Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2003
Agadez Nomade FM
Date de sortie en France : 30/06/2004
Pays concerné : Niger
Durée : 75 minutes
Type : documentaire
Le temps s’écoule paisiblement dans la cour de Hamza, le tailleur, tandis que les femmes du quartier se réunissent pour travailler et pour causer. Le sultan convoque ses notables. Salamatou et Bachir, deux reporters de Radio Nomade, chassent les infos dans la ville. C’est ramadan et la religion est dans tous les esprits. Devant la grande mosquée, les hommes prient. Dans une école coranique des femmes se posent des questions. Des ruelles étroites, des maisons en terre, des cours animées. C’est Agadez, une cité dans le désert.
Super 16 mm – Couleur – France/Suisse/Niger – VOSTF – 75′
Réalisateurs : Christian Lelong, Pierre Mortimore
Image : Jean-Marc Bouzou –
Son : Fanny Lelong –
Montage : François Sculier
Super 16 mm – Couleur – France/Suisse/Niger – VOSTF – 75′
Réalisateurs : Christian Lelong, Pierre Mortimore
Image : Jean-Marc Bouzou –
Son : Fanny Lelong –
Montage : François Sculier
Radio Nomad FM is a local radio station serving the Nigerian desert city of Agadez, and some 50 km beyond. The station broadcasts cultural and educational programs and news. Quite popular with the locals, it has some influence on people. Contrary to the title, the main focus of the film is not the radio station, but the people and their stories. Agadez used to be a major trade center. Blacks, Tuaregs, nomads and sedentaries, Muslims and animists have always lived together more or less peacefully. The result is an open-minded city, and a self-conscious community. In Agadez, there is competition between conservatism and adaptation. There is tradition and there is change. The film explores people’s concerns related to social change, the role of women, religion, tradition and their relation to the modern world. The authors share with the viewer their personal experience in the process of getting to know the people of Agadez: « They seemed complete strangers to us at first, and then we found them to be quite close to us, having the same concerns as ourselves and our neighbours back home. Only the social rules are different. »
Director: Christian Lelong, Pierre Mortimore
Country: France/ Switzerland/ Niger
Year: 2003
Length: 75
Director: Christian Lelong, Pierre Mortimore
Country: France/ Switzerland/ Niger
Year: 2003
Length: 75
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