Fiche Personne

Eva Knopf

Réalisateur/trice, Scénariste, Monteur/se


Réalisatrice et scénariste allemande.
Elle a réalisé MAJUB’S JOURNEY (MAJUBS REISE), 2013, son film de fin d’études, à la Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH.

MAJUB’S JOURNEY (MAJUBS REISE), 2013, Documentaire, 48mins, Film de fin d’études.
Juju Movie – Get Rich or Die Trying, 2011, Documentaire, 44mins 45s, avec Akwetey Kany, Socrate Safo
Guter Bespielter Zustand, 2008, Documentaire, 18mins
U 15, 2006, Docu-Fiction (co-réalisé avec Madeleine Dallmeyer), 06mins



Eva Knopf was born in Oldenburg. She studied at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, the University of California Berkeley, the Georg-August University in Göttingen, and the University of Amsterdam. She worked as a projectionist in numerous arthouse theaters, teaches in the Visual Media and Anthropology Dept. of the Free University Berlin and is currently a research fellow for the project the « History of Documentary Film in Germany » funded by the German national research foundation. MAJUB‘S JOURNEY [2013] is her graduation film.

Eva Knopf received an M.A. in Cultural Anthropology and Media Studies from Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, studied Film and Television Studies at Universiteit van Amsterdam, and was a post-graduate student with Kaja Silverman and Trinh T. Minh-ha in the Rhetoric/Film Theory Department at University of California at Berkeley.

She is currently writing her dissertation about experimental approaches to the colonial image archive at Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena. She is looking at the strategies that film makers employ to make an alternative history visible, when often the only archival footage available is shot by the colonizers.

Parallel to her academic work Eva studies directing at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Ludwigsburg, where she is currently working on her diploma film about African film extras in nazi propaganda films.

Before that, she shot a film about the Ghanaian video industry. By observing the film scene and the stories told in the movies,’JUJU MOVIE – Get Rich or Die Trying’ provides insight on the spiritual world of Ghana.

For many years Eva worked as a projectionist in different art house theaters.

MAJUB’S JOURNEY (MAJUBS REISE), 2013, Documentary, 48mins, Graduation film.
Juju Movie – Get Rich or Die Trying, 2011 Documentary, 44mins 45s, starring Akwetey Kany, Socrate Safo
Guter Bespielter Zustand, 2008 Documentary, 18mins
U 15, 2006, Docu-Fiction (co-directed with Madeleine Dallmeyer), 06mins

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