Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2012
Parfums d’Alger – عطور الجزأير

Pays concerné : Algérie
Support : 35 mm
Durée : 108 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
Site web :
Karima, une célèbre photographe qui vit à Paris depuis plusieurs années est obligée de rentrer à Alger, après un coup d’appel de sa mère car la santé de son père tyrannique décline dangereusement. Ce retour forcé va réveiller en elle les cicatrices et les fantômes d’un passé refoulé surtout lorsqu’elle apprend que son frère s’est affilié à un groupe armé.
Un film de Rachid Benhadj
2013, Algérie, 1h48, Drama
avec Monica Guerritore, Adel Djafri, Chafia Boudraa, Sid Ahmed Agoumi, Rym Takoucht, M’hamed Benguettaf, Ahmad Bin Aissa, Luca Lazzereschi, Youcef Meziani, Adila Bendimered.
Image : Vittorio Storaro (celui qui a fait celle d’APOCALYPSE NOW)
Réalisateur : Rachid Benhadj
Pays : Algérie
Année : 2012
Durée : 1h48 minutes
Format : 35mm
Scénario: Rachid Benhadj
Photo : Vittorio Storaro
Son : Kamal Maxar
Montage : Francesca Barassy
Musique: Said Bochloch
Production : Agence Algérienne pour le Rayonnement culturel (AARC) & Net Diffusion.
Acteurs :
Monica Guerritore, Adel Djafri (ou Abel Jafri), Chafia Boudraa, Sid Ahmed Agoumi, Rym Takoucht, M’hamed Benguettaf, Ahmad Bin Aissa (ou Ahmed Benaïssa), Luca Lazzereschi, Youcef Meziani, Adila Bendimered
Un film de Rachid Benhadj
2013, Algérie, 1h48, Drama
avec Monica Guerritore, Adel Djafri, Chafia Boudraa, Sid Ahmed Agoumi, Rym Takoucht, M’hamed Benguettaf, Ahmad Bin Aissa, Luca Lazzereschi, Youcef Meziani, Adila Bendimered.
Image : Vittorio Storaro (celui qui a fait celle d’APOCALYPSE NOW)
Parfums d’Alger from Africiné on Vimeo.
Réalisateur : Rachid Benhadj
Pays : Algérie
Année : 2012
Durée : 1h48 minutes
Format : 35mm
Scénario: Rachid Benhadj
Photo : Vittorio Storaro
Son : Kamal Maxar
Montage : Francesca Barassy
Musique: Said Bochloch
Production : Agence Algérienne pour le Rayonnement culturel (AARC) & Net Diffusion.
Acteurs :
Monica Guerritore, Adel Djafri (ou Abel Jafri), Chafia Boudraa, Sid Ahmed Agoumi, Rym Takoucht, M’hamed Benguettaf, Ahmad Bin Aissa (ou Ahmed Benaïssa), Luca Lazzereschi, Youcef Meziani, Adila Bendimered
Perfumes of Algiers
Karima, a famous Algerian photographer living in Paris since many years, is forced to come back to Algiers in a hurry to attend to the agony of the old patriarch, against which she had rebelled twenty years ago and cut off all contacts with.
The forced come back among those who saw her birth and growing up and loved her, the family she left to escaped her father’s oppression, will awaken the ghosts of a repressed past. During these twenty years of exile in France, Karima did her possible to put aside her past and plunge into a reality of a world which was not hers. But which enabled her to survive without a memory.
While she thought that she had finally exorcised this memory, that she had reduced to silence, she found herself remembering again. Every place, every object make her remember spontaneously the scars of the past.
In the house of Algiers, she breaths again air and fragrances of the past, Karima finds that the music of memories is not always cheerful, often melancholic, sometimes even funeral, because the drama that pushed her into exile and cut ties with her family, took place there in that house with the fragrant gardens.
Once again, for Karima it is the time for settlement of accounts. Nothing is more falsely calm that the places she loved, more deceiving than the intoxicating fragrances of Algiers
A film by Rachid Benhadj
Algeria, 2013, Feature Narrative, 1hr48mins, Drama
starring Monica Guerritore, Adel Djafri, Chafia Boudraa, Sid Ahmed Agoumi, Rym Takoucht, M’hamed Benguettaf, Ahmad Bin Aissa, Luca Lazzereschi, Youcef Meziani, Adila Bendimered
Country: ALGERIA
Year: 2012
Running time: 108 min
Film type: Feature Narrative
Genre: Drama
Format: 35mm
Director: Rachid Benhadj
Script: Rachid Benhadj
DOP: Vittorio Storaro
Sound: Kamal Maxar
Editing: Francesca Barassy
Music: Said Bochloch
Production: Agence Algérienne pour le Rayonnement culturel (AARC) & Net Diffusion
Film website:
The forced come back among those who saw her birth and growing up and loved her, the family she left to escaped her father’s oppression, will awaken the ghosts of a repressed past. During these twenty years of exile in France, Karima did her possible to put aside her past and plunge into a reality of a world which was not hers. But which enabled her to survive without a memory.
While she thought that she had finally exorcised this memory, that she had reduced to silence, she found herself remembering again. Every place, every object make her remember spontaneously the scars of the past.
In the house of Algiers, she breaths again air and fragrances of the past, Karima finds that the music of memories is not always cheerful, often melancholic, sometimes even funeral, because the drama that pushed her into exile and cut ties with her family, took place there in that house with the fragrant gardens.
Once again, for Karima it is the time for settlement of accounts. Nothing is more falsely calm that the places she loved, more deceiving than the intoxicating fragrances of Algiers
A film by Rachid Benhadj
Algeria, 2013, Feature Narrative, 1hr48mins, Drama
starring Monica Guerritore, Adel Djafri, Chafia Boudraa, Sid Ahmed Agoumi, Rym Takoucht, M’hamed Benguettaf, Ahmad Bin Aissa, Luca Lazzereschi, Youcef Meziani, Adila Bendimered
Country: ALGERIA
Year: 2012
Running time: 108 min
Film type: Feature Narrative
Genre: Drama
Format: 35mm
Director: Rachid Benhadj
Script: Rachid Benhadj
DOP: Vittorio Storaro
Sound: Kamal Maxar
Editing: Francesca Barassy
Music: Said Bochloch
Production: Agence Algérienne pour le Rayonnement culturel (AARC) & Net Diffusion
Film website:
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