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Philippe Aractingi
Réalisateur/trice, Producteur/trice, Scénariste

Né en 1964 au Liban.
Réalisateur, scénariste et producteur libanais.
Réalisateur, scénariste et producteur libanais.
Philippe Aractingi – Writer, Director & Producer
Born in 1964, Philippe Aractingi left Lebanon at the age of 19, heading to London and then Paris with the set idea on becoming a director. Two years later, he returned to be hired by the Lebanese television network LBC. He made his first documentary, after which he produced the French-speaking TV program « Mosaic », and went on making documentaries and short films about the war, aired on Antenne 2, Canal + and Radio Canada. Once again fleeing the war, he returned to France where he worked on Envoyé Spécial, one of the country’s top-rating TV programs, as well as on films for France 3 and TF1. At the age of 28, he decided to pack his bags and travel around the world. He ended up making films for Discovery Channel, Learning Channel USA, BskyB in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Mongolia, South Africa, Sri-Lanka, among others. After 12 years spent abroad, Philippe returned to Lebanon to make BOSTA – the Autobus. To date, Philippe Aractingi has made over 40 documentary films. Award winner of the Carat Academy, he has participated in various international festivals, and gained many awards, including Grand Jury prize at the Film Festival of Beirut in 1997 for « The Dream of the Acrobat Child », and the Special Jury Prize at the Days of African and Creole Cinema in Montreal in 1995, as well as the Gold Medal of the Jeux de la Francophonie in Paris in 1994 for « Beirut, of stones and memories. » BOSTA (2005) is his first feature film. In 2007, he directed a second feature film: UNDER THE BOMBS / SOUS LES BOMBES.
Born in 1964, Philippe Aractingi left Lebanon at the age of 19, heading to London and then Paris with the set idea on becoming a director. Two years later, he returned to be hired by the Lebanese television network LBC. He made his first documentary, after which he produced the French-speaking TV program « Mosaic », and went on making documentaries and short films about the war, aired on Antenne 2, Canal + and Radio Canada. Once again fleeing the war, he returned to France where he worked on Envoyé Spécial, one of the country’s top-rating TV programs, as well as on films for France 3 and TF1. At the age of 28, he decided to pack his bags and travel around the world. He ended up making films for Discovery Channel, Learning Channel USA, BskyB in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Mongolia, South Africa, Sri-Lanka, among others. After 12 years spent abroad, Philippe returned to Lebanon to make BOSTA – the Autobus. To date, Philippe Aractingi has made over 40 documentary films. Award winner of the Carat Academy, he has participated in various international festivals, and gained many awards, including Grand Jury prize at the Film Festival of Beirut in 1997 for « The Dream of the Acrobat Child », and the Special Jury Prize at the Days of African and Creole Cinema in Montreal in 1995, as well as the Gold Medal of the Jeux de la Francophonie in Paris in 1994 for « Beirut, of stones and memories. » BOSTA (2005) is his first feature film. In 2007, he directed a second feature film: UNDER THE BOMBS / SOUS LES BOMBES.
Listen (projet en cours)Long-métrage – 2016Joud est un jeune ingénieur du son, doux et discret. Il pense pouvoir sauver sa fiancée qui est tombée dans un coma profond, en lui envoyant des messages sonores, car il sait qu’elle l&rsq…Philippe Aractingi est lié(e) à ce film en tant que réalisateur/trice
HéritagesLong-métrage – 2013Dans ce film qu'il qualifie de "roman autobiographique en images", Philippe Aractingi raconte son exil en France et son retour au Liban avec sa famille, le tout vu à travers ses propres yeux et ceux …Philippe Aractingi est lié(e) à ce film en tant que réalisateur/trice
Sous les bombes (Taht el Qasef)Long-métrage – 2007Sous les bombes, une femme cherche son fils. Un homme l’accompagne dans sa quête. Tout les sépare. Toni est chrétien et rêve de fuir à l’étranger. Libanaise chiite, Zeina s’était expatriée à Dubaï. Revenue au Liban pour …Philippe Aractingi est lié(e) à ce film en tant que réalisateur/trice
Autobus (bosta)Long-métrage – 2005De retour à Beyrouth après quinze ans d’exil en France, Kamal veut reconstituer la troupe de danse qu’il avait formée avec ses amis d’enfance. Mélangeant danse traditionnelle libanaise, dabké, et musique électronique, la…Philippe Aractingi est lié(e) à ce film en tant que réalisateur/trice
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