Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2013
White Shadow

Date de sortie en France : 11/03/2015
Pays concerné : Tanzanie
Durée : 117 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
Site web :
Les albinos font l’objet de superstitions et d’attaques en Tanzanie où les sorciers guérisseurs paient des sommes astronomiques pour utiliser des parties de leur corps dans leurs potions magiques. De 2008 à 2010, plus de 200 meurtres liés à la sorcellerie ont été répertoriés. Selon une expression locale « Les albinos ne meurent pas, ils disparaissent. »
Dans ce film tourmenté, on suit le destin d’Alias, un jeune garçon albinos en fuite après la mort de son père tué à coups de machette. Arrivé en ville, il s’improvise vendeur de lunettes de soleil mais va rapidement se trouver à nouveau exclu et poursuivi pour sa particularité physique.
Noaz Deshe fait preuve de singularité dans sa manière de suivre son protagoniste, liant les plans les uns aux autres avec une grâce aérienne, nous mettant la tête à l’endroit puis à l’envers, jouant avec les ombres et la lumière dans ce qu’elles offrent de plus contrasté. Dans ce film visuellement très frappant, dont la forme accentue encore la réalité horrifiante du propos, on hallucine plus qu’on ne suit le parcours cauchemardesque du garçon.
Tanzanie/DE/IT, 2013, Fiction, 1h57′, DCP, vo st ang
Via Giovanni Nicotera 24
00195 Rome, Italie
Tél. +39 06 3211960
Fax +39 06 32505910
[email protected]
Chodowieckistr. 11
10405 Berlin, Allemagne
Tél : +49 30 8937 8081
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[email protected]
Premium Films / France / T + 33 1 42 77 06 39 / [email protected] /
2014 | Black Movie – Festival International de Films indépendants, Genève, Suisse | 17 > 26 janvier 2014
* Sélection – Le choix des maîtres (La carte blanche à Amat Escalante, réalisateur mexicain, Prix de la mise en scène à Cannes 2013).
* Projection : Spoutnik – 21.01.2014 – 20h30
* Projection : Spoutnik – 23.01.2014 – 18h00
* Projection : Spoutnik – 24.01.2014 – 20h30
Dans ce film tourmenté, on suit le destin d’Alias, un jeune garçon albinos en fuite après la mort de son père tué à coups de machette. Arrivé en ville, il s’improvise vendeur de lunettes de soleil mais va rapidement se trouver à nouveau exclu et poursuivi pour sa particularité physique.
Noaz Deshe fait preuve de singularité dans sa manière de suivre son protagoniste, liant les plans les uns aux autres avec une grâce aérienne, nous mettant la tête à l’endroit puis à l’envers, jouant avec les ombres et la lumière dans ce qu’elles offrent de plus contrasté. Dans ce film visuellement très frappant, dont la forme accentue encore la réalité horrifiante du propos, on hallucine plus qu’on ne suit le parcours cauchemardesque du garçon.
Tanzanie/DE/IT, 2013, Fiction, 1h57′, DCP, vo st ang
Via Giovanni Nicotera 24
00195 Rome, Italie
Tél. +39 06 3211960
Fax +39 06 32505910
[email protected]
Chodowieckistr. 11
10405 Berlin, Allemagne
Tél : +49 30 8937 8081
[email protected]
[email protected]
Premium Films / France / T + 33 1 42 77 06 39 / [email protected] /
2014 | Black Movie – Festival International de Films indépendants, Genève, Suisse | 17 > 26 janvier 2014
* Sélection – Le choix des maîtres (La carte blanche à Amat Escalante, réalisateur mexicain, Prix de la mise en scène à Cannes 2013).
* Projection : Spoutnik – 21.01.2014 – 20h30
* Projection : Spoutnik – 23.01.2014 – 18h00
* Projection : Spoutnik – 24.01.2014 – 20h30
Since 2007 it has become known that Albinos in Tanzania, Congo and Kenya have become a commodity – human targets of a lucrative and sinister trade.
Witch doctors offer thousands of dollars for albino body parts which are believed to bring good fortune, prosperity and the ability to cure any illness. As a result, Tanzanian albinos, including children, have been murdered by gangs of men who hack off arms, legs or genitals. Some will pay from 0 to 00 for an albino limb while the average annual income in Tanzania is 2. There is a saying in East Africa, « Albinos don’t die, they just disappear ». Seventy-three such documented killings have occurred in the past two years as well as hundreds of unreported attacks since 2007.
WHITE SHADOW is the story of Alias, a young albino boy on the run. After witnessing his father’s murder, his mother sends him away to find refuge in the city. He’s brought to the care of his uncle, Kosmos, a truck driver struggling with a few small businesses. In the city, Alias is a quick learner, selling sunglasses, DVDs and mobile phones. He is fond of his uncle’s daughter, Antoinette, although his uncle disapproves. Gradually the city becomes no different than the bush and wherever Alias travels the same rules of survival apply.
a film by Noaz Deshe
Hamisi Bazili > ALIAS
James Gayo > KOSMOS
Glory Mbayuwayu > ANTOINETTE
Salum Abdallah > SALUM
Tito D. Ntanga > FATHER
Riziki Ally > MOTHER
James P. Salala > ADIN
John S. Mwakipunda > ANULLA
« While preparing to teach in Dar Es Salaam, I learned about the hunting of Albinos in East Africa. I decided a film must be made: a real chronicle of a young person with a price on his head. A person who has to urgently become aware of his own condition against events that can end his life. In a certain circumstance, you can witness what it feels to be a beast. to react, to be alert to your utmost ability. You must accept the solitude of your dreams as your friend and as a form of survival. The details of the plot should be only what the character is able to understand and piece together, the politics and cultural information should be delivered in a sensory form. To make the film work we needed to be small, local and quick-moving, making sure everyone was safe and brave. »
Noaz Deshe
a Asmara Films, Shadoworks and Mocajo Film production
in coproduction with
Chromosom Filmproduktion, French Exit, Phantasma Films, Real2Reel
with the support of
Nipkow Programme, Goethe-Institut Tanzania, Alliance Française Dar es Salaam
Directed by Noaz Deshe
Ginevra Elkann, Noaz Deshe, Francesco Melzi d’Eril
Alexander Wadouh, Matthias Luthardt, Babak Jalali
Executive Producers
Ryan Gosling, Stefano Gallini-Durante
Associate Producers Matteo Ceccarini, Eva Riccobono, Luigi De Vecchi, Depart Foundation, Andreas Hommelsheim
Written by Noaz Deshe and James Masson
Directors of Photography
Armin Dierolf, Noaz Deshe
2nd camera
Nassos Chatzopoulos
Noaz Deshe, Xavier Box, Robin Hill, Nico Leunen
Music by James Masson, Noaz Deshe
Production Design
Smith Kimaro, Deepesh Shapriya
Sandra Leutert, Caren Miesenberger
Sandra Leutert
Sound Recording
Elie Chansa
Sound Design
Niklas Kammertöns
Supervising Sound Editing
Thomas Wallmann
Re-recording Mixer
Lars Ginzel
VFX Supervisor
Rudolf Germann
Line Producers
Vanessa Ciszewski, Francesca Zanza
Production Manager
Katja Lebedjewa
Production Coordinators
Malek Malekela, Nassos Chatzopoulos
Assistant Directors
Ilan Cohen, Smith Kimaro, Nassos Chatzopoulos
Location Manager
Hashim Y. Rubanza
Hashim Y. Rubanza, Matthias Luthardt
Elie Chansa, Aika Kirei, Smith Kimaro
Via Giovanni Nicotera 24
00195 Rome
Ph. +39 06 3211960
Fax +39 06 32505910
[email protected]
Chodowieckistr. 11
10405 Berlin
Ph: +49 30 8937 8081
[email protected]
[email protected]
Premium Films / France / T + 33 1 42 77 06 39 / [email protected] /
R: Noaz Deshe
Italien / Deutschland / Tansania, 2013, Kinospielfilm, 115 Minuten,
Witch doctors offer thousands of dollars for albino body parts which are believed to bring good fortune, prosperity and the ability to cure any illness. As a result, Tanzanian albinos, including children, have been murdered by gangs of men who hack off arms, legs or genitals. Some will pay from 0 to 00 for an albino limb while the average annual income in Tanzania is 2. There is a saying in East Africa, « Albinos don’t die, they just disappear ». Seventy-three such documented killings have occurred in the past two years as well as hundreds of unreported attacks since 2007.
WHITE SHADOW is the story of Alias, a young albino boy on the run. After witnessing his father’s murder, his mother sends him away to find refuge in the city. He’s brought to the care of his uncle, Kosmos, a truck driver struggling with a few small businesses. In the city, Alias is a quick learner, selling sunglasses, DVDs and mobile phones. He is fond of his uncle’s daughter, Antoinette, although his uncle disapproves. Gradually the city becomes no different than the bush and wherever Alias travels the same rules of survival apply.
a film by Noaz Deshe
Hamisi Bazili > ALIAS
James Gayo > KOSMOS
Glory Mbayuwayu > ANTOINETTE
Salum Abdallah > SALUM
Tito D. Ntanga > FATHER
Riziki Ally > MOTHER
James P. Salala > ADIN
John S. Mwakipunda > ANULLA
« While preparing to teach in Dar Es Salaam, I learned about the hunting of Albinos in East Africa. I decided a film must be made: a real chronicle of a young person with a price on his head. A person who has to urgently become aware of his own condition against events that can end his life. In a certain circumstance, you can witness what it feels to be a beast. to react, to be alert to your utmost ability. You must accept the solitude of your dreams as your friend and as a form of survival. The details of the plot should be only what the character is able to understand and piece together, the politics and cultural information should be delivered in a sensory form. To make the film work we needed to be small, local and quick-moving, making sure everyone was safe and brave. »
Noaz Deshe
a Asmara Films, Shadoworks and Mocajo Film production
in coproduction with
Chromosom Filmproduktion, French Exit, Phantasma Films, Real2Reel
with the support of
Nipkow Programme, Goethe-Institut Tanzania, Alliance Française Dar es Salaam
Directed by Noaz Deshe
Ginevra Elkann, Noaz Deshe, Francesco Melzi d’Eril
Alexander Wadouh, Matthias Luthardt, Babak Jalali
Executive Producers
Ryan Gosling, Stefano Gallini-Durante
Associate Producers Matteo Ceccarini, Eva Riccobono, Luigi De Vecchi, Depart Foundation, Andreas Hommelsheim
Written by Noaz Deshe and James Masson
Directors of Photography
Armin Dierolf, Noaz Deshe
2nd camera
Nassos Chatzopoulos
Noaz Deshe, Xavier Box, Robin Hill, Nico Leunen
Music by James Masson, Noaz Deshe
Production Design
Smith Kimaro, Deepesh Shapriya
Sandra Leutert, Caren Miesenberger
Sandra Leutert
Sound Recording
Elie Chansa
Sound Design
Niklas Kammertöns
Supervising Sound Editing
Thomas Wallmann
Re-recording Mixer
Lars Ginzel
VFX Supervisor
Rudolf Germann
Line Producers
Vanessa Ciszewski, Francesca Zanza
Production Manager
Katja Lebedjewa
Production Coordinators
Malek Malekela, Nassos Chatzopoulos
Assistant Directors
Ilan Cohen, Smith Kimaro, Nassos Chatzopoulos
Location Manager
Hashim Y. Rubanza
Hashim Y. Rubanza, Matthias Luthardt
Elie Chansa, Aika Kirei, Smith Kimaro
Via Giovanni Nicotera 24
00195 Rome
Ph. +39 06 3211960
Fax +39 06 32505910
[email protected]
Chodowieckistr. 11
10405 Berlin
Ph: +49 30 8937 8081
[email protected]
[email protected]
Premium Films / France / T + 33 1 42 77 06 39 / [email protected] /
R: Noaz Deshe
Italien / Deutschland / Tansania, 2013, Kinospielfilm, 115 Minuten,
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