Fiche Film
© FID Marseille 2011
LONG Métrage | 2011
Trois disparitions de Soad Hosni (Les)

© FID Marseille 2011
Titre original : Ikhtifa’at soad hosni ath-thalathat
Pays concerné : Liban
Durée : 70 minutes
Genre : portrait
Type : documentaire
En amorce, quelques poussières sur une bande usée jusqu’à la trame, puis une image vacille, un son crépite, le visage rêveur d’une femme enfin apparaît et s’entend le murmure d’une injonction : « Souviens-toi ! ». De? Soad Hosni : une icône adulée du cinéma égyptien, actrice de près de cent films, née au Caire en 1943 et morte suicidée à Londres en 2001. C’est l’histoire de la vie de cette star que Rania Stephan a choisi de raconter pour son premier long-métrage. Un biopic donc, mais, puisque Rania Stephan est par ailleurs monteuse réputée, fabriqué uniquement à partir de morceaux des films où Hosni a joué. Sans autre image que celles que Hosni a offertes à la caméra, sans commentaire ni voix autre que la sienne et celles de ses partenaires, voilà en somme Soad Hosni par elle-même. Mais l’actrice est ici un véhicule idéal pour circuler entre imaginaire et réalité, et son cinéma, plus qu’une usine à rêve, un révélateur. Si trois chapitres déclinent « trois disparitions », c’est que Rania Stéphan nous propose une triple traversée : dans l’histoire récente du cinéma égyptien ; dans ce qui y transparaît de l’histoire sociale et politique du pays, de l’époque de Nasser à celle de Moubarak ; dans l’évolution de la place et de l’image de la femme. Rien d’abstrait pour autant, le corps de Soad Hosni emplit l’écran de sa gloire, et ses films, copies VHS pour l’essentiel, à la matière tactile et altérée, se chargent de nourrir cette belle méditation de toute l’incarnation nécessaire à maintenir sa mélancolie fort présente.
Nicolas Feodoroff (FIDMARSEILLE 2011)
Réalisatrice : Rania Stephan
LIBAN, 2011, Couleur et N&B, VHS, 1h10′
Version originale : Arabe
Sous-titres : Français
Année : 2011
Durée : 1h10 min
Image : Archives
Montage : Rania Stephan
Son : Rania Stephan
Production et distribution : Rania Stephan (Joun Films)
RIDM – Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal 2011
* Sélection section « Contre-Courant »
* Première nord-américaine
* première mondiale / compétition premier film / prix GNCR / prix des médiathèques /
* Prix renaud victor
FIDLab 2009
Nicolas Feodoroff (FIDMARSEILLE 2011)
Réalisatrice : Rania Stephan
LIBAN, 2011, Couleur et N&B, VHS, 1h10′
Version originale : Arabe
Sous-titres : Français
Année : 2011
Durée : 1h10 min
Image : Archives
Montage : Rania Stephan
Son : Rania Stephan
Production et distribution : Rania Stephan (Joun Films)
RIDM – Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal 2011
* Sélection section « Contre-Courant »
* Première nord-américaine
* première mondiale / compétition premier film / prix GNCR / prix des médiathèques /
* Prix renaud victor
FIDLab 2009
Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni (The)
A rapturous elegy to a rich and versatile era of film production in Egypt, constructed from the work of one of its most revered stars, Soad Hosni, who from the 1960s into the 1990s embodied the modern Arab woman in all her complexity and paradoxes. Stephan’s montage of footage from VHS tapes, DVDs, and VCDs poetically rewrites a golden period of Egyptian cinema and evokes an enduring symbol of modern Arab womanhood.
In the foreground there is some dust on a threadbare tape worn, then an image vacillates, a sound crackles, the dreamy face of a woman finally appears and the murmur of the command : « Remember ! » is to be heard. Remember who? Soad Hosni : an adored icon of the Egyptian cinema, an actress in almost one hundred films who was born in Cairo in 1943 and who committed suicide in London in 2001. It is the life story of this star that Rania Stephan has chosen to tell for her first feature film. A biopic then, but, given that Rania Stephan is also a renowned film editor, it is created solely from bits of films Hosni appeared in. With no other image than those Hosni presented to the camera, without commentary nor voice other than her own and those of her partners, this is, in short, Soad Hosni by herself. But here the actress is an ideal vehicle for circulating between imagination and reality, and her cinema, more than a dream factory, is a revelation. If the three chapters are presented as ‘‘three disappearances », it is because Rania Stephan takes us on a triple journey : firstly into the recent history of the Egyptian cinema ; secondly into what transpires of the country’s social and political history, in the era from Nasser to Mubarak ; and thirdly into the evolution of the place and image of women. There is nothing abstract however, as Soad Hosni’s body fills the screen with her glory, and her films, which are mostly VHS copies, in tactile and worn material, feed this beautiful meditation with all the embodiment needed to maintain the presence of her remarkable melancholy.
Nicolas Feodoroff (FIDMARSEILLE 2011)
LES TROIS DISPARITIONS DE SOAD HOSNI’The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni)
Dir: Rania Stephan
LEBANON, 2011, Colour and B&W, VHS, 70′
Original version: Arabic
Subtitles: French
Music, photography, sound and editing: Rania Stephan
Production and distribution: Joun Films
RIDM 2011 – Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal 9>20 november 2011
* Selection « Contre-Courant »
* North America Premiere
* world premiere / first film competition / GNCR prize / media library prize / renaud victor prize〈=english
FIDLab 2009
In the foreground there is some dust on a threadbare tape worn, then an image vacillates, a sound crackles, the dreamy face of a woman finally appears and the murmur of the command : « Remember ! » is to be heard. Remember who? Soad Hosni : an adored icon of the Egyptian cinema, an actress in almost one hundred films who was born in Cairo in 1943 and who committed suicide in London in 2001. It is the life story of this star that Rania Stephan has chosen to tell for her first feature film. A biopic then, but, given that Rania Stephan is also a renowned film editor, it is created solely from bits of films Hosni appeared in. With no other image than those Hosni presented to the camera, without commentary nor voice other than her own and those of her partners, this is, in short, Soad Hosni by herself. But here the actress is an ideal vehicle for circulating between imagination and reality, and her cinema, more than a dream factory, is a revelation. If the three chapters are presented as ‘‘three disappearances », it is because Rania Stephan takes us on a triple journey : firstly into the recent history of the Egyptian cinema ; secondly into what transpires of the country’s social and political history, in the era from Nasser to Mubarak ; and thirdly into the evolution of the place and image of women. There is nothing abstract however, as Soad Hosni’s body fills the screen with her glory, and her films, which are mostly VHS copies, in tactile and worn material, feed this beautiful meditation with all the embodiment needed to maintain the presence of her remarkable melancholy.
Nicolas Feodoroff (FIDMARSEILLE 2011)
LES TROIS DISPARITIONS DE SOAD HOSNI’The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni)
Dir: Rania Stephan
LEBANON, 2011, Colour and B&W, VHS, 70′
Original version: Arabic
Subtitles: French
Music, photography, sound and editing: Rania Stephan
Production and distribution: Joun Films
RIDM 2011 – Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal 9>20 november 2011
* Selection « Contre-Courant »
* North America Premiere
* world premiere / first film competition / GNCR prize / media library prize / renaud victor prize〈=english
FIDLab 2009
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