Fiche Film
MOYEN Métrage | 2007
Beys de Tunis, une monarchie dans la tourmente coloniale (Les)

Pays concerné : Tunisie
Support : DigiBeta
Durée : 52 minutes
Genre : historique
Type : documentaire
De Hussein 1er le fondateur à Lamine Bey "le monarque démocratique", en passant par Ahmed Pacha qui abolit l'esclavage en 1846 (deux ans avant la France et dix-neuf avant les USA) et surtout par Moncef Bey le souverain nationaliste mort en déportation, ce documentaire réécrit quelques-unes des pages prestigieuses de la dynastie des "BEYS DE TUNIS" qui régnèrent sur la Tunisie pendant deux siècles et demi. Le film retrace également les heures sombres de cette monarchie féodale faites de complots sanglants, d'injustices et de corruption. La pire d'entre elles fut celle qui vit l'entrée en 1881 des troupes françaises en Tunisie. Pris par "LA TOURMENTE COLONIALE" les Beys perdront tout crédit aux yeux de leurs sujets et leur "trahison" entachera pour longtemps leur honneur et leur loyauté. Il faudra attendre la montée sur le trône en 1942 de Moncef Bey pour que la monarchie retrouve quelque estime dans la population tunisienne. Confronté à la double occupation française et allemande, Moncef Bey défend avec patriotisme et détemination les intérêts de son peuple dont il réclame jusqu'à son dernier souffle l'émancipation. Le Prince Fayçal Bey, arrière-petit-fils du dernier Bey de Tunis, constituera le fil rouge du film. Auteur de "la dernière Odalisque", une histoire romancée de sa famille, son témoignage ajouté à celui des historiens et d'hommes politiques ayant connu la monarchie nous permettra de revivre les derniers jours des "BEYS DE TUNIS" dont l'histoire s'est achevée il y a cinquante ans par l'instauration de la République qui porta Habib Bourguiba au pouvoir.
2007 – 52mn | Réalisé par Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD | Produit par ALIF Productions
Durée : 52’
Genre : Documentaire
Thèmes : Histoire, monarchie, Tunisie
Année : 2007
Pays : Tunisie
Réalisateur : Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD
Scénariste : Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD
Format : Digital Beta
Production : Familia Productions / Alif Productions,
2007 – 52mn | Réalisé par Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD | Produit par ALIF Productions
Durée : 52’
Genre : Documentaire
Thèmes : Histoire, monarchie, Tunisie
Année : 2007
Pays : Tunisie
Réalisateur : Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD
Scénariste : Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD
Format : Digital Beta
Production : Familia Productions / Alif Productions,
Beys of Tunis, a monarchy in the colonial storm
Starting with Hussein the first, the Founder to Lamine Bey « the democratic monarch, » through to Ahmed Pacha who abolished slavery in 1846 (two years before France and nineteen years before the USA) and most of all with Moncef Bey, the nationalist sovereign who died in deportation, this documentary rewrites some of the prestigious chapters of the « BEYS OF TUNIS » dynasty, who ruled Tunisia for two and a half centuries.
The film also recounts the dark hours of this feudal monarchy, strewn with violent plots, injustice and corruption. The darkest of all came in 1881 with the arrival of the French occupation forces in Tunisia. Caught in « THE COLONIAL STORM, » the Beys then lost all credit in the eyes of their subjects and their honour and loyalty were marred by this « treason » for the longest time.
It was not until Moncef Bey acceded to the throne in 1942 that the monarchy regained a little esteem amongst the Tunisian population. Faced with the double French and German occupation, Moncef Bey defended with patriotism and determination his people’s interests, a people whose emancipation he called for until his last breath.
Prince Fayçal Bey, the great grandson of the last Bey of Tunis, is the common thread running through this film. Author of the « last Odalisque, » a fictionalised history of his family, his testimony, added to those of historians and politicians who lived under this monarchy, allows us to relive the last days of the « BEYS OF TUNIS, » whose history ended fifty years ago with the creation of the Republic, which brought Habib Bourguiba to power.
Written and directed by: Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD
Length: 52′
Format: Digital Béta 4/3
Production year: 2007
Coproduction: ALIF Productions – Familia Productions, TV5
Distribution: ALIF Productions
Available in French and International versions
The film also recounts the dark hours of this feudal monarchy, strewn with violent plots, injustice and corruption. The darkest of all came in 1881 with the arrival of the French occupation forces in Tunisia. Caught in « THE COLONIAL STORM, » the Beys then lost all credit in the eyes of their subjects and their honour and loyalty were marred by this « treason » for the longest time.
It was not until Moncef Bey acceded to the throne in 1942 that the monarchy regained a little esteem amongst the Tunisian population. Faced with the double French and German occupation, Moncef Bey defended with patriotism and determination his people’s interests, a people whose emancipation he called for until his last breath.
Prince Fayçal Bey, the great grandson of the last Bey of Tunis, is the common thread running through this film. Author of the « last Odalisque, » a fictionalised history of his family, his testimony, added to those of historians and politicians who lived under this monarchy, allows us to relive the last days of the « BEYS OF TUNIS, » whose history ended fifty years ago with the creation of the Republic, which brought Habib Bourguiba to power.
Written and directed by: Mahmoud BEN MAHMOUD
Length: 52′
Format: Digital Béta 4/3
Production year: 2007
Coproduction: ALIF Productions – Familia Productions, TV5
Distribution: ALIF Productions
Available in French and International versions
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