Archives mensuelles : avril, 2000


Context Donato Ndongo Bidjogo and other Equatorial Guinean writers’ involvement in the University of Columbia-Missouri’s cultural days featuring Hispano-American literature that was organised in the United States from 12-16 May…


In her book Siting Translation, Indian academic Tejaswini Niranjana takes a fresh look at accepted translation theory. She discusses the inequalities between languages, linguistic and cultural domination and the manipulative…


How would you describe the emergence of a post-colonial aesthetic? Adriano Mixinge outlines major trends in African sensitivity and logic using the idea of the crossing much cherished by Jean-Godefroy…


There were probably fewer theories about the sex of angels than there are versions and interpretations of postcolonialism in the Anglophone world. The origins of the term are, however, clear.…


The only French writer to have published work on postcolonial criticism as practiced in the Anglo-Saxon countries, Jean-Marc Moura gives a detailed explanation here of the interest it has, and…


How can postcolonial criticism be satisfactorily applied to contemporary writers who precisely try to avoid being put into categories? There are so many ambiguities involved…


« A piece of wood in the water will never turn into a cayman ». proverb cited in Djeli, conte d’aujourd’hui, a film by Fadika Kramo-Lanciné (Côte d’Ivoire, 1981Cultural Studies, Gender Studies,…


Tana cultures 2000, conçu et coordonné par Geneviève Brunet, éditions Tsipika/Cite, 108 pages, 70.000 Fmg (environ 70 FF) Antananarivo, ville de cultures : les touristes l’ignorent, qui ne font qu’y passer,…


Rokia Traoré, Wanita (Label bleu)**** En 1998, la Malienne Rokia Traoré sortait son premier album, Mouneïssa. Le public découvrait alors une jeune chanteuse prometteuse au style atypique. Aujourd’hui, avec Wanita,…


Récemment créé à Abidjan et présenté en France ce mois-ci, ce ballet en gestation a de quoi emballer ceux qui rêvent d’une danse à la fois inventive, traditionnelle et universelle.


Ecrit en 1952, à l’âge de 28 ans, le premier roman brillant de James Baldwin, La Conversion, est republié en français dans une nouvelle traduction remarquable.

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