k.a. « Women’s love » a.k.a. « Hob El Banat » (2004) (IMDB) written once again by Tamer Habib and got Special mention awards in Cairo International Film Festival October 2003. It was shot March till August 2003. Directed by Khaled El Hagar (IMDB).
Khaled is now reported to be shooting the new film MALEK WE KETABA directed by Kamla Abu Zekry
Khaled a reçu plusieurs prix, distinctions dont :
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) at (Paris) Arab Cinema Biennale at the Institute du Monde Arabe IMA Int’l Film Festival 2003
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) at (Syria) Damascus Int’l Film Festival 2003
Egyptian Oscars ACTING AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) from Egyptian Film Society 2004
BEST ACTOR AWARD from ART for his achievement as a Young Actor from 1998-2003, 2003
BEST FILM AUDIENCE AWARD at (Tunisian) Sousse FIFEJ 2003 Film Festival.
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) from several Media & Magazine Polls, 2003
Nominated by Egypt for the Acadamy OSCARS Awards (LA, USA) for Best Foreign Film Competition 2003.
mini-biography by webmaster and:
« Material THINGS do NOT give us any extra Value, we are the ones who give material THINGS all its value. »
Where now:
Comme Acteur, Khaled vit au Caire, en Egypte. Mais il voyage constamment pour son travail d’acteur ou invité sur les plateaux de télé un peu partout.
Mini Filmography 2000-2005:
2005: Malek we Ketaba (2005) Feature – Main role: Tarek
2004: Hob El Banat (2004) Feature Film – Main role: Kimo
2003: Sahar El Layaly (2003) Feature Film – Lead role: Ali
2003: EL Banat (2003-2004) TV Series – Lead role: Seif El Daly
2003: Yom El Karama (2002) Feature Film – Lead role: Lt.Hasan Hosny
2002: WEST EL BALAD (2002) Play – Lead role: Romeo/Ramadan
2001: Mowaten we Mokhber we Haramy (2001) Feature Film – Lead role: Selim
2000: Rendez-Vous (2000) Feature Film – Lead role: Ashraf 2000: Leh Khaletny Ahebak (2000) Feature Film – role: as himself
Khaled Abol Naga deserves the nickname his friends gave him, Mr.Superman!.
Khaled minored in Theatre and Drama while taking Computer Science courses at the The American University in Cairo (AUC), that was juggled while he srudied Tele-communication Engineering and graduated with honours from Ain Shams University, one of the most respected Engineering schools in Egypt.
Simultaneously played Water-polo as a hobby that grew fast to become almost a profession when he teamed up with Egypt’s Water-polo National team (Goal Keeper),.
Khaled kept acting & singing for years after graduation at the stage productions of the Theatre Department at The American University in Cairo, where acted in most university play productions collecting « Best Actor Award » title for varsity-competition plays year after year.
He Exchanged hobbies and professions several times.
First when Water-polo became his main focus 1986-1989,.
Then in 1990-1992 Satellites Research and Tele-Communications while researching it at University of Surrey UK, where He was a part of a team who built UoSat-5 (a Low Earth orbit spacecraft that is still in orbit till today).
He still kept a second hobby of playing Water polo for his varsity team in European tournaments while based in the UK. where He also kept in touch with plays shown in London, He also started a parallel Fashion Modeling career/hobby 1993-1996.
After winning a Best short art-film prize of the Cairo biennalle for his directoral debut Sol Star (1996); Khaled decided to give his growing artistic side better potential of growth into a career by dedicating the year of 1997 to study Film this time, Acting, Cinematography and Directing as well in the USA.
n 1999, The rythem fastened for Khaled, First when he (as a famous young face & well established catwalk model in Egypt) was offered to Host TV programs at Nile Variety Channel; part of a new Thematic Network inaugurated by state owned ERTU in Egypt.
Khaled in a very short period became the talk of the town with his new fresh style and unconventional ways. He hosted many programs including the hit Live talk show Eshar Ma’ana and interviewed stars from all walks of Arts – Local and International.
Khaled left Nile Variety channel October 2000, joined the pan-arab MBC TV in June 2001 hosting MUZIKANA ( creating massive pan-Arab audience awareness.
In 2000 He was also chosen by News Dept. (ERTU Ch:1 in Egypt) as a result of winning the title of « BEST NEW TV ANNOUNCER »; to present, « GOOD MORNING EGYPT », one of the most widely known programs in Egypt, and continued presenting it till end of 2001.
At the same time, another major dream came true; Acting in film, By the end of year 2001 Khaled became a movie star for Arab youth with movies released in Egypt & the Arab world.
It all started when the the well known and respected Egyptian Film maker »Daoud Abdel Sayed » (IMDB) chose Khaled as the lead role with Salah Abdallah and the first time actor and contraversial singer Shaaban Abdel Reheem in:
« Le Citoyen et l’indic et le voleur » « A Citizen & a Detective & a Thief » « Mowaten we Mokhber we Haramy (2001) » ( (IMDB)
The film style and cast took critics and audiences by surprise, and it took almost three weeks before critics could get over the initial shock and felt the overwhelming audience response which was one step ahead of the critics and gave the film quite a bonus at the box office, It was clear that this is a new classic of Daoud Abdel Sayed with new stars being born.
Egyptian Director Ali Abdel-Khalek (IMDB) who casted and directed Khaled’s earlier role as Ashraf in « Rendez-Vous (2000) » ( (IMDB) landed him another role in the true story shot in Alexandria & Port-said locations to be a war action film « Yom EL Karama (2002) » (file data) as Lt. Hasan Hosny, a different and unexpected role by the audience proving Khaled’s versatility as a promising new actor and star much needed for the anticipated new rennainssance of the Egyptian cinema of the new millenium.
Khaled also attracted the young first time Director Hani Khalifa together with the young script writer Tamer Habib to choose Khaled to lead in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) (IMDB)as « Ali » among a large cast of young promising stars of Egyptian cinema, the film release has been delayed several times & still in final stages but expected to be released 2003.
From 2002 Khaled has established a proffessional star actor status which lead to his nomination to star many other projects, like the musical comedy « WEST EL BALAD » where He sang and performed a contemporary « Romeo » set in a Cairene downtown alley. and also as « Seif El Daly » in « EL BANAT » (2003) (IMDB) TV Series which won him BEST TV Award from Minister Safwat El-Sherif of Egypt.
He performed the role of « Kimo » a famous young actor / star who finds stardom a prison only when he falls in real love in « Girls’ Love » a.k.a. « Women’s love » a.k.a. « Hob El Banat » (2004) (IMDB) written once again by Tamer Habib and got Special mention awards in Cairo International Film Festival October 2003. It was shot March till August 2003. Directed by Khaled El Hagar (IMDB).
Khaled roles varry from Drama, to Romantic Comedies, to Musicals (« MEFEESH GHER KEDA » aka: « None but That! » (2007)), even an Action drama shot lately to be released in 2006 (« AGAMISTA » (2006))
Khaled’s English speaking feature and American debut was in 2005: CIVIC DUTY (2006)
Khaled is now reported to be shooting a new English speaking American production film in LA: « CITIZEN BRANDO » (2008)
Khaled won several Awards including:
(Awards details>> here)
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) at (Paris) Arab Cinema Biennale at the Institute du Monde Arabe IMA Int’l Film Festival 2003
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) at (Syria) Damascus Int’l Film Festival 2003
Egyptian Oscars ACTING AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) from Egyptian Film Society 2004
BEST ACTOR AWARD from ART for his achievement as a Young Actor from 1998-2003, 2003
BEST FILM AUDIENCE AWARD at (Tunisian) Sousse FIFEJ 2003 Film Festival.
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) from several Media & Magazine Polls, 2003
Nominated by Egypt for the Acadamy OSCARS Awards (LA, USA) for Best Foreign Film Competition 2003.
mini-biography by webmaster and:
Personal quotes
« Material THINGS do NOT give us any extra Value, we are the ones who give material THINGS all its value. »
Where now:
as an Actor, Khaled is based in Cairo, Egypt. But he is constantly travelling for work either as an actor, or as a TV-Host
Mini Filmography 2000-2006: > More details here>>
2006: CIVIC DUTY (2006) : Lead role : Gabe Hassan
2006: The Game of Love (2006) : Lead role: Essam
2005: Banat Wust el Balad (Downtown Girls)(2005) Feature – Main role : Chef Samir
2005: Malek we Ketaba (2005) Feature – Main role: Tarek
2004: Hob El Banat (2004) Feature Film – Main role: Kimo
2003: Sahar El Layaly (2003) Feature Film – Lead role: Ali
2003: EL Banat (2003-2004) TV Series – Lead role: Seif El Daly
2003: Yom El Karama (2002) Feature Film – Lead role: Lt.Hasan Hosny
2002: WEST EL BALAD (2002) Play – Lead role: Romeo/Ramadan
2001: Mowaten we Mokhber we Haramy (2001) Feature Film – Lead role: Selim
2000: Rendez-Vous (2000) Feature Film – Lead role: Ashraf 2000: Leh Khaletny Ahebak (2000) Feature Film – role: as himself
Khaled Abol Naga deserves the nickname his friends gave him, Mr.Superman!.
Khaled minored in Theatre and Drama while taking Computer Science courses at the The American University in Cairo (AUC), that was juggled while he srudied Tele-communication Engineering and graduated with honours from Ain Shams University, one of the most respected Engineering schools in Egypt.
Simultaneously played Water-polo as a hobby that grew fast to become almost a profession when he teamed up with Egypt’s Water-polo National team (Goal Keeper),.
Khaled kept acting & singing for years after graduation at the stage productions of the Theatre Department at The American University in Cairo, where acted in most university play productions collecting « Best Actor Award » title for varsity-competition plays year after year.
He Exchanged hobbies and professions several times.
First when Water-polo became his main focus 1986-1989,.
Then in 1990-1992 Satellites Research and Tele-Communications while researching it at University of Surrey UK, where He was a part of a team who built UoSat-5 (a Low Earth orbit spacecraft that is still in orbit till today).
He still kept a second hobby of playing Water polo for his varsity team in European tournaments while based in the UK. where He also kept in touch with plays shown in London, He also started a parallel Fashion Modeling career/hobby 1993-1996.
After winning a Best short art-film prize of the Cairo biennalle for his directoral debut Sol Star (1996); Khaled decided to give his growing artistic side better potential of growth into a career by dedicating the year of 1997 to study Film this time, Acting, Cinematography and Directing as well in the USA.
n 1999, The rythem fastened for Khaled, First when he (as a famous young face & well established catwalk model in Egypt) was offered to Host TV programs at Nile Variety Channel; part of a new Thematic Network inaugurated by state owned ERTU in Egypt.
Khaled in a very short period became the talk of the town with his new fresh style and unconventional ways. He hosted many programs including the hit Live talk show Eshar Ma’ana and interviewed stars from all walks of Arts – Local and International.
Khaled left Nile Variety channel October 2000, joined the pan-arab MBC TV in June 2001 hosting MUZIKANA ( creating massive pan-Arab audience awareness.
In 2000 He was also chosen by News Dept. (ERTU Ch:1 in Egypt) as a result of winning the title of « BEST NEW TV ANNOUNCER »; to present, « GOOD MORNING EGYPT », one of the most widely known programs in Egypt, and continued presenting it till end of 2001.
At the same time, another major dream came true; Acting in film, By the end of year 2001 Khaled became a movie star for Arab youth with movies released in Egypt & the Arab world.
It all started when the the well known and respected Egyptian Film maker »Daoud Abdel Sayed » (IMDB) chose Khaled as the lead role with Salah Abdallah and the first time actor and contraversial singer Shaaban Abdel Reheem in:
« Le Citoyen et l’indic et le voleur » « A Citizen & a Detective & a Thief » « Mowaten we Mokhber we Haramy (2001) » ( (IMDB)
The film style and cast took critics and audiences by surprise, and it took almost three weeks before critics could get over the initial shock and felt the overwhelming audience response which was one step ahead of the critics and gave the film quite a bonus at the box office, It was clear that this is a new classic of Daoud Abdel Sayed with new stars being born.
Egyptian Director Ali Abdel-Khalek (IMDB) who casted and directed Khaled’s earlier role as Ashraf in « Rendez-Vous (2000) » ( (IMDB) landed him another role in the true story shot in Alexandria & Port-said locations to be a war action film « Yom EL Karama (2002) » (file data) as Lt. Hasan Hosny, a different and unexpected role by the audience proving Khaled’s versatility as a promising new actor and star much needed for the anticipated new rennainssance of the Egyptian cinema of the new millenium.
Khaled also attracted the young first time Director Hani Khalifa together with the young script writer Tamer Habib to choose Khaled to lead in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) (IMDB)as « Ali » among a large cast of young promising stars of Egyptian cinema, the film release has been delayed several times & still in final stages but expected to be released 2003.
From 2002 Khaled has established a proffessional star actor status which lead to his nomination to star many other projects, like the musical comedy « WEST EL BALAD » where He sang and performed a contemporary « Romeo » set in a Cairene downtown alley. and also as « Seif El Daly » in « EL BANAT » (2003) (IMDB) TV Series which won him BEST TV Award from Minister Safwat El-Sherif of Egypt.
He performed the role of « Kimo » a famous young actor / star who finds stardom a prison only when he falls in real love in « Girls’ Love » a.k.a. « Women’s love » a.k.a. « Hob El Banat » (2004) (IMDB) written once again by Tamer Habib and got Special mention awards in Cairo International Film Festival October 2003. It was shot March till August 2003. Directed by Khaled El Hagar (IMDB).
Khaled roles varry from Drama, to Romantic Comedies, to Musicals (« MEFEESH GHER KEDA » aka: « None but That! » (2007)), even an Action drama shot lately to be released in 2006 (« AGAMISTA » (2006))
Khaled’s English speaking feature and American debut was in 2005: CIVIC DUTY (2006)
Khaled is now reported to be shooting a new English speaking American production film in LA: « CITIZEN BRANDO » (2008)
Khaled won several Awards including:
(Awards details>> here)
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) at (Paris) Arab Cinema Biennale at the Institute du Monde Arabe IMA Int’l Film Festival 2003
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) at (Syria) Damascus Int’l Film Festival 2003
Egyptian Oscars ACTING AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) from Egyptian Film Society 2004
BEST ACTOR AWARD from ART for his achievement as a Young Actor from 1998-2003, 2003
BEST FILM AUDIENCE AWARD at (Tunisian) Sousse FIFEJ 2003 Film Festival.
BEST ACTOR AWARD for his role « Ali » in « Sahar El Layaly » (2003) from several Media & Magazine Polls, 2003
Nominated by Egypt for the Acadamy OSCARS Awards (LA, USA) for Best Foreign Film Competition 2003.
mini-biography by webmaster and:
Personal quotes
« Material THINGS do NOT give us any extra Value, we are the ones who give material THINGS all its value. »
Where now:
as an Actor, Khaled is based in Cairo, Egypt. But he is constantly travelling for work either as an actor, or as a TV-Host
Mini Filmography 2000-2006: > More details here>>
2006: CIVIC DUTY (2006) : Lead role : Gabe Hassan
2006: The Game of Love (2006) : Lead role: Essam
2005: Banat Wust el Balad (Downtown Girls)(2005) Feature – Main role : Chef Samir
2005: Malek we Ketaba (2005) Feature – Main role: Tarek
2004: Hob El Banat (2004) Feature Film – Main role: Kimo
2003: Sahar El Layaly (2003) Feature Film – Lead role: Ali
2003: EL Banat (2003-2004) TV Series – Lead role: Seif El Daly
2003: Yom El Karama (2002) Feature Film – Lead role: Lt.Hasan Hosny
2002: WEST EL BALAD (2002) Play – Lead role: Romeo/Ramadan
2001: Mowaten we Mokhber we Haramy (2001) Feature Film – Lead role: Selim
2000: Rendez-Vous (2000) Feature Film – Lead role: Ashraf 2000: Leh Khaletny Ahebak (2000) Feature Film – role: as himself
Unknown Sweet Potato Seller (The) – بائع البطاطا المجهولCourt-métrage – 2016Khaled décide d’enquêter sur le meurtre d’un enfant qui vendait des patates douces sur la place Tahrir, au Caire. Il a des visions de l’enfant et des cauchemars durant son enquête. Un film de Ahmed Roshdy Egypte, 2…Khaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Eyes of the Thief – عيون الحراميّةLong-métrage – 2014Le film débute au plus fort du second intifada en 2002, puis avec Tarek qui est de retour dans sa ville natale après dix ans d’emprisonnement pour avoir pris part au premier Intifada. Il apprend que sa fille, Nour, a été…Khaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
From A to BLong-métrage – 2014Trois amis d’enfance dont les routes se sont séparés avec les années se retrouvent et veulent ressusciter leur relation. Ils voyagent de Abu Dhabi à Beyrouth pour commémorer la mémoire de leur ami Hadi qui, cinq ans plus…Khaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Decor – ديكورLong-métrage – 2014Maha a toujours été passionnée de cinéma et en tant que scénographe elle devient une experte en création de mondes imaginaires. Sous une immense pression au travail, elle envisage une autre vie à l’horizon et commence à …Khaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Villa 69 (69 Messaha Square)Long-métrage – 201369 Messaha square est l’adresse d’une vieille maison où se déroule toute l’action. Cette maison est la dernière de la rue à témoigner de la beauté qui existait autrefois. C’est aussi l’endroit où notre protagoniste, Huss…Khaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
MicrophoneLong-métrage – 2010Khaled retourne à Alexandrie après des années d’absence. Par pure coïncidence, Il rencontre des chanteurs de Hip Hop sur le trottoir, des musiciens de Rock sur les toits d’anciens bâtiments, et des jeunes qui peignent de…Khaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Heliopolis – New Egypt (Heliopolis- Misr Al Jedida)Long-métrage – 2008de Ahmad Abdalla, Egypte, 2008, 1h32 min, avec Khaled Abol Naga, Hany AdelKhaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Rien que ça ! (Mafeesh Gheer Keda !)Long-métrage – 2006A musical which follows the life of NAHED'S family. Nahed is a single mother, whose husband left her long ago for another woman to face life alone and to struggle with her three children. But Nahed has a dream : a dr…Khaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Pile ou Face (Malek wala ketaba)Long-métrage – 2006Mahmoud, professeur d'art dramatique, a une vie bien reglée jusqu'au jour où il surprend sa femme dans les bras d'un autre. Il rencontre alors Hind, une jeune actrice qui va lui faire revoir de …Khaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Chats de Gouttière (Stray Cats)Court-métrage – 2005Amir, un jeune Egyptien, décide soudain de changer de carrière et étudier le cinéma à Rome. Avant même de quitter Le Caire, il éprouve déjà de la nostalgie pour ses voisins, ses amis, même les chats qu’il nourrit. Just a…Khaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
Hob el Banat (Girl’s Love)Long-métrage – 2003Un homme riche meurt, laissant en héritage sa fortune à ses trois filles qu’il a eu de mères différentes. Elle ne s’étaient jamais rencontrées mais la condition de l’héritage est qu’elles vivent ensemble durant un an. …Khaled Abol Naga est lié(e) à ce film en tant que acteur/trice
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